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��14�5��1 <br /> � 3 r <br /> � <br /> is e�idenced by Borrower's note dated�he same date as this Security Instrument�"Note"}, which pra��des for <br /> month�y payments, with the fu11 debt, if not paid earlier, due and payable on SEPTEMBER fl 1, 2�4 4 . This <br /> 5ecurity Instrument s�eures to Lender: �a}the repayment of the debt evxden�e�l by the Note, with interest, and a11 <br /> renewals, extensions and modif��ations of the Note; (b}the payment vf all other sums,with interest, advanc�� <br /> under 7 t�proteet the security�f th�s Security instrument; and�c}the performance of Borrou�er's <br /> covenants and agreements under this Security rnstrument and the Note. For this purpose, Borrawer irre�ocably <br /> grants and�onveys to the Trustee, in trust,v�ith power of sa1e, the following described property lacated in <br /> �L County,Nebrasl�a: <br /> SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTI�N <br /> TAX STATEI�NTS SH�ULD BE SENT T�: WELLS FARG� H�ME MORTGAGE� P.�. B�X 11758� <br /> NEWAR�t� N� �71�14758 <br /> Parc+el !D Number: 4�U 11�138 <br /> which has the address of 1��g N HUST�N AVE �S`treet� <br /> �RAND �S LAND j�'i ty], Neb rasl�a 6 8 8�3 ��i p Co de1 <br /> ("Pr�pe rty Addre ss"}; <br /> T�GETHER WITH a��the improvemen�s naw or hereafter erected on the prap�riy, and all easements, <br /> appurtenances and fixtures now or hereafter a part af th�property. A11 rep�aeements and ad�i�ions shal�a�so be <br /> coti�ered by this Security �nstrument. A�l of the foregoing�s referred to in this Securit� Instrument as the <br /> "Prapert��." <br /> B�R.R��LjER C�VENANTS that Borrower is 1a�fully seized of the e�tate hereby conveye�l and has the right to <br /> grant and ean�ey the Property and that the Prvperty �s unencurnbered, except for encumbra.nces of record. <br /> Borrower warrants and�vi11 defend genera.11y the title�o the Property against a11 claims and demands, subject to <br /> any encumbrances of record. <br /> TH�S SE�URITY INS'I`RUMENT combines uruform covenants for na�ional use and n�n-uniform co�enants�ith <br /> �imited variat�ons by jurisdiction to constitute a un.iform security instrument cv�ering real prvperty. <br /> Unifarm�a�enants.Borro�er and Lender co�enant and agree as follows: <br /> �I. Payment af Principal,lnterest and Late Charg�.�orrower sha11 pay when due the princ�pal of, and <br /> �nterest�n,the de��evidenced by the Note and�ate charges due under the Note. <br /> 2. Monthly Paym�nt of Taxes, Insuranceand�ther�harges.Borrower sha.�l include in ea�h monthly <br /> payment, together�ith the principa�and in��rest as set forth in�he N�te and any late charges, a sum for <br /> (a}taxes and special assessments�evied ar to be levied agains�the Pro�er�y, �b} leaseho�d p�.ymen�s ar <br /> grvund rents on the Praperty, and�c}premiums for�n.surance required under paragraph 4. In any year in <br /> wh�i�h the Lender must pay a mortgage insurance premium t�the Secretary of Hausing and Urban <br /> De�elopment�"Secretary"}, �r in any year in wh�ch such premium would have l�een required if Lender sti11 <br /> held the Security Instrument, each month�y payment sha11 also�nClude either: (i} a sum for the annual <br /> FHA Deed of Trust-NE q�g� <br /> VMP� VMP4R(NE}('l302}.DD <br /> Wofters Kluwer Fir�ancial Services Page 2 of'!0 <br />