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��14�5��� <br /> representativ�has ohtain�d relief fr�m the autamatic stay imposed by �� U.S.�. §36�in fihat <br /> �er�or�'s �ankruptcy pr�c�e�ing, and thereafter that persvn convertecf fo a �hapter 7 and a <br /> dis�harge was granted to tha�pers�n, that person wi�l ha�e no personaf�ia�ility far th�a�ave <br /> refer�n�ed deb�. If that persan is or wa� a �hap�er 7 debtar and this debt v�►as listed in that <br /> person's sch�dules and no�reaffirmed, and the�eaft ischar was gran��d, that person <br /> wi�� hav� no persona� ��a�ility fvr the abQ�e ref�re e debf. <br /> . <br /> Edwar� E. Brink, NSBA#19�D4 <br /> S o u�h a n d Asso�iates, P.G. <br /> . <br /> 1❑855 Vtlest Do��e Road, Suife �3Q <br /> �maha, NE �8��� <br /> STATE �F NFBRA�KA } <br /> � 55. <br /> ��3UNTl��F ��U�LAS } <br /> '-�. <br /> f �� <br /> The fore oin ' r —� <br /> g g i nstru men#was acknowledged�efore me th�s day of <br /> � <br /> �� , y Edward E. Brink, SuCC�55��"��'uStC'.�. <br /> C�' � ,. <br /> , <br /> ,' � <br /> N ar� ublic <br /> GENERAL NOTARI'-S#a�e of Ne�raska <br /> � LlNQA�.SE7�CTC]N <br /> �.:-- My C�mm.�x�.A��,24,���4 <br /> File N�. 169561 <br />