<br /> ,
<br /> _
<br /> which covers the reai and persvna� property descr�bed in the 5e�urity Instrument and defined therein as t.he
<br /> "Praperty",located at
<br /> 22�5 PARK AVE,GRAND ISLAND,NEBRASKA 688Q3�he reai proper�y des�ribed is Ioca�ed in HALL
<br /> �UUNTY,NEBRASKA and being set forth as fo��aws:
<br /> In c�n�ideration of the mutual prornises and agreemen�s exchanged, the par�ies heret� agree as follows
<br /> (notwithstanding anything to th�contrary conta�ne�in the Note ar Security Instrument�:
<br /> � 1. As af, U�T�BER 1, 2�1� the amount paya��e under the Note and the Security Instrumen� �the "Unpaid
<br /> Prxnerpal Balanee"� �s LT.S. $78,2Z8.67, c�nsisting af the amoun��s� loaned ta Borrovver by Lender, plus
<br /> capita�ized interest in the amount of U.S. �6,199.41 and other amounts cap��alized, wh�ch is 1im�ted to
<br /> escrows and any legal fees and related foreclosure costs that may have heen ac�rued for v�ork eompleted.
<br /> 2. Borrower pramises to pay the Unpa�d Princ��al Ba�a.nce, plus interest, to the order af Lender Interest w��l
<br /> be charged�n the Unpaid Pr�ncipa�Balance at the yearly rate of 4.1254%, from�CT�BER l,ZU1�.The
<br /> Borr�wer promises to make monthly payments of pr�nc�pai and �nterest of U.S. $379.14, beginn�ng an the
<br /> 1ST day of N�VEMBER,2U1�,and cont�nuing thereafter on the same day of each suceeeding month unti�
<br /> principal and�nterest are paid in fui�. If on ��'T�BER l,�Q42 �th� "Ma�ur�ty I]a�e"}, the Borrower st�11
<br /> owes amoun�s under the N�te and the Secur�ty Instrument, as am�nded by this Agreement, Borrower wz�l
<br /> pay these amounts in fu�l on the Maturity Date.
<br /> 3. If all vr any part of the Property or any interest in it is sa�d or transferred �or if a ben�ficia� �nterest in the
<br /> Borrawer is sold or transferred and the BQrroWer is not a natural person}without the Lender's prior written
<br /> consent,the Lender rnay require immediate payment�n fu1�of all sums secured by�h�s Security Instrument.
<br /> �f the Lender exercises �his option, the Len�er shall give the Borrower no�ice af aceeleration. The notice
<br /> shal�provide a period of not less than 3U days from the date the no�ice is de�ivered or ma�led withzn which
<br /> the Borrawer must pay all sums secured by this Security Instrument.�f the Barrvwer faiis�o pay these sums
<br /> prior to the expiratian of this p�r�ad? �ae Lender may inv�ke any r�medies p�rmitted by this Securi.ty
<br /> �nstrument without further notice or demand on the Borrower.
<br /> 4. The Borrower alsv wi11 comply with all other covenants, agreetnents, and requiremen�s of the Security
<br /> Instrument,including without limita,tion,the Barrower's covenants and agreements t�make all payments af
<br /> taxes,insuranee premiums,ass�ssmen�s, escrow items,impvunds,and al�other payments that the Borrawer
<br /> �s obl�gated to make under the Security�nstrument;however,the fo��owing terms and provisions are forever
<br /> cance�led,null and vo�d,as of the date speci.f�d in Paragraph No, x abo�e:
<br /> �a} al1 terms and pravisions vf�he No�e and Securi�y Instrumen�(�f any�provid�ng for, implementing,or
<br /> relat�ng ta,any�hange or adjustment in the rate�f interest payabie und�r the Nate;and
<br /> �b) all terms and pro�isions of any adjustable ra�e rider,or other instrumen�ar do�ument that is aff xed
<br /> to, whol�y or pa.rt�ally �ncorpora�ed int�, or is par-t of, the Not� or Security Instrum�nt and that
<br /> conta�ns any such terms and pro�isions as those referred ta in�a}abave.
<br /> 5. If the B�rrower has,s�nce in�eptian of this�oan but prior to this Agreement,re�e�ved a discharge in a
<br /> �'hapter 7 ban�ruptcy, and th�re ha��ng heen no �alid reaff rmation af the under�ying debt, by
<br /> entering inta th�s Agreement, the LendQr�s nat att�mpting to re-establish any personal lia��lity for
<br /> the underlying deb�
<br /> HUD Modification Agreement�828��1� 45 99�Z4�5775
<br /> First Arneri�an Mortgage 5ervices � Page 2
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