<br /> ful� af alI surr�s se�ured by th�s S�curity Ynstrument. Hawever, this apt�on sha�l nat be exer�ised by Lender �f
<br /> e�erc�s�is pr��irbi�ed by federal�av�as of the date of th�s Se�ur�ty�nstrument.
<br /> �f Lender exercis�s th�s op�ion, L�nder shal.l gi�e B�rrower notice of a�ce��ra�ion. The no�i�e shal� prav�de a
<br /> p�r�od of n�t less than �he minimum numbe� of days es�abizshed �y App�icabie Law from the date �he na���e zs
<br /> d�l�vered or r�:�aiied wi�hin which Barrower mus� pay a1� sums secured �y �his Security Ins�rumen�. �f B�rrower
<br /> fa��s �� pay �h�se sums priflr t� the expiration of this periad, Lender may �m�ok� any remedies permit�ed by thzs
<br /> Secur��y�nstrum.�n�without furth�r notice�r�demand on Borrov�er.
<br /> �orrawer's R,�ght t� Reinsta�e. �f Barrawer m���s cer�ain c�nditions, Bflrrower shall ha�e the right to have
<br /> enf�rcement of this Security �nstrumen� discon�inued at any�ime pr�or to the ear�ier of: �a� 5 days �or such o�her
<br /> p�riod as App�icable Law may specify for r��nstatemen��before sale of�he Proper�y pursuant ta any p�wer of sale
<br /> contain�d in �his Security Instrumen�; �r ��� entry of a judgmen� enfarcing �h�s Secur�ty Instrument. Those
<br /> �ond���ans are that Borrower: �a� pays Lend�r a�� sums whi�h then v�ould be due under this Secur�ty �nstrum�nt
<br /> and the�ontract as if no acceleration had o�curred; �b}cures any default of any oth�r c�venants ar agreements;�c}
<br /> p�ys a11 expenses�ncurred�n�nforcing�h�s S�curi�y�nstrumen�, including,but not l�mi�ed�o,reasonab�e attorneys'
<br /> fees to the ex�en�permitted by �aw; and�d��akes such ac�ion as Lend�r may reasonably requ�re to assure that the
<br /> lien of this Secur�ty�nstru.men�, Len�er's rig�ts in�he Property and Borr�wer's ab�iga��on�o pay th� sums secured
<br /> b��his Securi�y znstrumen� shal� c�ntinue urnchanged. Upon reins�atemen�by Borr�v�er, this Security �nstrument
<br /> and the o�Xigatzons secured hereby shall remain ful�y effective as if no a�cel�ratian had occurr�d. Hawe�er, �h�s
<br /> r�ght to reinsta�te sha�l not apply in�he�ase oiF acce�eratxtin under�h�se���on tx��ed Transfer of the Pr�p�rty�r a
<br /> Senef�cial In��rest in Barrower.
<br /> �Ia�ardvus Substances.Borrawer shall na��ause or permi��he presence,use, dxspasa�, s��rage, or re��ase of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances�n�r in the Pr�perfiy.Borr�wer sha��no�d�,nor a�low�yon�e�se�o do,a.nyth�ng affec��ng
<br /> the Froperty that �s in v�o�ation �f any Environmen�a� Law. The preceding tvvo sentences sha11 not apply to the
<br /> presenc�,use,�r s�arage on�he Proper�of sma�l quan�ities of Hazardous Substances tha�are generally recognized
<br /> �o be appropr�ate to normal res�den�ial uses and�o main�enance of�he Proper�y.
<br /> Borro�ver shall promp�Iy give Lender wrxt�en no�ice of any�nves��gation,claim, demand, lawsu��or a�her ac�ion by
<br /> any go�ernmen�al or regu�a�ory agency ar pr�vate par�y in�olving �he Property and any Hazardous Substance or
<br /> Envirflnmenta� Law of which Borrov��r h�.s a�tua� knowledge. If Borrower learns, or �s notif�d by any
<br /> go�ernmen�al or regula�ory author�ty,tha�an�r remo�a�or other remediat�on�f any�azardous Subs�ance affect�ng
<br /> th� ProperCy is necessary, Borrower shall promptZy take a�l necessary reme�ial actions in accardance w�th
<br /> Env�ronmental Law.
<br /> As used �n�h�s paragraph, "�Iazardaus Substances" are�hos� su�stanc�s defin�d as toxic ar hazardous substances
<br /> by En��ronmex��al Law and the follovving substances: gaso�ine, �erasene, other flammable or toxic petraleum
<br /> products, tox�c pest�crdes and herb�c�des, volati�e saXven�s, materials �an�ainin� asb�st�s ar forma�dehyd�, and
<br /> r�.diflac����materia�s. As used in this paragraph, "En��r�n�nen�al Law"means fed�ra��aws and Iaws of the stat�of
<br /> Nebraska�hat re�ate��hea��h, saf�ty or�nv�ranmentai protec�ion.
<br /> . Acce�eration; Remedie�. Lender shall give notice to �3orrower pr�flr to ac�eZeratian fo�lov�ing Borrower's
<br /> b�ea�h of any�o�enant or agreemQnt in �his Securxty Ins�rument or the�ontract under which acceZera�ion
<br /> Ys p�rm�tted �bu�not prior to accelera��on under the se���vn titled Transf�r�f the Property or a Bene�ciaZ
<br /> Interest in B�rrovver, un�ess Applica�le Law prvv�des o�herw�se3. The �oti��sha�� spe�ify: �a] the defau�t;
<br /> �b} the action required ta cure the default; (�� a date, not less than the minimum number of days
<br /> �stab�ish�d by Applicab�e Law fr�m the date the notxce�s gi�en to Bflrr�v�er, by which the default mus�be
<br /> �ured; and �d3 that failure t� cure the de�'ault �n or before the da�e spe���ed �n the �otice may result in
<br /> a�ce�eration af the sums �ecured by this Se�urity Instrument and sale of th� Property. To the extent
<br /> p�rmi��ed by �.aw, the not�ce sha�l further inform Borr�wer of the right �� reins�ate after acce�e�ativn and
<br /> the right ta bring a�ourt action to assert�l�e non-exis��n�e of a default�r any other defense of BQrrower�o
<br /> a�celeration and sale, If�he default �s not�cured an or�ef�re the date sp�cified in the n�t�ce, Lender a� �ts
<br /> op��on may requ�re immediate payment in ful� of ai� sums secured by this Security I�strument wi�hout
<br /> further demand and may �nvoke �he pow�r of sa�e and any other remedies peranitted b� App�icable Law.
<br /> T� �he extent permitted by �aw, Lend�r shail be ent�tled �v coliect alI e�penses �ncurred �n pursuing th�
<br /> remedies prov�ded in th�s Sec�ion, xncluding,bu� not Iim�ted �a, reasonab��attorney5� fees and c�sts of title
<br /> e��dence.
<br /> If the power of sale i5 in�oked, TruStee sh�l� recvrd a notice of default�n ea�h c�unty �n which any part nf
<br /> �he Property i� �ocated and sha�� mai� capi�s vf su�h nvtice in the manner prescrib�d by Appli�able Law to
<br /> I3�rrflwer and to �he other persans pres�r�bed lby Applicab�e Law. After �he time required by Appiicable
<br /> L�w, Trustee shaX� give pub�ic natice of saie to the person� and �n �he manner preSCr�bed by A.ppli�able
<br /> Lavv. Trustee,w�thout demand �n Borrow+er,sha1X sell the Property at pub��c au�t�on �� �he h�ghest bidder
<br /> at the time and pla�e and under the�erms des�gr�ated�n the not�ce flf sa���n one or more parce�s and in any
<br /> order Tru�te� determines. Trustee may �o�tpone sale of alI or any par�e� of the Property by pub�ic
<br /> announ�emen�a�the time and place of any pr�vi�us�y�cheduled sa�e.Lender or its design�e may purchase
<br /> �he Property a�any sale.
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shal� del�ver tfl the purchaser Trustee's deed evnveying
<br /> the Property. The recita�5 in the Trus�ee's deed shall be prima fa��e eWidence of�he truth of the�tatement�
<br /> made �herein. Trustee shall appiy the pr�oceeds of the saYe in the f�llo�ving �rder: (a] tv al� costs and
<br /> expenses of exer�ising the power of sale, a�nd th� sale, inciuding the payment of the Tru�tee's fees a�tually
<br /> Q 2�44-2�l3 C4mp�iance Systems,Inc.9F96-BD 1D-2413L2.0.72 l
<br /> Consumer Rea�Estate-Security Instrument i]L2D3d Pa�e 4�f 5 www.compliancesystems.�am
<br />