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��14�513� <br /> sentences shali not apply�o th�presence, use, flr s�orage on the Proper�y of sma�l quant�ties of Hazardous <br /> Substances that are genera��y recognized�o be appropr�ate�o norma� re��dent�al uses and�a mair�t�nan�e of <br /> the Property �inciuding, bu�no� ��mited�o, hazardous substances �n consumer pradu��s}. <br /> Borr�wer sha��promp�ly g�ve Lender wr�tten notice of�a} any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or o�her <br /> ac�ion by any gov�rnmenta� or regulatary agency ar priva�e par�y inWo�ving the Property and any �azard�us <br /> Subs�ance or Environm�ntal Law af which Borrawer has actua� l�nowledge, �b� any Env�ronmental <br /> Condition, in�Iuding but n�t Iimi�ed�o, any �pi��ing, �eaking, d�scharge, re�ease or threa�of re�eas�of an�r <br /> Hazardous Substance, and�c} any c�ndzt�on caused by the pr�sence, use or re��ase�f a Hazard�us Substance <br /> wh�ch advers��y aff�cts�h�va�ue of�he Proper�y. �f Borrower�earn�, or is noti�e�b� any g�vernm�ntal �r <br /> regulatary authority, or any privat�par�y, that an�r�mova� or o�her r�mediation�f a.�.y Hazardous Subs�ance <br /> affecting th�Proper�y �s n��essary, B�rrawer sha�� praampt�y �ake al�necessary remedial actians in <br /> accardance w�th �nviron�nenta� Law. �Io�h�ng herein shal� create any o��igation on Lender for an <br /> �nviranmentai ���anup. <br /> iVvn-Uniform C�venants. Borro�ver ar��Lender���enant and agr�e as fol�o�vs: <br /> �2. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender sha��g��e not�ce t�Borrovver pr�or to acceleration foi�awing <br /> Borrovver's �reach of any covenan�or a�reemen�in this Securi�y Ins�rum�nt �but not pr��r to <br /> acce�era�ion under Sec�ian 18 un�ess App�icabie Law prov�des o�herw�s�}. The not�ce shall spec�fy: �a} <br /> �he defau��; �b} th�ac��on requ�r�d ta cure�he defaul�; �c} a da��, nnt�ess�han 3U days fram�he date <br /> �he n.o��ce�s g��en tn Borrower, by wh�ch�he default must be cur�d; and 4d} that failure ta cure the <br /> defaui�an vr befare the date specif�ed in the notice may result�n acceleration of�he sums secured by <br /> �his Securi�y Instrumen�and�aie❑f�he Property. The no�ice shal� fur�her inform Barrvv�ver of the <br /> right to reinstate af�er aCce�era�ion and the righ�ta br�ng a cour�a�t�on�o asser��he non�exis�ence of a <br /> default or any other d�f�nse of Barrnwer�o acce�era�ion and sale. IF the defau��is nflt cured on ar <br /> befare the date spec�f�ed�n the na��ce, Lender at i�s option may require�mm�dia�e payment�n fu��of <br /> a��sun�s secured by �his Security Ins�ruxr�ent wi�hau�fur�her demand and may in�ok�the power of sa�� <br /> and any other remed�es permitted by Applicab�e Law. Lender sha��be en��t��d�o co�lect ai� expen�es <br /> incurred in pur�u�ng�he remedies pro��ded�n th�s Se�tion 22, �nc�ud�ng, bu�not�imi�ed ta, rea�anable <br /> at�orneys' f�e�and co5�s of t���e ev�dence. <br /> If�he p�wer of sale is in�oked, Trustee shall recard a noti�e�F defaul� in each caun�y�.n wh�ch any <br /> par� of thQ Property is�oca�ed and shali mail co��es�f such not�c��n�h�mann�r pre�cribed by <br /> Applicab��Law ta Borrower and�o�he other per�ons pre�cribed by App�icabie Law. After�he time <br /> requ�red i�y App��cab�e Law, Trus�ee sha��g�ve pub�ic no�i�e of sa�e�o�he persons and in the manner <br /> pre5cribed by Applica��e Law. Tru�tee, wi�h�ut demand an Borrower, shal�se���he Property at pu�lic <br /> auc�ion ta the highes�bidder at�he�ime and place and under�he terms designated�n�hQ not�ce of sa�e <br /> in ane or more par�els and in any order Trus�ee de�ermin�s. Trus�ee may pns�pone sa�e of a�� or any <br /> parcel of�he�roperty by pub��c announcement a��he t�me and p�ace of any previously scheduled sa�e. <br /> Lender or�ts des�gnee may purchase the Property at any sa�e. <br /> Upan r�ceip�of payment of�he price bid, 'T`rus��e shal� deiiver�o the purchaser Truste�'s deed <br /> con�eying the Property. The reci�ais in�he Trus�ee's deed sha��be pr�ma fac�e e�idence of the�ru�h of <br /> the s�atemen�s made there�n. Trus�ee sha�I app��the pr�c�eds vf�he sa�e in�he follow�ng order: �a} �� <br /> a��cos�s and expenses of exerc�s�ng�he power of sa�e, and the sa�e, inc�uding the paymen�of�h� <br /> Trus�e�'s fees ac�ua��y incurred and rea�onabie a��orneys' fees as perm�t�ed by Appl�cab�e Law; �b} �o <br /> a��sums secured by�hxs��curi�y Instrument; and �c} any excess�o the person ar per5ans le�ally <br /> en��t�ed to�t, <br /> NE6RASKA-SingEe�amity-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQRM 1N5TR4JM�NT �o��3o�s��o� <br /> VMP Q VMP��N�y t1302f <br /> Wvlters Kluwer�inancia!5er�i��s Page 14 v�17 <br />