<br /> ��14Q4��4
<br /> satisfacti�n, pro�v�ded that such inspection shall be und�rtaken promp�ly. Lender may pa� fo�the repairs
<br /> and restoratian in a single disbu�semen�or in a se�zes of prog��ss pa��n�nts as the�ork is compl�ted.
<br /> Unless an agre�men�is made in�r�t�ng or Applicab�e Law r�quir�s in�erest to be paid on su�h
<br /> M�scelianeous Proceeds, Lende�shal�not be required t�pay �orr�we�r an�r interest or earnings an such
<br /> M�s�e��aneous P�ac�eds. �#the�•�stora�ion ar repair�s not ec�nomicaliy f�asfb��or Lend�r's security wau�d
<br /> b���ssened, th�N�isce�laneous Pr�ceed�shal�be applied�o the sutns secured by this Security�nstrument,
<br /> whether o�r nat the��du�, v�ith�he excess, �f an�r,pa�d to Barro«rer. Such �Misc�Ilaneous Pro��eds shall��
<br /> a�plied�n the order praWided far in 5ecti�n�.
<br /> In the ev�nt af a t�ta�takzng, destruction, or Ioss in�ralue af the Fraper�y, the Miscel�aneflus Proce��s sha�l
<br /> be app�ied to th�sum�secured by this Secu�rit��nstrumen�, whether or not�hen due, ��r�th the excess, if an�,
<br /> paid�o Barrawer.
<br /> In the even�of a par�iai taking, destru�t�on, flr I�ss in�a�ue of the P�operty in�rhich the fair ma�ket va�ue�f
<br /> the Prap�rty�m�medzate�y before the partia�ta�ing, d�struction, or 1���in valu��s e�ual �o�r grea�er than the
<br /> amflunt�f the sums se�ur�d by thi�Securit� �nstru�nen��mm�diateiy bef�r�the partxai takir��, destructi�n, �r
<br /> �oss in�alue, unless Borrowe�and Lender otherwise a�ree�n writin�, the sums secured by this Security
<br /> �nstrument shall b�redueed by the am�unt�f th�Mis�e�lan�ous Praceed�mul�ipiied by�he fnllawing
<br /> fractian: �a}the tatal amount of the sums secured immediately�efore�he part�a�ta�ing, destruc�ion, or�oss
<br /> in va�ue di�icied by�b}the fair market vaiue�f the P�aperty immed�a�ely before�he par�i�l�al�ing,
<br /> destruct�on, or Inss in�alue. Any balance shall be�aid�o Barrow��r.
<br /> �n the�v�nt of a par�ia�taking, destruGt�on, �r loss in�alue of�he Prvp�r��in�vhi�h the fair market�a�ue of
<br /> �he Proper��immed�ate��bef�re�he partia�takin�, destruct�an, or�as�in value is�e�s �han the amoun�of the
<br /> sums se�ur�d�mmed�ately before the partiai�aking, destructzon, ar l�ss in wa�ue, un�es�B�rrawer and
<br /> �.ender a�hervv�se a�xee in writing, th�Misce�laneaus Pra�eeds shall be applied to�he sums secur�d by�his
<br /> Secur�ty �ns�rumen�urhe�her�r nat the sums are�hen due.
<br /> If the Proper��r is abandoned by Barra��er, or�f, a�'t�r no�ice by L�nde�r ta Borr�wer that�he�pp�s�ng Party
<br /> �as de�ned �n�h�next�en�enc�}�ffers�a make an award to sett��a claim far damag�s, Borr�wer fails ta
<br /> resp�nd to Lender w�thin 3Q days after�he dat�the nati�e is gi�ren, Lender is authorized to co�lec�and apply
<br /> the Misce��aneous Praceeds ei�h�r to rest�ratiQn or repa�r of the Proper�y or to th��ums se�ured by this
<br /> Seeurzty Ins�rument, wheth�r or not then due. "�pposin�Party" means�he thi�d party�hat aw�s B�rro��ver
<br /> Misce��ane�us Proce�ds�r�h�par�y against whom Borro��r has a r�ght of ac�ian in regard ta M�scei�aneaus
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Barraw�r�hall be in�efaul��f any a��ion�r praceeding, ��hether�iv��or c:riminal, is begun�hat, in Lender's
<br /> judg�nen�, �ou�d�e�ult in forFe�tu�re�f th�P�rapert�or o�her ma�eria� impairment of L�nder's in�erest in the
<br /> Proper�y or righ�s under�h�s 5ecurit�r�n��rument. Bo�ra��er can cur�such a default and, �f acCe�era�ion has
<br /> o�curred, reinstate as provided in Se��ion 19, by causing ihe activn ar praceeding�o b�dismissed with a
<br /> ruling that, in L�nder's judgmen�, precludes forfei�ure of the Proper�y�r other material impairment of
<br /> Lender's interest�n�he Prap�r��or r�ghts under this Se�urity�ns�rumen�. The proc��ds of any avvard or
<br /> claim for damages that are attributable�a�he impairment of Lend�r's int�r�s��n the Proper�y ar�hereby
<br /> assigned and shall be paid�� L�ndex.
<br /> AIl M�scellaneous Proceeds�ha�are not app�i�d to restoration or repair af the Proper�y shali be app��ed in the
<br /> ord�r pravid�d for in�e�tion 2.
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single�arrsily-Fa�nie Mael�r�ddie Mac UNIFQRM tNS�'RUMENT �qrm 3Q28 1141
<br /> VMP� V{VlP6�NEf��3Q2�
<br /> Wo�iefs K#uwet FinanCi�!S�r�iCes P�ge 1�of 3 7
<br />