<br /> DEED �1F TRLJST
<br /> Loan 1Vo: 1 D'I�7�495 �Contlnued� Page 6
<br /> perfect, continue� or preserWe t 1� Borrov►rer's and Trustvr's obliga�ions under �he No�Ce. this ❑eed of Trust. and �
<br /> the Re�ate� ❑ocuments, and {�} the liens and security in�erests created by this aeed of Trust an the Prvperty,
<br /> wh��her naw owned or her�a�ter acquired by Trusto�. Unless prohibited by law or Lender agrees tv the cvntrary in
<br /> wri�ing, Trustor sha[I reimburse Lender fvr afl costs and expenses incurr�d in connec�ian with the matters referred
<br /> tv in this paragraph,
<br /> Attorney-in�Fact. I�TrustQr �Fails �a do any o�the �hings referred to in the pr��edin� para�raph, Lender may dv sv
<br /> f�r and in �he name of Trus�or and at Trust�r's expens�. For such purpos�s, Trustor hereby irre��Cabfy appoints
<br /> Lender as Trustor's attorney-in--fiact for�he purpose of making. executing, deliWering� filing. r�cording, and doing all
<br /> other thEngs as may �� nec�ssary Qr desirable, in Lender's s�le opin�on, to accamp�ish the matt�rs ref�rred ta in
<br /> the preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PEF�F�RIVIANCE, lf Barrower and Trustor pay a�l fhe Indebtedness, including without limitation alf future
<br /> adWances, v�rhen due, and Trustor ather►rvise performs all th� �b[i�a�ions impased up�n Trustor under this D�ed of Trust,
<br /> Lender shall exe�ute and deEiver ta Trustee a request f�r fu�I recon�eyance an� shall execute and deli�er to Trustvr
<br /> suitable statements Qf terminati�n �� any financin� statem�nt on file e�idencing Lender's security interest in �he Rents
<br /> and �he Persanal Praperty. Any rec�n�eyance fee required by law shall be paid by Trustor, if permit�ed by applicable
<br /> law.
<br /> EVENTS �F i]EFAULT. Each of the f�llowing, at Lender's option, shall constitute an Event of Default und�r this Deed
<br /> af Trust:
<br /> Payment Defiault. 6orrower fails tv make any payment wh�n due under the lnd��tedness.
<br /> �ther Defaults. 6orr�wer vr Trustor fa�ls �o camply wi�h or to perform any other �erm, �bliga�ion, covenant or
<br /> �ondition �ontained in this Deed of Trus�or in any of the Related ❑acuments or�v �omply with or ta perform any
<br /> term, obligat�on, covenant or condifiion cvntained En any vther agreement be�ween Lender and Borrv►►ver�r TrustQr.
<br /> �omp�ian�e Default. Failu�e t� comply with any o�her t�rm, obligation, co�enant or conditian contained in this
<br /> �]eed of Trust,the Nvte or in any of the Related aocumen�s.
<br /> Default on �ther Payments. Failure af Trustar within the tim� required by�his Deed of Trust to make any payment
<br /> f�r tax�s�r insurance.or any o�her paymen�necessary to pr��ent fi�ing a�ar to effecf discharge of any lien.
<br /> False Sta�ements. Any warranty, repr�sentation vr stat�ment made or furnished �o Lender by Borrower or Trust�r
<br /> or on Borrower's or Trustar's behal� under this Deed o� Trust or the Relafied D�cumen�s is false �r mis[eading in
<br /> any ma�erial respect, either nvw ar at the time made �r furnish�d nr be�omes false vr misleading at any time
<br /> thereafter.
<br /> Defective �alla�eralizatian. This Deed af Trust ar any of �the,Related aocumsnts ceases to be in full fo�ce and
<br /> effect �including failure of any colla�eral dvcumen��to create a valid and perfiected security interes� or �ieny at any
<br /> time and for any reason.
<br /> �]eath vr lnsol�ency. The dissolufian or termina�tian af gorr�wer`s or Trustor's exisfience as a gaing �usiness. the
<br /> insolvency of B�rrower or T�ustor, �he appointment o�F a receiver for any part of garrower`s �r Trustor's prvper�y.
<br /> any assignment for the benefit o�cr�ditors, any typ�vf creditor workau�, ar th� commenc�ment of any proceeding
<br /> under any�ankruptcy or insol�ency laws by or against Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> Creditvr or Fvr�ei#ure Prviceedings. Gommencement af fareclosure or for�eifure proceedings, whether by judicial
<br /> proceeding, self-help, repossession vr any other methv�l, by any c�edit�r of Borrower vr Trus�ar or �y any
<br /> gavernmenta! agency a�ainst any p�operty securing the lndebtedness. This includes a garn�shrn�nt of any of
<br /> Borrvwer's �r Trusfinr's a�counts, including deposit accvunts, with Lender. Howe�er, �his Even� ❑f ❑efault shall
<br /> not appiy if there is a good faith dispute by Borrvwer or Trustor as to the �alidity ar reasonableness o�the claim
<br /> which is the basis of the creditor or farf�iture proc�eding and if �vrr�wer or Trustor gives Lender written natice of
<br /> the cr�ditar or fiarfeiture proceeding and deposits v►rith Lender monies ❑r a surety bond �far�he creditor❑r fvrfeiture
<br /> praceeding, in an amaunt determined by Lender, in its so�e discretion, as being an adequate reserve or bond for the
<br /> dispute.
<br /> Breach nf flther Agreement. Any brea�h by Borrower vr Trustor unde�the terms o�any other agreernent between
<br /> gorrawer ar Trustor and Lender that is n�t remedied wi�hin any grace p�riod provided �herein. including wi�hout
<br /> lirnitation any agreemen� conc�rning any indebtedness or oth�r abligat�on vf B�rrower or Trus��r �a Lender,
<br /> whe�her existing now vr later.
<br /> Events Affecting �uaran�or. Any af the preceding e�ents vccurs with respect�o any guarantvr, endarser, surety,
<br /> ar accommfldation par�y of any of �th� lndebtedn�ss or any guarantar. endarser, surety, �r acc�mmoda�ion party
<br /> dies or becvmes incampe�ent, �r revokes or disputes �he �alidity vf, or lia�ili�y under, an� Guaranty of the
<br /> Ind�b�edness.
<br /> Adverse Chan�e. A maferial ad�erse change occurs in BQrrower's or Trustor's �inancial conditian� or Lender
<br /> bel�eves the prospec�af paymen�or per�orman�e of the Indebtedness �s impaired.
<br /> lnsecurity. Lender in gvod faith be�ieves ixself insecure.
<br /> Existing Indebfiedness. The payment af any installment of principal vr any interest �n the Exisfing Indebtsdness is
<br /> not made within the time required �y the prvmiss�ry nvte eWiden�ing such indehtedness, or a default accurs under
<br />