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��14�5��7 <br /> ��ED �F T'RLJ�T <br /> . <br /> L�a� Nv: ����a���3 {�ont�nued� Page � <br /> PAY11liENY�ND PEF�F�R11�lANCE. Except as o�herwise pro�ided in thi.s Deed of Trust, B�rrovtirer shal[ pay to Lend�r all <br /> �ndet�tedness secured �y this Deed o� Trust as it becames due, and Borrower and Trustor shal� per�Form a�f �heir <br /> respec�ive obliga�ions under th� Credi-�Agreemen�,this Deed o�T�-us�t, and the Reiated Documents. <br /> P�SSESSE�N AND MAINTENANCE �F THE PFi�F'ERTY. gorrower and Trus�or agree that Borrower's and Trus�or's <br /> p�ssession and use af the Proper�y sha�� be gaverned by the fol[owing pro�isians: <br /> Passession and Use. Untif �he occurrence of an E�ent o€ �efau�t; Trustor may ��} remain in pvssession and <br /> controi of the Property; �2} use, vperate or manage the Property; and �3} co��ect the �en�s�rram the Property. <br /> I�uty to 1Vla�ntain� Trustar sha[[ maintai-n fihe Proper�y in good co-ndition and promptly perfarm a[l �epairs,. <br /> rep[acemen�s, and ma�ntenance necessary to preser�e its�alue. <br /> �omplianCe 1�ith Envirt�nrr�en��E Laws. Trustor represen-�s and warrants �ta Lende�-that: {�� Du� the pe�-i�d vf <br /> Trustvr`s ownership of the Proper�y,there has been nv use, generation, manu�acture, stora�e, treatm�n�, disposal, <br /> release or thre��tened re�.�ase of any Hazardaus Substance �y any persan on; und�r, abo.ut or frvrn the Properfiy; <br /> �2} Trustor has no knowledge a�, or �-eason to belie�e that there has been. except as prev�ousiy disclosed �a and <br /> ackn�virledged by Lender En writing, �a} any b�each or vio[atian of any En�ironmen�al Laws, 4b} any use, <br /> generation, ma.nufac�ure, stvrage, �reatm�nt, d�spasa[, re[ease or threa�ened release ❑f any Ha�ardous Substa.nce <br /> on, under, about o�- from th.e Praperty by any prior ❑wners or occupa.nts af the Proper�y, or �c} any actual vr <br /> �hreatened �itigation ar c[aims af any kind hy any person re�ating to such ma�ters; and �3� E�ccept as previousfy <br /> disc'los�d�o and acknow[edged by Lender in�nrrit�ng, {a� n�ithe�-Trus�tor no�any tenant, contractor, age.nt or o�her <br /> authorized user�f the Prflperry sha[[ use, g�ne�ate, manufacfure, s�or�, tre:at, dispose of or reiease any Ha�ardvus <br /> Suhstance on,under. abou��r from the Property; and 4b} any such act��ity shall be cQnduc�ed in comp[iance wi�h <br /> a11 app[icable federal, state, and 1oca� lav►rs, regu[atians �nd ordinances, �ncluding withou� limitation a!I <br /> En�iro,nmen�al Laws. Trusto�- authorizes Lender and its agents �o en�ter upan th� Property to make such <br /> inspec�tions and �es.ts, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may dee.m appropriat� to determine comp[ian�e ofi �he <br /> P�aperty wi�h �his sec�ion of the Deed o� Trust. Any inspections or �ests made by Lend�r sha.11 be �For Lender"s <br /> pu�-poses only and sha�� not be construed to create any responsibility or liabili�y�n�he p�rt vf Lender t�Trustor or <br /> to any other p�rs�n. The represen�a�ions and warran�ies contained herein are based on Trustor"s due diligence �n. <br /> in�estiga�ing the Prvperty for Hazardous 5ubstances. Trustor herehy {'[} releas�s and wai�.e� any�uture c�a�rns <br /> agains�t Lender -�or �ndemn�ty vr �vn�ri�ution i.n the ��ent Trust�r beeomes iiab�e �or cleanup o.r other costs under <br /> any such laws; and {2} agrees fio �ndemni�y, dei�end, and hoid harm[ess Lender against any and af[ �laims, Iosses, <br /> iiabi[ities, damages, pena[ties, and expenses which Lend�r may directly or indirectly sustain o�suffer resulting from <br /> a breach o�this sec�ion a�F the Deed af Trust or as a consequence of any use, generation, manufacture, storage, <br /> ciispvsal, rel�ase�r threa�ened release accurring priQr tv Trustor's av►rnership vr in�he Property,whether or . <br /> nv� the same was or shou[d have heen kn�wn to �frustor, The pro��sians af this sectian v� �he Deed of Trust, <br /> including the ob[igatian to indemnify and de�€end, sha��sur�ive the payment Qf�he Indebtedness and the satisfaction <br /> and recon�eyance o�the �ien of this Deed of Trust and s.hall not be af�ec�ed by Lender's a�quisitivn o�any inte�-es� <br /> in�he Prap�rty, whe�her by forec�osure or otherwise. <br /> Nuisan�e, V1�as#e. Trustor shall no� cause, conduct or permit any nuisance nor commit, permit, o�r suffer any <br /> stripping of or waste on ar �o the Property ar any portion o� �he Property. VIli�hout �im�ting �he generality vf the <br /> foregaing, Trus�tor will nat remo�e, or grant ta any other party the righ�to remo�e, any timber; minerals �inc�ud�ng <br /> oil and gas�, c�al, clay, scor�a, sai[, gravel or rock prvduc�s wi�hou�Lender's prior writ�en consent. <br /> Rema��[of�mprov�ments. Trustor shali nvt demolish or remo�e any[mprovements from the Real P�r�per�y without <br /> Lender's prior�rvritten cansent. As a condi�ian to the remo�a[o�any �mprovements, Lender may require Trustvr to <br /> make arrangements s�tis�act�ry to L�nde� �a rep[ace such Improvements with �mpro�ements of a� least �qua[ <br /> v�[ue. <br /> Lende�'s I��ght�v En�er. Lender and Lencler's agents and representativ�s r�ay enter upon the l�eaC P�oper�y a� al� <br /> reasonable times to atkend to L�nd�r's interests and tv Enspect the Real Prope�y for purposes of Trus�or's <br /> compliance w�th the terms and conditions of this Deed a�T�ust. <br /> Comp�iance wi�h GoWernra�entaI Requirements. Trus�or shall promptly comply wi�h a[l laws, o�dina.nces, and <br /> regulations, nvw ❑r hereafter in e�F�fec�, of all go�e�nmentaE authorities applicable to the use or occupancy af the <br /> Property. Trustar may contest in good fa�th any such law, ordinance, or regu[atEon and wi-�hhold compliance during <br /> any proceeding, including appropriate appeals, sa fong as Trustor has nvtified Lender in wri�ing prior to daing so <br /> and so long as, in Lender's so�e opinion, Lender's interests in the Proper�y are nvt;�opardi�ed. Lender may require <br /> Trustor t� p�st adequate security�r a sur�ty bonai, �easonabiy satisfactory�o Lender,to pro�ect Lend�r's in�erest. <br /> Duty t� Prote��. Trustor agrees nei�her �a abandvn ar lea�e unattended fihe Property, Trustor shall do all o�her <br /> acts� in addition ta those acts sefi forth abo�e in fihis see�ian, which from the character and use��the Property are <br /> reasan_ab[y necessary�o protecfi and preserve�he Proper�y. <br /> DUIE ON S�►LE-��1VS�NT �Y LENDER. Lender may, at Lender�s option, declare wmmediate[y due and paya�[e all sua�ns <br /> secu�ed by this L�eed a�Trus�upon�he sale or transfer, rn�ithout Lender's prior�ivritten consen�, of ali or any part o�F the <br /> F�ea! Pr�perty, or any in�eres� in the Rea! Property. A "sale or�ransfer" means the can�eyance o�F Real F'roperty or any <br /> right, tit[e or �nterest in the Real Prope�ty; wl�ether [egal, bene�i�ia� or equitab[e; whe�her �olunt�ry or in�olun�tary; <br /> wh�ther by outright sa�e, de�d, insta�lment sa[e contract, iand cont�-act, contrac� for deed, leaseho�d interest with a <br /> term grea�er�than thre� �3`� years, �ease-option contraG�, or by sa[e, assignment, ar transfer��any ber�eficia� interes�in <br /> ar�ko any �and �krust halding ti��e�ko the Rea[ Property, or by any other method of conveyanc� vf an in�erest in the Real <br /> P�op�rty. Howe�er, �khis op�ion shall no� �ae exerc�secl hy L�nder if such exercis� is prohibi�ed by �ederal law a� by <br /> Nebraska Naw. <br /> TA�ES ,�ON[] L��NS. The -�ol�-owfng pr��isions �-e�at�ng to the taxes and liens on the Property are par� of this Deed of <br /> Trus�. <br /> Pay�n�nt. T�us��r sha�.[ pay wh�n due �and En all events p�ior��delinquency} a1J tax�s, specia!�axes, assessmentso <br /> charges {inc�udin� water and sewer}, fines and ir�p�sitions levied against or on acc�unt a�the Property, and sha�� <br /> pay when due all c�airxzs fvr wvrk done on �r for ser�ices �endered ar material furnished �o the P�-vperty. T�ustor <br /> shall maintain the Proper�y f�ree of a�� fiens ha�ing preort�y oWer��equ:al �o the interest of Lender und�r this Deed of <br /> Trust, except �or the lien o� taxes and assessmen�s a�at due and e�ccep� as a�herwise prov�ded i:n this Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> �ight tv Contes�.. Trustor may withhofd paymen�❑�f any�ax, assessment, or ciaim in connec�tion with a gvod faith <br /> dispute o�er the obligation�o pay, so long as Lender's interest in the Property�s na�jeapardi�ed. i�a �ien arises or <br /> is filed as � resu�t vf nonpayment, Trustor sha[[ within �i�teen ��5} days after fhe lien arises or, if a iien is �€led, <br /> within fifteen �15} days afrer Trustor has no�ice of the fi[ing, seCure �he discharge o�th� lien, or i� �equested by <br /> Lender,deposit with Lender cash or a suff��ient corporate surety bond or�ther security satisfactory to Lender 3n an <br /> amoun�su�fficient to discharge the �ien plus any costs and attorneys' �ees, vr�ther charges tha�could accrue as � <br /> resul�of a�oreclosure or sa�e under the [ien. ln any con�est, �rustor shall defend ��sel�and Lende�and sha[[satis�fy <br /> any adverse judgmen�before enfvrcement against the Property. Tr�stor shall name Lender as an additionai obligee <br /> under an�sure�y bond�rurnished in the contes�proceedings. <br /> E�idence o�Payrraen�. Yrustor shall upvn derr�and �u€�n�sh �a L�nder sa�isfa��ory�Widence �# payrnent vf the�axes <br /> or assessmen�s a�d sha�� au�hori�e the app��pr�a�e go�er�menta� o�fiG�a� �o de�iver�o �ende�at any�ime a v+rritten <br />