<br /> A�pplicabie Law. As used �n �hxs Security �ns�rument, �he tenn "Applicab�e Law" shall mean a�� control�ixa.g
<br /> applicable fed�ral, s�a�e and �aca� s�a�u.�es, regulat�ons, ordinances and adm�n�strat��e rules and orders ��hat have
<br /> the effect of la�r�as vve��as al�app�icable final,n�n-appealab�e�udicial oprnions.
<br /> �harges; Liens. Borrov�er shal� pay a�� �a��s, assessm�n�s, �harges, fines and imp�s��ions attributable to the
<br /> Proper�y whiGh may a�ta�n pr�orxty o�er�h�s Se�urity Instrum�nt, and leasehald paymen�s �r grflund rents, if any.
<br /> ,P���he request{of Lender,Borrav�er shall pr�rx�ptly furnish to Lender rece�pts e�ridencing�h�payments.
<br /> Borrov�er shal� promp�ly discharge any �ien�vhich has priorx�y o�er th�s Securifiy �ns�rumen�unless Borrower: �a}
<br /> agrees �n wr���ng to the payment of the ���iga�ian secur�d by the Iien in a manner acceptabXe �o Lender; �b}
<br /> c�ntests in good faith the �ien �y, or defends aga�nst enforcemen� of�the lien �n, Iegal proceedings vsrh�ch xn �he
<br /> Lender's op���n opera�e to preven� �he enf�rcement of the ��en; or �c} se��ar�s fr�m �he ho�der of the l�en an
<br /> agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinatimg�he Iien�o this Security�nstrum�en�. If Lender de�erm�n�s�hat any
<br /> p�r�of the Fraperfiy is sub�e�t to a Iien wh�ch may a�tain priarit� o�er�his S��ur��y Instrument, L�nder may give
<br /> Borrower a notice iden�ifying the Iien. Borrower sha1� sa�isfy the �ien or take �ne or more of the ac�ions se� for�h
<br /> above wrthin 1�days�f�he gi�ing af notice.
<br /> �Iazard or Pr�vperty Insurance. Borrflv�er sha�I keep the �mprovements naw ex�s�ing or her�after er�cted on the
<br /> Proper�y�nsured against�oss by f re,hazards included within the�erm"extended caverage" and any��h.er hazards,
<br /> �nc�ud�.g floa�ls flr f�o�ding, for whi�h Lender requ�res insurance. Thrs insurance sha�l be ma�ntarned �n the
<br /> amouzz�s and fflr the perxods�hat Lender requires. The insurance carrier providing the insurance sha�I be�hosen by
<br /> Borrawer subj ect to Lender's approval which shal� no� �be unreasonably �vz�hhe�d. �f Borrawer faz�s �o mazntai.n
<br /> c��erage des��ibed above, Lender ma}�, at Lender's op�ian, obtain ca�erage �� prote�t Lender`s righ�s in the
<br /> Praper�y�n accordance w��h section ti�led Prot�ct�on vf Lender's Rights in the Proper�y.
<br /> A�� �nsurance polic�es and renevva�s sha1l be acceptable ta L�nder and sha�� include a s�andard mflr�gage clause.
<br /> L�nder shall ha�e�he righ�to ha�d the palici�s and renewa�s. �f Lender requir�s, B�rro�ver sha�l promp�Iy give�o
<br /> Lender all re�eipts�f paid premiums and renewa�notices. �n the even�of�oss9 Borrower shal�give prompt n���ce
<br /> �o�he insuranc�carrier and Lender.Lender n�ay make proof of loss if nafi mad�promp�Iy by Borr�wer,
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrovver otherwise agrPe in wr�ting, insurance proceeds sha�l be applied ta restoration or
<br /> repa�r of the Proper�y damaged, �f, in L�nd�r's sale drscretian, �he res�orat�an ar repa�r �s ec�nomically feasi��e
<br /> and Lender's s�curity is n�t Iessened. �f, in Lender's s��e d�scr��ion, the r�sto�a�ion or r�pa�r is no� economi�ally
<br /> feas�ble or Lender's security v�ouXd be lessened,the�nsurance proceeds shall b�app���d�o�he surns secur�d by thrs
<br /> S�curity �nstr�ment, v�hether �r not �hen due, �nri�h any excess paid �o Barrower. If Borrower abandons the
<br /> Property,ar d�es no�answer�vithin�h�num�er of days prescribed by Applica�le Law as set for�h in a n���c�fr�m
<br /> Lender�o B�rrawer�ha��he insurance carr�er has �ffered�o set�Ie a�la�m, then Lender may c�I�ect th� insurance
<br /> praceeds. Lender may use the pra�eeds �o r�pair or restare the Property or to pay sums secured by th�s Security
<br /> Instrumen�,wh��her or not then due.The per�r�d of t�me for Borrov��r�o answer as se�for�h�n�he notice wi�l begin
<br /> vt�hen�h�notic�is gz��n.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borr��er otherwxse agre� �n wr���ng, any app��ca��on of pr�ceeds�o pr�ncipa� shal�not extend
<br /> or postp�ne�h� due date of the pa�ments due under the Contrac�or change the amount of the paymen�s. �f und�r
<br /> �he sec�ion�itled Accelera�ion; Remedies, the Praperry �s a�quired by Lend�r, Barrower's r�gh�to any insuranc�
<br /> polic�es and proceeds r�su��ing from damage ta �he Proper�y pr�or to �he acqurs���on shall pass to L��der �o the
<br /> ex�en�of�he sums secur�d by this Secur��y�n�trument im�media�ely pr�ar�o�he acquxs��ion.
<br /> Preserva��on, �Via�ntenance and Prot��tion af the Property; Borrower's Loan App�ication; L,easeholds.
<br /> Borrower shall not destray, damage or impair the Pro�erry, al�ow the Proper�y to deterrorate, or comm�t was�e on
<br /> the Prop�rty.Barrower shall be�n default if any forfe��ure ac�ian�r praceeding,whether crvil or criminal,�s begun
<br /> that in Lender's gaod fai�h�udgment c�uld r�sult in. forfei�ure of the Prop�r�y ar o�herwise materia�Iy impair the
<br /> l��n �rea�ed �� �his 5ecur�ty Instrument or Lender's se�ur��y interes�. Borrawer may cure su�h a default and
<br /> reinstate, as pr��xd�d in se���on�i��ed Borra�,�ver's Right to Reinsta�e, by causing�he acti�n or proc��d�ng to be
<br /> dismissed wr�h a ru�ing that, in L�nder's good faith d�terminati�n,precludes fflrfe�ture af�he Bflrr��ver's interes��n
<br /> the Property o.r ather material �mpa�rment af�he l�en cr�ated by this Secur�ty �nstru.men� �r L�nder's securxty
<br /> inter�st.Borro�ver sha��a�sn�e in defaui��f Borrower,during the loan applica.ti�n pro�ess,ga�e materra��y false flr
<br /> inaccura�e �nforma�ion �r statemen�s ta Len�ler ��r failed to pravide Lender wx�h any ma�er�al informa�ron} �n
<br /> c�nn�c�ion wi�h�he loan e�idenced�y�he Con�ract. �f this Secur�ty �nstrumer�� is an a�easeho�d, Borrower shal�
<br /> camp�y�vith al�the pro��si�ns of the�ease. If Bnrr�wer acquires fe��i�le�o th�Praperty,the leaseha�d and�he fee
<br /> txt�e sha�I not rr�erge unless Lender agrees to the merger in wr��i.ng.
<br /> Protectxon of Lender's Rights �n the Property. If Bflrrovver fa�is to perfarm �he cfl�enan�s and agreemen�s
<br /> cantained�n th�s Securi�.y Znstrument, �r�h�re is a l�ga�proceed�ng that may signifcantly affec�Lender's rights in
<br /> the Praper�y �such as a proceeding in bankr�p�cy, probate, for cflndemnation or forfei�ure or�o enfor�� laws or
<br /> reguiations}, then Lend�r may do and pay for whatever is n�cessary to pro�ec� �he va�ue of the Pr�perCy and
<br /> Lender's rights in�he Proper�y. Lend�r's actioms may�nclud�paying any sums secur�d by a��en which has prior�ty
<br /> �ver this Securi�y 7nstruxnent, appear�ng in cflur�,paying reasonab�e attorneys'fees and entering an th��'roperty�o
<br /> make repairs.�lthough Lender may�ake a��ian und�r�his sec��on,L�nder does not ha�e ta do sa.
<br /> A�y amounts disbursed by Lend�r und�r th�s section sha�l be�ome addi��anal deb� of B�rro�er se�ured by �h�s
<br /> Security �nst�ru�n.ent. Un�ess Borrower and Lender agree to other �erms of payment, �hese amoun�s shall bear
<br /> in�eres� from �he da�� of disbursement a� th� same ra�� assessed on advances under �he Cflntrac� a�d sha1� be
<br /> p�.yable,�i�h znteres�,upon no�ice fram Lender�o Barrov�er requestzng payment.
<br /> Q 2fl4�-2Q 13 CompIiance Systems,Inc.9F96-BO 1 D-2013L2.4.721
<br /> �vi�sumer Real Estate-Security�nstrument DL2036 Pa�e 2 oF S www.campliancesystems.com
<br />