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A parcel of land located in Lot Five (5) of the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4), Section Nine <br />(9), Township Nine (9) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County <br />Nebraska described as follows: Commencing at the SE corner of said NE1 /4, Section 9, <br />thence ? Nest along the South line of said NE1 /4 a distance of 1,303,46 feet to the SE corner <br />of said of 5, thence N 0° 28' 40" E along the East line of said Lot 5, 127,25 feet to the point <br />of beginning, thence continuing N 0° 28' 40" E along the East line of said Lot 5, 217.33 feet, <br />thence S 41° 00' 25" W 270.24 feet, thence S 54° 51' W 244.37 feet to a point on the South <br />line of skid Lot 5, thence N 71° 16' 15" E 396.24 feet to the point of beginning <br />AND <br />Lot Six (6), Section Nine (9), Township Nine (9) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th <br />P.M,, Hall County, Nebraska EXCEPT a tract more particularly described in Survivorship <br />Warranty Deed recorded in the Register of Deeds Office as Document No. 83- 005867 <br />and EXCEPT a tract more particularly described Corrective Survivorship Warranty Deeds <br />recorded in the Register of Deeds Office as Document No. 83- 006065 <br />ATTACHMENT TO FSA -2319, AGREEMENT WITH PRIOR LIENHOLDER <br />;201495162 <br />