<br /> DEEL3 �F TIRUS�
<br /> Loan No: '[D1�78495 ��on�inued} �ag� ��
<br /> Defaul�. Th�word "Defaulfi" means the Defau[t se�for�h in this Deed of Trust in the secti�n titled "Defaul�",
<br /> En�ironmental Laws. The words "Enviranmental Laws" mean any and all state. federa! and Iocal statutes.
<br /> r�gulations and o�dinances relating to the protectivn af human heal�h or the en�ironment, including withaut
<br /> ��rnitation the C�mprehensiv� Environmenta! RespQnse, Cvmpensa�ian, and Liabil�ty Act of 198�, as amended, 42
<br /> 11.5.�. Section 95Q1, et seq. {"CER�LA"}, the Sup�r�und Amendmenfis and Reauthoriza�E�n Act of 198�, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 {"SARA"�,the Hazardaus Materials Transportafi�on A�t, 4g U.S.C. Sec�t�on �BD�, et seq., �th� R�source
<br /> Conservation and Rec��ery A�t, �� U.S.C. Sec�ion �9��� et seq.. or other applicable sta�e �r federal Iaws, rul�s.
<br /> or regulati�ns ad�pt�d pursuant�heret�.
<br /> E�ent of�efault. The words "Event of Default" mean any ofi�h� e�ents of default set forfh in this Deed of Trusfi in
<br /> the e�ents a��efaul�sec�ion of this deed of Trust. .
<br /> Existing Indebtedness. The ►nrords '"Exis�ing Ind�bt�dness" mean the indebtedn�ss described in �he Existing Liens
<br /> provisivn❑f fihis Deed�f Trust.
<br /> Guaranty. The ward "Guaranfiy" means th� guaranty from guarantor, end�rser, surety, ar accomm�datian party ta
<br /> Lends�, including withaut limitation a guaranty af alf or part ofi fih� Note.
<br /> Hazardvus Subs#ances. The words "Ha�ardous Substances" mean materials that. because of �h�ir �uantity,
<br /> cvncentration or physica�, chemical or infec�ious characteristics, may cause or pose a presen�or p�tential hazard
<br /> to human health ar the en�ironment when improperly used. �reated, stared, disp�sed of, generated, manufactured�
<br /> transport�d vr otherwise handled. The wards "Hazardous Substances" are used in �heir �ery broadest sense and
<br /> includ� w��hout [imita�tion any and all hazardous or �oxic substances, mat��iaEs vr waste as defined by or listed
<br /> under the Enviranmental Laws. The term "Hazardous 5ubstanc�s" alsa incfudes, without limita�ion, p�troleum and
<br /> petroleum by-produc�s or any fraction�hereof and asbest�s.
<br /> Improvemenfs. The word "ImprQ�ements" rneans a[I existtng and �uture impr�vements, buildings, structuresf
<br /> mobife homes affixed an the Rea[ Prap�rty� fa�ilit�es� additions. replac�m�nts and o�ther cvnstruc�ion �n �he Real
<br /> Property.
<br /> lndebtedness. The word "Indeb�edn�ss" means all principal, in�erest, and other amounts, costs and expenses
<br /> payable under �the Note or Re�ated Dv�uments� �ogether with all renewals of, ex�ensions of� modifications of,
<br /> cvnsolidations af and substitutions far the Note or Re�ated Dacuments and any am�unts expend�d or ad�anced by
<br /> Lender to discharg� Trustor's ❑bligativns or expenses incurred by Trustee or Lender ta enf�rce Trustor's
<br /> vbligatians under this Deed of Trust, toge�her ►rvith interest an such amounts as pro�ided in this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Specifically, without limitati�n, lndehtedness in�ludes the future ad�ances set fvrth.in th��Future Advances
<br /> provision��this Deed�f Trusfi,tage�her with all interest there�n.� �� _
<br /> Lender, The word "Lender" means Five Poin�s Banlc, i�s su��essars and assigns.
<br /> Note. The word "Not�" means the promissory no�e da�ed._Aug_us�t 12. ��14, tn the -origina[ princip�l
<br /> �t`i7�lun� of $'I�.43�.�� from 6arrawer t❑ Lenderr together with alI renewals of, extensions flf. modifications
<br /> ofi, re�inancings of, consolidations of, and substitu�ions for the promissory note or agreem�n�t.
<br /> Persanal Property. The words "P�rsonal Praperty" mean all equipment, f�xtures, and other articles of personal
<br /> prflper�y now or he�eafte� �wned by Trustor� and nvw �r hereafter attached or affix�d ta th� Rea! Property;
<br /> together with all accessEons, parts, and addi�tians fo, all replacem�nts af, and a!I substitutions �vr, any o� such
<br /> praperty; and together ►rvith all praceeds �including wifhvut [imitatian all insuran�e proceeds an� refunds o�F
<br /> premiums� �From any sale or other dispnsitivn af th� Prvperty.
<br /> Property. The wo�d "Prape�ty" means collect��ely the Real Pr�perty and the Persanal Property.
<br /> Real Property. The words "Real Property" mean the real property, int�r�s�ts and rights, as further descri�ed in �his
<br /> Deed of Trust.
<br /> Relat�d [3o�uments. The words "Refated Dv�uments" mean all promissary notes, credit agreements, loan
<br /> agreements, enWiranmen#al agreements, guarantiesf security agreements, mortgages, deeds of trust. security
<br /> deeds, c�llateral mortgages, and all other �ns�rumen�s, agreemen�s and dacuments, whether now or hereafter
<br /> existing, �xecuted 'tn connectian with�he Indebtedness.
<br /> R�nts. The word "Rents" means afl present and �uture ren�s, re�enues, �ncome, i5SU�5. royalties, profits, and
<br /> other benefits derived from�th� Prvperty.
<br /> Trustee. The word "Trustee" means Five Paints Bank, whose address �s P.� Box 15�7, Grand Island, NE
<br /> 588aZ-�5Q7 and any substitute or successor trus�ees,
<br /> Trustor, The word "Trustor" means SHANE SM1TH and 1NANDA SMiTH.
<br />