<br /> sa�xsf���io�a:, pravided tha�such zr�spect�a�1 sha��be L�n�er��l{en�aramptly. r��nder�nay��y lor�he��pa�rs
<br /> arid res�aratior�i�a si�gle dis�bursexne���o���n a se���es of pr�g�ess payments as the wor��is en�np�ef:ec�,
<br /> U�less a.n agreeme��is ir�a.c�e in writfng a�•A�plic�.ble Law requit:es in�e��es�to be paid oz��uc��
<br /> Miscel���eaus Proceed�, Le�1de�•sha1�r��t�e rec�uired to pay B�rrawer any interes�ar earnitlgs on suc��
<br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds. If the res�ora�ion ar rep��r�s no�ecano�nical�y feasi�le or Len�.e��'�sec�.��i�y wau�c�
<br /> be�essened, th�Misc�I�a�e�us Proceeds sha1l be a�plied�a the sutns secured�y�:his Security It�s�ru�ne�1�,
<br /> w��e��zer ot n���hen due, w�t�z�he excess, if ar�y, ��t'id�o Borrovsrer. SLic�z Miscellaneous Proeeeds sha11 ve
<br /> appliec���1:�ie o�der��.ov�dec�far xr�Sec�ion 2.
<br /> rn f;he ever�t af a�oi:a�talci�ag, des�ruc��or�, ar�oss i�va�ue of�he Prope���y, ��e Miscell�.neous Pro�eeds sh���
<br /> �]e `cl��]�I�L�t4��.1�SU1�175 S�CLI�'�C�-�7��.�.1�.5 S�GU�'�.�I�S�1��71�I1�, v�r�1��1�e�•�r r�o��h�n d��e, 'W1t�7.��.1��XC�SS, if a�.�y,
<br /> paid��B��rawer.
<br /> I�z�he eve�zti of a pa.r�ia��al�ing, c�estr��c�iar�, a�lass ��a.value of��ze Pr�pe��y i�z w1z��h�h�fa�r�narl�e�va�ue of
<br /> �1�e Prop�r�y��n�ne�ia�e�y before�he�a.rtial ta.l��ng, �es��uc�ion, or Ioss in va�ue i�eqL�a1�o�r grea�er tha�t��e
<br /> a.t�loun�of the sutns secur�d by��is Securi�y��s�ru�ne�1�iin�nec�i�.te�y�ef�re�he par�ial tal�il�g, destrucl:ion, or
<br /> �oss �n�a�ue, u�l�ess Bot•row�r�nc�Ler�c�er o�herwise�.g�ee i�a.vv�i�x�a.g, �he suzr�s�ectx��d Uy�his Secu�i�y
<br /> Z�xs�r�.x�azen� sha11 be rec�txcec�Uy�he a.�r�ounti af t��e Miscetlaneaus P�•aceec�s�nt�l�ip��e�.�y 1;he f�llovv�r�g
<br /> fr�.c�iotl: �a}�1ze to�a1�.�noun�of the su�-ns s�cu�'ec��mlr�edi�.tely befor�the p�.��ia���1ci�zg, C��S��U.C���I1, or loss
<br /> it�value�i�ide�.by��� �he fa.ir�nai�fe�value of the I'i���erti�itrimedia�:ely before tl�e partxa��a�c�ng,
<br /> desi:ructio�l, ar �oss i�.v�.�tx�. A�.a.y ba�a�ce sh�,ll�e�aaid#;o Borr�wer,
<br /> r�ti���V��1�or�.����a���.�{��g, de�t�iuc�ion, ��-1oss ir�V�.I�.�e of�lle Pro�er�y i�which���e fair tn�ke�value of
<br /> t�e Pt�operty i�r�.nediately t�efore�he par�ial�a1�1g, �.esti-uctinn, or�oss �r�v�.lue is less�har�ttle a�noun�of�he
<br /> su�ns secured iin�n�dia�e�y be.fore�he�art�a�ta����.g� C��S�.rUG�1Q�.1y or�oss in val�:�e, �.���ess Bor��wer and
<br /> Le�.der a���.e�wise agr�e�n v��:itii�g, ��Ze Miscel�a��eous Procee�.� sh.a���be ap��iec�to tihe su�ns�ecured�y��zis
<br /> Secur��y I�a.s�ru�nen�v�he��er�r i�o�t�le su�z���.re the�due.
<br /> �f��e Proper��r is �.banc�oned by I3o�•roWer, of il, af�et na�ice��Lenc�e���a Borrower�hat t��e�ppos�ng Party
<br /> �as c�e�ned i�.the�aex�se�ter�ce} offers to�na��e ar�a�uar��:o se�tle a c�ai��z fo�da�nages, Bo��rower fails �o
<br /> responc�.�o Lende�•vv��h�n 34 days after�:1�.e c�a�e t��e natice is given, Le�de�r is au���.ar�ze��o col�ec�a.�zd�pp1y
<br /> �h�Miscel�aneor.xs P�o�eeds e��:11er�o��es�:oral:�ot�or repair of the Prap�r�y o�r���he su�ns sec�.��e�.by��a.��
<br /> S�curxty�ns�ru.�neni�, whetlaer or no��hei�due. "����51f1�P��'�.�" inea��s�he tl�ird party�ha�awes I�orro�v�r
<br /> Mis�e11���.eot�s Proceeds or t�e��.rty aga.iilst w�lain Bo�rower has a rig��t of ac�ion ii�regard�o M�sce�lat�eous
<br /> Pr�ceec�s,
<br /> I3orro�e� sharl be i�.defat����f��ly a��ior�or proce�ditl�, wlle�her civ��or c�in�i�lal, is begutz th�.�, in Len�er'�
<br /> ,�uc�g��zent, �otxl�.��esu��in for�'e��ure of t11e Property ar oi;her�r��.�eria�itnp�.irment oF Le��et's itzteres�in 1:11�
<br /> Pro�e��y o�t•igh�s ut�der��i�s Secu�ity Tns�ru�ne�z�. Lorr�vver�an ct�re s�.�c�a deF�ult�nc�, if�ccele�a�ion�z�s
<br /> occurrec�, reins�a�e as pr�Vide�i�l Sec�ia�. 1�, l�y caus�rig��a.e ac�ion o���roceedx�g to�be dis171isse�i witlz a
<br /> ru�i�l�;th�.�, in Le�de��'s�j udgtnet�t, ��e�1u.�.es Fo�fei�ure of�he P�ro�er�y or o�11er zn�.�erial ii��aairrr�e�t of
<br /> Lenc�er's�r1.�eresf;in��le Property o�r rig��.�s u�.c�.e����is Sect�r��y Ix�s�ru�nen�, T�le proceeds of an�r au�ar'd or
<br /> claii��lot•da�nages tha�az e���r�b�.�ab1�����Ze i�n�airi�le��af Le�der's ir�i.eres�i�1 the Pr�pe��i;y�.re��e��eby
<br /> a�signed ai�d s1��.11 l�e p�.id�a Le��c���r.
<br /> A�l Miscella.neous Pt oc�ed����a��►re r�o�ap���ed to �esi:�ratio�z or re��.�r of�t�e Prape�il;y s1�a.�1�e�p��iec�iz��he
<br /> ord�i�rovic�e�For��S�c�ion�,
<br /> 24D�5T�7
<br /> N�BRA5KA-5ingle�amily��anni�Ivl aelFreddie M ac L1NiF�RM INSTRUM ENT Form 30��1��1
<br /> V IU1 P Q V h1i P6�N�}��3 4 2}
<br /> Vllolters Kfuw�r�inancial S�rvices Page 1�af�7
<br />