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- ��14�513� <br /> designa�ed a substi�ute noti�e address by no�ice�o Lender. Borrower�ha��prompt�y no�ify I.�ender of <br /> Borrovver's change af address. �f Lend�r speci�es a procedur�for repa��ng Borrower's change of address, <br /> then Bflrrower s��aii onl� repart a change of address through that specified pracedure. <br /> There�ma�be oniy one des�gna��d no�ice address under this Se�uri�y Instrumen� at any one�ime. A�.y no��ce <br /> to L�nder s�iali be given by de�i�ering it or b�mailing it by first Glass mail ta Lende�r's a�dress sta�ed h�rein <br /> unless I.ender has designated another address by noti���o Borrower. An� n�tic�in conne�tion with th�s <br /> Security Ins�rumen�shal�n�t�e deemed t�ha�e�een given t� Lender until actuall� rec�ive�by Lender. �f <br /> any not�ce requ�red by th�s Security �ns�rument is also required under Appl�cable Laur, �he App��cab�e Law <br /> requirement wil��atisfy th�corresponding requirement under�his Security �ns�rument. <br /> '1�. Gvrrerning Law; Se�erahility: Rules vf Gonstructivn. This Securit� Instrument shall be ga��rned�� <br /> federal Iaw and the�avW�f the jur�sdic�ion�n v�hich�he Property is�acated. All righ�s an�o��igat�ons <br /> con�a�ned�n�his Secur��� �nstrurnen�are subject to any requirements and��m���at�ans�f Applicab�e La�. <br /> App�icable Lavv might explicitly or impli�i�Iy allow the par�ies to agree by cflntrac�or it might be silent, but <br /> such silence sha�i not b���nstrued as a pr�hibition against agreem�nt b�contrac�. �n�he�ven�that any <br /> provision or clause of this Securit� Instrument or�he No�e canflicts with Appiicab�e Law, such�onflic�shall <br /> not affect ather prov�sions of this Secur�ty �nstrumen�ar the Note whzch can�e given effect w�thou��he <br /> confl�ct�ng pra��sion. <br /> As used �n this S�curity Instrumen�: �a}vvords of�he masculine�ender sha11 mean and inc�ude corresponding <br /> neu�er wards or words of�he feminine gender; �b} words in the singu�ar shal� mean and include�he p�ural <br /> and v�ce versa; and �c} the word "may" g�ves so�e discretio�v�r��h�ut any���igation to�ake any ac�ion. <br /> '[7. Borrawer's Cnpy. Borrov��r sha�l be g��en one capy of th�No��and of this Security �ns�rumen�. <br /> �8, Transfer vf the Property or a 6eneficial Interest in Borrower. As us�� in�his�ectian 18, "Interest in <br /> the Proper�y" means any ie�al or bene�c�a� in�erest in the Propert�r, inc�ud�ng, but not lim.zt�d�a, those <br /> benef�cia� interests transferred�n a bond for deed, contract for deed, instal�ment sa�es contract or e�crow <br /> agreement, the�n�ent of wh�ch is the transfer of ti�le by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser. <br /> �f all or any part�f the Prop�r�� or a�ny �nteres�in the Property is sold ar transferr�d �or if Borrower is not a <br /> naturai person and a b�neficza� znterest�n Borrawer is sold or transferred}without Lender's pr�or wr���en <br /> cansen�, Lender m.a� require�m�.�mediate payment in full of all sums secured by this S�cur�t� �ns�rumen�. <br /> ��wever, this optinn sha��n�t be e�ercis�d by Lender if such ex�r�ise is prohibited by Appl�cable Law. <br /> If Lend�r exercises th�s opt�on, Lender shall give Borrower not��e of acceleratian. The notice sha��prov�de a <br /> peri�d�f no��ess than 3�days from the date th�n�t�ce is g��en in accordan�e w�th�ect�on 1 S within wh�ch <br /> Bflrrov�rer mus�pay aIl sums secured hy�h�s Securi�y �nstrumen�. �f Borrovver faiis to pay these sums priar to <br /> �he e�pira�ion of this p�riod, L�ender may �nvok�any r�m�d�es permit�ed by�his Securi�y Instrument with�u� <br /> fur�her nn�ice or demand on Borrower. <br /> 7 9. Bvrrvw�r's Right tv Reinstate After Acceleration. �f Barrower meets cer�ain cond�tions, Borrower <br /> shail have�h�righ�to have en�orc�ment of this Se�urity �ns�rumen�discontinued a�any time prior ta th� <br /> earliest of: �a} fi�e days before sale of the Pr�perty pursuant�� an�power of sale�ontained in th�s Securi�� <br /> Ins�rumen�; tb} such other period as App�icable Law m�gh�sp�czfy for the termina�ion of Borrow�r's right�o <br /> re�ns�ate; or tc}en�ry of a judgm�n��nfarcing th�s Securit�r Instru�m.�n�. Those condxt�ons are that Borrower: <br /> �a}pa�s Lender ai� sums which then w�u�d be due under this Securi�y Instrument and the Not�a� if no <br /> acce�era�ian had�ccurre�; �b} cur�s an.y�efault of any o�her covenan�s or agreements; �c}pays ail expenses <br /> �n�urred in enfor��ng th�s Securit�r �ns�rumen�, inc�ud�ng, but nat l�m.ited to, reas�na�le att�rne�s' fees, <br /> proper�y �nspection and va�ua��on fees, and o�her fees incurred for the purpose of pr��ecting Lender's in�eres� <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN�F�RM INSTRLJMENT Farm 3a28 11Q1 <br /> VMP� VMP6�N�S�13D2f <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial Ser�ices Page 12 of 17 <br />