<br /> Applica��� Law. As used in this S�curity Instrument, �he term "App��cable Law" sha�� mean al� �on�rolling
<br /> app�ica�Ie federal, s�a�e and Iocal statutes, r�gulations, ardinances and adm�n�s�rat�ve ru�es and flrders �that have
<br /> �he eff�ct af lavv}as�e�l as all applicab�e final,non�appealab�e judicia��pin�ons.
<br /> �harges; L�ens. Borrawer sha�l pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fnes and imposi�ions at�ributable tfl the
<br /> Property vvh�ch may at�ain priority o�rer thzs Secur�ty �nstrumen�, and Ieaseho�d paym�nts or graLu�d ren�s, if any.
<br /> At the request of Lender,Barrov�er shall pramptly furn�sh to Lender receipts e�idenci.ng the paym�nts,
<br /> Borrower shall promp��y dis�harge any �ien v�hich has prior��y over this Secur�ty�nstrument un�ess Borrow�r: �a�
<br /> agrees in wri��ng �o the payment �f�he obligatian secured by the Iien in a manner acceptab�P �a Lender; �h�
<br /> contests in good faith �he l�en by, ar defends against enf�rc�ment �f the lxen �n, ��ga1 proc�edings which in �he
<br /> Lender's op�nion operate to prevent �he enforcement of�he lien; ar �c� secures fram �he h��d�r af the l�en an
<br /> agreemen� sa��sfactory�a Lender subordinating�he Iien to th�s Se�uri�y Ins�rum�nt. �f Lender det�rm�nes�hat any
<br /> par� of the Praperty is subj ect tn a lien wh�ch may at�a�n pri�ri�y over�iis Securi�y Instrument, Lender may give
<br /> Borrativer a no�ice �dentifying th� 1ien. Borrov�er shall satisfy the �xen or take one or more of�he ac�xons se� for�h
<br /> a�ove wi�hin 14 days of the g�v�ng of notice.
<br /> Hazard ar Property Insurance. Borrower shali�eep�he improv�ments now ex�s��ng or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Pr�per�y insured against loss by fire,hazards inc�uded w�th�n the term"extended�overag�" and any o�her hazards,
<br /> includ�ng fl�ods or floodxng, for vwhich Lender requir�s insura.nce. This �nsuranc� shall be ma�ntain�d �n the
<br /> amoun�s an�i for the peri�ds tha�Lender requires, The insurance carrier pr���ding�he insurance sha�l be chosen by
<br /> Borrow�r subject �o Lender's apprava� wh�ch sha�� nfl� be unreasona�Iy withh��d. Zf Sorrower �ai�s to maintain
<br /> coverage describ�d al�o�e, Lender may, a� Lender's aption, obtain caverag� �o protec� Lend�r's righ�s in �he
<br /> Proper�y in accordance w��h se�tion t���ed Pratect�on of Lenderts Right�in the Prtiperty.
<br /> All insurance policies and renev�a�s shall be acc�p�a�b�e �o Lender and sha�� xnc�ude a s�andard rnortgage �Iause.
<br /> L�nder sha1l have�he r�gh�to hald�he policies and renewals. �f L�nder requires, Borrov�er shall pr�mptly g�ve��
<br /> Lender al�receipts of paid premiums and renewal nflti�es. Zn�he even�of Iass, Borr�wer sha11 gi��e prflmp�not�ce
<br /> ta the xnsura.nce carrier and Lender.Lender m�.y mak�proof of Ioss if no�made pramp�ly by B�rrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and �orrawer o�herwise agree �n wr�ting, insuranc� pra�eeds shal� be app�xed �o restora��on �r
<br /> repair af�he Property damaged, �f, in Lender's so�e dis�retion, �he restora�ion or repair �s econamica��y feas�ble
<br /> and Lender`s security zs no� lessened. �f, �n Lender's so�� dis�r��ion, �h� restoration or repair is n�t ecanomically
<br /> feasible or Lender's security wou�d be�essened,�he insuran�e proceeds shall be app�ied to the sum�se�ured by�h�s
<br /> Security �nstrumen�, whe�her or na� �hen due, with any excess paid �o Borrower. If Borrower abandons �h�
<br /> Property, or does nfl�answer wi�h�n�he numb�r of days pres�r�bed by A�pli�ab�e Law as se�for�h xn a not��e from
<br /> Lender�o Borrower�hat�he �nsurance carrier has �ffered�o set�Ie a�laim, then Lender may�olle�t�he insurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds tfl repa�r or restare th� Froperty or to pay sums secured�y this Se�ur��y
<br /> �ns�rument,whether or no�then due.The per�od�f t�me for Borrower t�ansv�er as se�for�h in�he no�ic�will beg�n
<br /> v�hen�he notice is g�ven.
<br /> Unless L�nder and BorroWer otherwzse agree zn�vr��ing, any appl�ca�xon af pr�ceeds to pr�ncipa� shall not extend
<br /> or postpone the due da�e af�he paymen�s due under�he Can�rac�or change�he amount of the pa�ments. If under
<br /> the sect�on t��Ted Acce�eration; Remedies, �he Property is acqu�red by Lender, Borrawer's right�� any insurance
<br /> poli�ies and proceeds resul�ing from damage �o the Froper�y pri�r�o the acqu�sition shall pass to Lender �o the
<br /> exten�of the sums secured�y th�s Security�nstrument immedYate�y prior to th�acqu�s���on.
<br /> Preserva�ion, Nlaintenance and Protect�on of the Property; Borrvwer's Laan Appl�cati�n; Leaseholds.
<br /> Borrower shall not des�roy, damage or�mpazr the Property, allov�r the Prop�r�y t� deter�orate, �r cammi�waste on
<br /> the ProperCy.Borrower sha�l be zn defaulr if any forfeiture act�on or proceeding,whe�her civil�r��riminal,�s begun
<br /> that rn Lender's go�d fa��h judgmen� coul�resu�t in forfe��ure of the Prop�rry or atherw�se materra�ly impair�he
<br /> �ien created by this Se�u.rx�y �nstrumen� �r Lend�r's security interest. Borrower may cure sucll a default and
<br /> rei.nstate, as pravided in sectxon ti�led Borrovver's Right to Reinstate, by caus�ng�he ac�ion or proce�d�ng to be
<br /> d�smissed vvit�a a ruiing�ha�,in Lender's good faith de�erm�na�ion,precludes farfeiture�f�he Borr�v��r's i.nter�st in
<br /> �he Prap�rty or o�her mater�a� ixnpairmen� of the �ien crea�ed by thzs Secur�ty Instrument or Lender's se�urity
<br /> interest.Borrower shal�also be in defau�t if Borrower,during the Ioan appl��a�ion pr�cess,gave materia���false flr
<br /> inaccura�e informat�on or statemen�s �o Lender �or failed to provide L�nder wi�h any materra� infarmation� in
<br /> connection w�th�he Ioan �v�denced by�he Contract. �f this Secur�ty zns�ru.men� �s �n a�easeha�d, Bflrrower sha�l
<br /> cornply wi�h all�h�pro��s�ons af the lease. If�3�rrower acquires fee title���he Property,�he Ieasehald and the fee
<br /> title shall not merge unless Lender agr�es to the rnerger�n vvri�ing.
<br /> Pr�te�tion of Len�er's R�ghts xn the Property. �f�3orro�er fax�s to p�rfarm fihe c��enan�s and agreements
<br /> conta�ned in�his Security Znstrumen�, or�her� xs a legal proceeding�hat may signifcantly affect L�nder's rights in
<br /> the Properry �such as a proceeding in bankrup�cy, probate, for condem�ation or forfei�ure or to �nforce �a,ws or
<br /> regula�ions}, then Lender may do and pay far wha�ever is necessary �a protect �he �a1ue �f t�.e Praperty and
<br /> Lender's rights in�he Prop�r�y. Lender's act�ans may in�lude pay�ng any sums secured by a lien w�ich has prior�ty
<br /> over�his Securi�y�nstrument, appear�ng�n.cour�,pay�ng reas�nable at��rneys'fees and entering on�he Prop�rty�o
<br /> make repairs,Al�hough Lend�r may take acti�n under��is sec�ion,Lender d�es not have to d�so.
<br /> Any amounts d�sbursed by Lender under this section shal� b�come addi�ional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> Security �nstrument. Unless Borro�er and Lender agree �o o�her tern�s of payment, �hese amaunts shal� bear
<br /> interes� from �he date of dzsbursement a� �he same ra�e assessed an ad�ances under �he Cantract and shall ��
<br /> payable,vvi�h interes�,upon notice from Lender�o Borrower requ�st�ng payment.
<br /> ��444-2D13 Compliance Systems,Inc.gF9G-6Eg4-2013L2,�.721
<br /> CQnsumer Real Estate-Se�urity�nstr��nent DL203d Pa�e 2 af 5 ww�.v.comptiancesysterYts.cvm
<br />