<br /> ��� ;'�end�r"' is EQIJxTABLE BANK
<br /> Lender�s a 5av1 ng5 B�nk
<br /> organized a�1d e�zs�zng u�zc�er�he laws of T H E S TA T E D F N�B�A S KA ,
<br /> Lerider's address is 113 N L��UST 5T PD B�X �.60 GRAND �SLAND NE 6�8�2�DZ�D
<br /> ,
<br /> Len�.�r i�the bexzefi�iary unt�e�thi5 Securi�y Instiru�nen�.
<br /> ��} "Trust�e" zs EQU�TAB LE BAN K
<br /> .
<br /> �E} "hl ote" tneans the pra�nissory t�ote szg�ed by Bof�ravver a�c�da�ed A u g u s�L 0 S, Z��.4 , The No�e
<br /> s�ates���a�Lo�row�r awes Lenc�er F�RTY SEVEN TH��SAND F�11E HUNDREa AND ��11��
<br /> I�ollars�U.`S. �4 7,5 0�.�� }��us in�eres�� B�rrower has pr�ir�ise�.�a�ay t�iis c�eb�in regular
<br /> PeriodiG Pay�ne�.ts at�d ta pay the�.eb���z fu��not later�1�a�1 5 e p t e mb e r 1 , ��2� ,
<br /> �F� "P�'�p�r�y" �neans�he��aperty��aa�is c��scr��aed belaw u�z�.ei�he llead��xg "7'�ar�sfer o�Righ�s in�;h�
<br /> Praperty,"
<br /> �G� �'Loa n'" �x�e�ns�l�e de�1;evidenced Uy�he Note, p�us in�eres�, ar�y��e�ayme�z�:cha��ges a��.1a�e cl�arges due
<br /> unc�.er t��e No�e, and a11 sutns c�ue t��der���is Sec�rr�y Instru�nent, �1us in�eres�.
<br /> ��} "Rid�rs" �neans a�1 Rider��o�his Sec�.iri�y rns�rumen����at are execu�ed by Bort:ov�er, Tf�e rQ1lo�vi�.g Riders
<br /> a.re�01�e�xecuted by�3or��avvel �cheel��ox as ap�lical��e�;
<br /> 0 Ac�jusl:able Ra�e Rider � Co�do�niniuin Rider [� Secand�-IQt�1e Ric�er
<br /> 0 Balloon Ri�er �P1ar�ra.e�.U�i�Deve�opzne�a.�R�der [] �.�-4 Family Rider
<br /> � VA.Rzder 0 B��t�ve���ly Paymer��R�c�er 0 ��het•�s� [speGifY�
<br /> ��� "►►�pp I E�ab�� L�'u�°' �ne��s a1t con�ro�l�ng appl�ca��e federal, s�a�:�a.nd 1ocaX s�atutes, �eg�:��.�ians, �tid�za.ances
<br /> ��xd adini�is�ra�xve�ru1e� and arders���a.ai;lza�e tlze ef�ect of 1aw� as we�l as a11 a���icab�e�inal, non-�.ppea�a�ale
<br /> �u�.�cia1 opinio�.s.
<br /> �J} "Cammun��y ►�►ssocia�ion �u�s, Fee�, and Ass�ssmen�s" 1ne�ns a11 c�ues, fees, �ssesstne�.�s and ot�ler
<br /> c1�a�ges�hat�re itn�aosed on Bo�rower or��1e Praperty��a��ildo�nir�iu�n a�soc�at�an, �loi�eowners
<br /> �ssocia.tio�.o�r sii�nila.r organiza�iori,
<br /> ��C} "Elec�ror�ie Funds `Tran�fer" �a��eans ar�y�r�.n�fer of f-unds, a�her�han a tra.�sac��ar�origina�e��by chec��,
<br /> �r�.f�, or si�n��ar paper ir�strt�rnen�, v�hic�l is zni�ia��e����ough an elec�ronic�eri���.a�, ��1ep�lo�ic i�stru�nen�,
<br /> caxnpu#;e�, or��.a.agz�e���1:ap�so as�o orc�er, i�str�.�c�, a�au�lzo�i2e a f�rianc�al�nsi.�tu�ioi�to de���ar cred1t an
<br /> a�ca���. SlXC�.1���'111 1�1C�l:lC��S, 1�tx�is��o��i�ni�ec��o, poznt--or sa�e�rara.sfers, �.u�o��na�ed f:eller rnac��.ine
<br /> �r�zs�.ctio�zs,. �z ansfers��itia.�ed by�elepl��t��, w�re�r�nsfeths, and�u�ot��ate�.c�earir�ghouse tra�lsfers.
<br /> �L} "E�craw #fiem�r' tne�.t�s those xte�ns�hat are d�scr�bed i�z Sec�io�13,
<br /> w
<br /> M �' i�cellan��us Pro�eed�" �nea��s ar�y co�npe�lsation, sef:�le�nen:�, avva.rc�of damag��, or�roceeds paid by
<br /> a.�.y��ird�a��y�o���er tha��i�sura�.ce proceeds�aid under t�e coverages descrfbed i1�Sec�ion 5� �or; �i}
<br /> c�a.�nage to, or des�ruc�io�l or, �:�.1�P�'Q�7�1�:y, �ii} ca�.c�e�nna�iatl or o�her ta.lfit��;of�:��or a�Y par�of�1�e
<br /> P�o�erty, (iii} co�zveya�a.ce i�z lieu oF co�zde�nr�a�i�n; or°�f�}��.s�represen�a�ions oF, ot•o�niss�ons�s to, ��ze
<br /> value anc�lar conc�i�io�1 of t1�e P�o e�•t ,
<br /> 24�4�725
<br /> N�gRRSKA-Single Family-Fannie M ael�reddie M ac UNIF�RM INSTRIJM�NT Farm 34�8 �!4�
<br /> VM P d VM F'�{N�}{�3�2}
<br /> Walters Kluw�r�'inancial 5ervlc�s �age�of�7
<br />