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��14�51�5 <br /> �EE� �F TF���T <br /> L�an N�: �������� {����ilrlu��} ���� � <br /> nQ� m��[� vtiritl�ir�t[��tirr�� r�qucr�d �y th� �r�mis��ry n�t���ri��n�in� su�h in��bt��n�s�, �r a�l��au[����urs und�r <br /> the in��rum�nt����ari�� ��a�h in��b���r��s� �n� is n�#��r��C �iurir�g �r�y ���li��k�l� gr��� ��ri�d �� �u�h ir�strum�t�t, <br /> �r�r�y�u�t ar�t�er a��i�n is ��mm�n��d����r�G[�s� ��y��i�ting fi�n�n th� Pr�p�rty. <br /> Rigl�#t� ��r�. [f any�l�f��Et f �t[��r�h�r� � �J�f��lt ir� p�ym�nt is ��r��l� �n� i�Tru��or has no��e�n �iv�n � n�ti�� <br /> �t� �r���Y��f tl����rrXe pr�vi�i�n �f tl�i� D��� �f Trust v�rithi�tf�� �re���ir����nr�lv� �'��� m�nt�s� it m�y b� �ur�d i� <br /> Tru�t�r� �f�t�r L�n�l�r���td� �r�tt�� n��i����Tr�sta r��rrt�n�in� ��r����u����t��[�: (�� �ur�s tF������uE#�r i�l��ri <br /> t�r�rit� ���}} �l��rsi �r {�} if ��� �ur� requir�� m�r� �h�r� tw�n�r ���� d�ys, in-�m�diate[y initiat�s st�p� v��i�h <br /> Len��r ���m� �n L�nc��r'� sQl� �i��f��i�n �� �� sr��i�i�r�� �� ��r� �kC�� �����[� �r�d tF��r��ft�r ��r�tinu�� �r��l <br /> ��rnpi�t�� afl r���an�bl��nd n���s���y�t�ps s uffi�i�r��t� pr��u�� ��m�l iac�����s��r��s r�����alal�r pra�ti�a[. <br /> F�[�'a�-lT� �N� �EN[EDIE� �N D�FA[J�7. lf�n E�r�n��f ���rauCt���ur� und�r th�i� ���d �f�rust� �t �ny ti�� t��r��f��rf <br /> T�us�t���r Ler�d�r rr��y��c�r�i�� an�ar���r r��r����h�f�lfav�ring ri�hts an� r�m��i�s: <br /> A���l�r��i�n U�or� ���a�l�;Ad�iti�n�[ R�me�i��. ����y �v�n��f��faralt����r� �s ��r�i����rm� ��tl�� N�t� <br /> s��ur�d f��r�E�yr L�r������y d��l��� ��1 [r�d�l���d��s� ���u��d l�y�F�Es a��r� ���r�tst t� ��d��ar�d ��y��l� �r�� <br /> th��arr�� �hal!tE��r�u��n ����m�du�and �ayaal� ;rvit�arat��y pr���ntm��tr ��m�ndr pr�t�st�r n�ti���f�r�� <br /> kin�. Th�r��f�k�rr ��r��ler���: <br /> (�� EE�h�r in ��r��� �r fay ���nt, v�ri�h �r v�rit[��ut brin�ing any ���ti�n �r pr���edi��, or by a ����iv�r <br /> ��pQin��� �y� ���,rt �n� witl��u�����r� �ka�k[�� ���qu�c�r��its��c�rityr �n��r �,��� �r�d ��[�� ���s�s�i�r� <br /> �f the �ro��rty� a��ny p��t t�t�r��f� in i�s�wn nar�� �r in th� nam� ��F Trust��� �nd�]� any a�ts v��i�F� it <br /> ���m� n���sS�ry�r�f�Sir��l��� �re���re tf�� v�fu�r rr��r�C�t�1�ilEty�r r�r�t��ilit�r��tf�� �r���r-ty, �r ��r��f <br /> th� Pra��rty�r ir�t�re�t in �h� P��p�rty; in�r�a�� #h� ir�c�m� fr�m �h� Pr�p�rty ar pr�t��t th� s��uri��� <br /> th� �r���rt�r �r��r �+ri�Y� �r �i��r�ut ���rr�� �as����i�r� �� �h� �r���r�� �u� f�r ❑r �tl��r�vi�� G�ll��t �h� <br /> r�nt�, i��u�� �nd p��#it� a�f th� �r�p�rtyr in�lua�in� th��� pa�� �f�� an� �ar���i�r �n� ����� ��� ��IT��r [�s� <br /> ��s�� ��d ��c��r���� �f��a�r�ti�n�r�� ���I��ti�n�tt�rr����' f��s��� any in��b���n�ss����r�� by thi� ���d <br /> � a�F Tru��r ai I in s u�h �r��r a�s L�n��r ma� ��t�rr�in�. �"h� �nt�rin� ���n �nr� ��ki n� pQ�s����Qr+ Q� �h� <br /> �r���rtyf �F�� ��l[��tio r� �f �u�h r�nt�� is�u�s an� pr�fit�� �r�d th� �ppli�ati�n th�re�� sha[I n�t ��ar� �r <br /> �rtir�iv� any�l�f��lt�r ���ti�� �f r�����[# r�n��r�hE� ���d ��F�rus#�r i r���[i�l�t� �r��r ��t d�r�� ir� r�s���s� �a <br /> su�h d��au[t ar pursu�nt t��u�h ��ti�� ��F���auf�; �r�d, n�t�rvifF�����din�t�� ��ntirt��r���in pQ���s�iQ��� <br /> �h� �r���rty �r�h� ��I���ti�r�� r���i�� �r��l ���lic�t��r� �f r�r�t�� is�u�s �r pr�fitsr Tru�t�� ar L�n��r ��r�[� <br /> �� �rt�itl�� t� ��c�r�is� �v�r� r��h# �r�vi�]�c� #�r in �h� l��#��r�h� �{�lat��I ����m�r��s ��b�r C��r ���n �h� <br /> ����arr�r����f�r�y�v�r�t�f d��F�t�lt� ir��[udir��th�ri�ht�� �x�r�i���h� p�w�r�f��9e; <br /> {E�} C�rrtrr,�n�� an ��ti�r�ta f�r��l����h�� D��d ��Tru�t a�a m�rt����, ap��i nt a r���i��r�r����i�i��l[� <br /> �r�f�r�� �r�y�f�h���v�n�nts h�r��#; �rtd <br /> {�} ��liv�r ta Tru�t��� writt�r� d��lar�ti�rt�f d�f��lt�r�d d�rnan�f���al� an� � v�rri��n n�ti�� o�c���aul� <br /> �r�d ����t���t t� ��ra��7`r�st�r's in��r�s�in�h� �r���rty t� 1��s�id� wF�icl� r��tEc�Tru�t���l�a�l ��u���t� �� <br /> du[y�i]�d f�r re��rd En th���pr��ria���ffi��s��r t�� ��unty in v�rhi�h t[��Pr���rty i�l���t��lr �n� <br /> �d� 1!Il�th r�s���t t� �II �r�n�r p�rt�f tF�� ��r��naf �r�p�rty� L�rr��r�h�l� h�v�aIl ��r� ri�h�� �n� r�m�+���5 <br /> a�����ur��l ��rty ur���r tf��N�k�r���� �Jr,i�r�rm ��mrrti�r�i�f ����. <br /> F�r�����ur� f�y P�w�r of��I�. lf L�n��r�[��t�t�f�r��l�s� ��r�x���i�� �f th� P��r�r����1�h�r�i���n��in��lr <br /> L�n��r �[�a[� nQti�ry 7r��t�� �n� �h�ll �E���Si�wi�F� Trust��tl�i� D��d �f Tru��t ar�d th� hl�t� �n�i �r��[� r���i�a�s <br /> ar�d �vid�r����f����ndit�r�� mad� ��� s��ure� �y t�i� D����f Tru�t��Tr��t��may r���ir�. <br /> {a� !�p�n ����i p���r s��h ���i��frQm L�n��rF Tr�����sh�]f ��us��� �� r�car�led{ ���Eisl���] �n�l d�[i�r�r�d <br /> t� Tr�a���r�u�h �l�ti�� �f ���a�lt and �l�ti�� a��al� ��th�n ��q�ir�d �y �a�r an�i ��r t�is D��d ��Tru��, <br /> Tr�ast�� �h��lr v�rith��� ��m�n� Qn Tr�s��rr �ft�r ��a�l� #irr�e �� ma� ��t�r� �� r��uir��1 ��r [avv �r�� �ft�r <br /> r���r��tian �f s��h N��i�� �� ��fault�r�d ���r N��i�� �� �al� h�vi�� ���n �iv�n �� r���air�cl �y l��nr, ��I1 <br /> �h� �r�p�rty at th� tim� �n� �l��� �f ��I� fi��cf E��r i� i r� �u�F� N�ti�� ��F S�I�f �i�h�� �s a vkrh�l�r �r in <br /> s���r�t� ��t� �r�ar��ls�r Et�ms ��T��st����ai I d��m ����d��nt� ��d i n �����r�l�r�� i��rr�►���t�rmin�� <br /> a� �u�li� ����i�n t� ��r� hi�h��t����i�r��r ���F� ir� l��f�t[ rrt�r��y�f t�e [�ni��d Stat�� ���r�b]� �t th�tim� <br /> �f ��i�. Tru�t�� �ha1C ��liv�� t� s��h �ur�����r �r ��r�h�s�rs �h�r��# i�s ���� and ���i���n� ���� �r <br /> ���c�� ��nveyin� #h� �r���r�y s� ��f�� �ut �rith�ut ar�y ��v�nant �r �r�rr�r,t�r, �xpr��� a� irn�l i��. Th� <br /> r��it�I� Er� ���h d��� �f a ny m�tt�rs �r f��ts sh�l[ l�� ��r��l��iv� �r��f��r th� tr�#h�+.ilr���s ��r�r��f. Ar�y <br /> ��r��nr in�C�din� irtiri�kh���]irr�it�ti�r�Tru�t��f Tru�t��, �r L�r�d�rr m��pur�l�����t�u�}����e. <br /> {�} A� rr�ay �� p�rrnit��d }�y lav�rr aft�r ��d��tir�� �[� ���tsr f��� �n� ��€��r�s�� �f 'I`r�s��� �n� a� �hi� <br /> Tru��r �n�l��in� ��s�s Qf�vid�n�� ��titE�i���rr���t��r+�r+fi�h��[��Trust���h�ll �p�[y th���a��������al� <br /> t� ��yr��nt�f (i} �f I�um���€p����d u�d�r tE��t�rm� o�#h�� ���� ��F Ti r��t Qr�n�er�h�t�rms Qf��r�lV��� <br /> �tot t��n ����i�f ir��lud�ng but r,�t ]ir�i��cf t� �c�r�ed rnt�r��t ��� [a#� �h����s r �ii� a[I �th�r �r�m� th�n <br /> ����r�� h�r���►, �r�d �iii) �h� r�rnain��rr i��r,�f t�th� p���Q��r��r��r�s I���IIr��r��i�[��i th,�r�t�. <br /> ��� Tr�st��m�y in�he m�nn�r p��vid�� �y I�vr� ��st���e��l� ��r�1[�r�r��p��ti�r��f the �r�p�rty. <br /> F�emedi�� h��t E��I��ir��. Tru�t�� an� L�r��l��r �n� ���h �f #h��n, �ha�l be enti�led t� �nfor�� �ayrir��nt �nd <br /> ��r��rm�r��� �f��ty in€�ebt��n�s� o�o�iig�tia�s s��t�r�d f��tl�is I�����f Tru���n�t� ��€�r�i���][ �i�ht� �n� ��w�r� <br /> ur�d�r tf�is ����i �f Trustr u���r�h� [��t�r ����r �n� ���h� ReEa�ed �a�um�nt�� ar �nd�r �ny�t��r ��r��rr�,�r�t �r <br /> �ny l�w� n�r� ar f�ere��t�r i r, f�r�e; r�a��nritF�st�r,din�� ��m� �r aE] �f�u��t �n��kat��n��s �n�] ��iic���i�n� ����r��J f�y <br /> �I�is I���t� �f�ru�t r��y n�vv �r h�r���rt�� �� ��h�rwi�� ���ured r r�r h�ther by m�rtg��e, d��t� �f tr��tr �[�d��� 1 i�r�� <br /> ���i�nm�r�� �r �the�wi��. N�ith�� �1�� �����t�r��� �f �I�i� a��� �f Tr��t n�� [�� �n��r��rri�nt� w�r��h�r by c�urt <br /> ��ti�rt �r p�rs�an�t� xh� p��r�r �f��I� �r ��her powers ��ntain�� �n this ���� �f Tr�,�t� ��t�ll �r�j��i�� �r in any <br /> ma�ner aff��t Yrus�ee'� �r L��d�r's �i�}�t�� r��[i�� u��n �r �nf�r�� �ny �th�r s���ri�y n��nr �r h�r�a�k�r he�d �y <br /> Trus��e ar L�n�er� it b�in�a�r���l t��#Tr�����an� L�nder� and ���f��f tl��rr�, s}��ll b���tit��d t��nf�r��t�i� ���� <br /> �f Trus# a nd arty �the r s��u ri�y r��� �r h�r��ft�r h�I� �y L�r��f�r �r Tr��t�� in ���1� �r�f�r �n� m�nn�r as �hey o�- <br /> �ith�r a� ���m ��y in xh�ir ����l��� �i��r��ion ���ter�in�. [�� r�rr���iy ��r�ferr�d t�p�r� �r r�s�rv�� t� Tru���� �r <br /> L�nd�r� i� int�nded t� f�� ���lusi�� �f�ny�t��r r�medy in this ���� ��Tr����r b� I�vrr pr�vi�ed �r��r�ritt�€f, t��t <br /> �a��i ��aEl k�� �um�iativ� �r�� ���!I [�e in a�di�i�n �a �ve�,r ��h�r r�r���� �i�er� it� tl�i� a��d �f Tru�t �r ��� �r <br /> ��r�af�er e�i��ing at[��v ar iri eqc�ity�r��st�tut�. E��r�r p�vtir�r�r r�m����i��n t�y�h� �Vat��r any a��t�� F��E�t�d <br /> L���urr,�nts �� T��st�� �r L�rrd�r �r t� rrtirhi�h ei�hef �f tl��rr7 rr��y f�� �#��rvwrise �r�ti�l��� ��y f�� �����i���r <br /> c�n��rr�n��y �r �n�t���r��1��tE�r fr�rrr tim�#�tim� �r�d a� ��t�r� �� rrt�� f�� ���m�� e�c��di�nt b�Tru�t�� �r L�r���r� <br /> ��� �ith�r �� th�rrt m�y p�rsu� in��n�i�t�nt r�rrt��fi�s. �l�tf�it�� ir� t�iis ���d �f Trra�� ���ll k�� ��n��r���i �s <br /> �r�hif�itin� L�r��f e�fr�rr� ���[�i n� ��f�fi�i�n��r����r��nt����n�x�[��Tru�t�r ta t����t�nt su�l� �cti�r� �� ��rmi��� by <br /> [��ru. <br /> El�����n af Remedies. Al[ �f L�r�€�e�'s �i�}�ts �nd r�m��!i�� v+�i I] E�� �r�m����iv� �n� may �e ���r�ised ���r�� �� <br /> t����h�r. lf L�n��r �f��i�l�s �� s�en� man�y or t� ��rf�r�r �r,� ��Trust�r'� ��li��ti�r,s �n��r�l�i� ����1 ��Tr���r <br /> ����`�i rr�st�r'� �Fai[�r� t� �l� ��, t.��t ���isi�n by L�n��r v�rEl[ n�t �ff��� L�r�d��`� figh�ta �ecl�r� Tru�t�r ir� �i�f�ult <br /> �r��t� e�c�r�i�� L�r��i�rrs r�rn��i��. <br /> R��r��s�far 1��ti��. Trust�r, �r� ��E��lf�f�r�r�t��an�l L�r�r��rr f��r�b�r����$����ta�a c�py�f any iU�ti�� �f��f�ult <br /> an� � ����r�f�n� N����� af�al� und�r�C�i� ���� �f�r€�st �� rrt�i[��!��t��r� at th� �€�dr�������t�o�h ir+�h�fir�# <br /> par�g r����f t�iis �����f Trust. . <br />
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