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��14�5145 <br /> All insurance poli�ies required by Len�r and renevva�s of susch polic�es shall be subj ect ta Le�nd�r's rig�t ta <br /> disappro�e such palicies�, s�11 include a standard mortgage claus� �d sha11 name Lend�er as mortgagee <br /> andlvr as�additianeallass payee. I.end�r sha11 have the right to hald the policies an.d r�ne�1 c�rtificates. If <br /> Len.der requires, Borrower s��ptly give to Lende�a�l receipts of paid premiums�d renewal notices. <br /> If Borr�wer�btains any form af insuranoe covetirage,not othe�wise required by Lender, for to, or <br /> destru�tion of, the Property, su�policy sball include a statidard�gage clause and shall nam�Lender as <br /> mortgagee andlor as an additio�al lass payee. <br /> In the e�ent of�oss, Barrowe�r shall give prompt notice to the i.nsurance c�rrier and Lend�r. Le�d�may <br /> make proof of loss if not made promptly by Barr�wer. Un�ess Lend��d Ba�rower otherw�ise agree irY <br /> writing, any' proceeds, whe�her ar not the underlying insuranoe was requ�red by Lender, shall be <br /> appli�d ta restoration or r�pair of the Prnperty, if the restvrativn ar repaar is eoo�aamically feasl�hle and <br /> Le�►�er's s�urity is nut�essened. I�uring such repair and restora�ion perivd., L�nd�er shall have the right ta <br /> hold such insu�rance proo�eds until Lender has had��pportuz�ity to inspect such Prope�ty ta ensure the <br /> wark has been comple�ted to Lender's s�at�.sf�ction,provi�led tbat su►ch uaspec�ion shall be unde�rtaken <br /> pramptly. Lende�may disburse proceed..g for the repairs and restvration in a single or in a s�eries of <br /> prvgress payrnents as the work is cvm�p�e�ed,. Unles,s an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law <br /> requires interest to�paid an such ins�ce proc�eeds, Le�d�r sha11 nat be required to pay Bo�rower a�y <br /> interest or�arnings on such proceed��. Fees for public adjuste�s, or�th�r tlurd parties,retained by Boirovv�r <br /> shall not�paid aut of the insurance prac�eeds and s�all be�he so�e abligat�on af Barrovver. If the restoration <br /> or re�aa�r�s not ec�anomically fe�a.s�`bl.e or Len.der's se�uri.ty would be lesseanad, th�in�m�nce prooeeds sba11 be <br /> applied tu the s�unns securred hy this Se�xrity Ins�rument, whe�ther or not then du�e, v��i the�xvess�, if any, <br /> paid to Baira�r. 5uch insur�anoe proceeds s�all be�pplied in�he ord�r prvvicled for in Section 2. <br /> If Borr�wez�ba�ndons the Froperty, Lender naay file,negotiate�d settl�any available insura�nce claim and <br /> rel�t�d matters. If Borrawer d�oes nvt resp�nd.within 3�d�.ys tv a n�tive from Lend�r that the insurance <br /> carrier has offered to se�ttl.e a ctaim�, then Le�d�r may negotiate�z�s�e the claim. 'The 34-d,ay peri�d will <br /> begin when th�n�tiGe is given. In either e�ent, gr if Lende�-acquires the Property und�r Sectivn 22 or <br /> atherwise, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender[a)Barro�wer's rights to any ins�oe prooeeds�n an amaunt <br /> not to e�ceed the ana�ounts unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrument, and�h}any other of <br /> Borrowe�'s rights�ath�r than the right tv eny refund of unearned premiums paid by Bonawer]undez alI <br /> insurance policies�overing the Property, insofar as�uch rights are�pp�icable ta the covezage�f the <br /> Property. L�nd�r may us�the insuranae proc�eeds eit�er ta repair ar restare the Froperty or to pay a�unts <br /> unpaid und�r the Note ar this Security In�rumast,whe�er or not th.en du�. <br /> �. ��cupant,y. Borrawer shall ac�upy, est�blish, and use the Property as B�rrower's principal residen�e <br /> within 6�days after the execu�i�n of this S�curity Ins�t and s�I1 cantinue ta o� th�Prop�riy as <br /> Borrower's principal residence for at least one year af�er the date vf vvcupancy,unless Lend�er otherwise <br /> agrees in writ�ng, w�uch�nseaa�nt sha�ll not b� ly withheld, or unless ex#enua�ing ' �es <br /> exist whi�h are b�yand Borrower's cantro�. <br /> 7. Pr►�servat�, M a�ntenar�e�d PnvteCtion o�t1�e ; �n�pect�or�. Borravver shall not des�roy, <br /> darnage ar nmp�ir the Property, allaw the Pro�erty ta deteziarate or conzmit waste on the Pr�. Whe�her <br /> or nat Bormwer is res�ding in the Prvp�rty, �orr�wer s�all m�aintain tbe Property in ordez to pr�ent the <br /> Property from d�teriorating ar decr�sing in value t�u�e to its condit�on. Un�ess it is d�uned purs�xant to <br /> 5ec�tion 5 that regair or restaration is nat�convmic�lly feas�b�e, Borr��ver sh�ll pramptly repair the Property <br /> if damaged to avoid further d�e�eri�on or d�nn�ge. If ins�u�ance or con 'on proceed+g are paid in. <br /> Qonne�cction with da�age ta, or the taking of,t�e Prope�ty, Borrawer shal�be r�gpvnsible far repairing�r <br /> restoring the Pr�perty only if Le�der has released.prvc�eds for such purposes. Lend�er may disburse�rviceed.s <br /> ��33@94� D VBNE <br /> NEBRASKA�in�1e FemNy-Fenr�a MaelFroddie Mac UNIFORM INST�IMENT Form 302�11�1 <br /> VMP(�1 VMPB(NEy�130�f <br /> Wdters Kluwar Fin�nc�ia�Sen►ica� P�e 7 of 17 <br />