<br /> Z�I. HazardousSubstance�.As used in this S�ction 2�: �a} "Hazardou.s,Sul�.stance.s�"are th�se�ubstances
<br /> defined as to�ic�r hazardvus sub�tances,pollutants,or wastes by Environmental La�v and the following
<br /> substanees: gasolin.e,kerosene,other flammahle or toxic p�troleum produGts�toxic pesticides and herbicides,
<br /> volati�e s�lv�nts, materials containing as�estos ar formaldehyde, and radioact�ve�mater�a�s; (b}
<br /> "Er�viror�►ner�tal Law"means federal laws and la�vs of the jurisdiction.where�h�Property is located that
<br /> relate to health, safety or en�ironm�nta�protection; (c} "�rcviro��nent�l Cleanup"inclu�les any response
<br /> acti�n, remedial action, or removal act�oa, as defi�ec��n Environ.mental Law; and�d}an "�r�virorc�ner�tal
<br /> C'or�ditiorc"means a condition tha�can cause,cantribute to, ar otherwise trigger an Environrnentat Cleanup.
<br /> Borrower shalt not cause ar permi��he presence,use,disposa�,storage,ar release of any Hazardous
<br /> Substances,or threaten ta releas�any Hazardous Subs�ta.nces,on or in the Property. Borrow�r shall not da,
<br /> nvr a11a�v anyone else to do,anything affeGting the Praperty[a}that is in violatian af any En�ironmental
<br /> Law,�b)vvhich creates a�Environmental Candition,ar(c�vvhich,due to the presence,use,or release�f a
<br /> Ha�ardous Substance,creates a conditian that adversely affects the value of the Prop�rty.The preceding two
<br /> sentences sha11 not app�y to�he presence,use,or storage on the praperty of smalt quantities of Hazardous
<br /> �ubstanc�s that are generall�r recogni�ed to be appropriate to normal residential uses and to maintenance of
<br /> the Praperty(including,but not limit�d�o,hazardous substances in consumer products}.
<br /> �orraw�r sha��promptly give Lender written natice of�a�any�n�res�i�ation,claim,demand, lawsuit ar other
<br /> action by any go�ernmenta.l or reguta�ory agency or private par�r invol�ing the Property and any Hazardous
<br /> Substance�r Environmental Law of which Borrow�r has actua�knawledge, (b)any Envir�nmental
<br /> Condit�an, includi��but nat limited to,any spill�n�, �eaking,discharge,re�ease or threat of relea�e of any
<br /> Hazardous Substance,and(c}any c�ndition.caused by the presence,use or release�f a Hazardous Substance
<br /> which adverse�y affects the value af the Froper�y. If Borra�rer leams,or is notified by any go�ernm�n�a.l or
<br /> regula�ory author�ty,ar any private party,that any rernoval or other r�mediatian of any Hazardous Suhstance
<br /> affecting the Froperty is necessary,Borrovver shall promptl�r take a11 necessary remedial actions in
<br /> accordance with Environmental Law.Nathing herein shall create any obligation on Lender for an
<br /> En�ironmental Cleanup.
<br /> Non�Uniform Go��nants.Bon��ver and Lender covenant and agree as follo�v�:
<br /> �2. Ac�el�rat�on;Remed ies.Lender shall give nvtice ta BorrQv�er prinr#o aCCeleration follow�ing
<br /> B�rrawer's breach nf any cv�enant or�greement in this Security Instrument�but not privr ta
<br /> ac�eleration under Se�ti�n 1$unless Applicable�aw pravides otherwise}.The notice shail specify: �a}
<br /> the default;�b}the action required t�cure the default;�c)a date,not les�than 3U days fram the date
<br /> the natice is gi�en to�orrv�ver,by v�hich the d�fault must be cured; and�d}that failure ta cure the
<br /> default tin or before the date specified in the notice may result in ac�eleration�f the sums secured by
<br /> this S�curity Instrument and sale of the Property.The n�tice shal�further inform B�rrvwer of the
<br /> right to reinstate after acce�eration and the right to bring a court actian t�assert the n�n-existence of a
<br /> defau�t or any other defense�f Borrower to acceleration and sale.If the default is not�ured on or
<br /> befare the date specified in the notiGe,Lender at its�ption may require immediate payment in full Qf
<br /> all sums secured by this Security Instrument vvi.th�ut further demand and may in�ake the power vf sa�e
<br /> and any othe�remedies permi�ted by Appl��abie Law.Lender sh�ll be entitled tv collect all expenses
<br /> in�urred in pursuing the remedies provfded in this Section z2,inCluding,but not limited to,reasanable
<br /> attarneys'fees and costs of title e�idence.
<br /> q�332$l�fi44� Q233 351 1417
<br /> NEBRASKA�ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac�NIFORM�NSTRUMENT WITH MERS � Farm 3�28 1141
<br /> VMP C� VMPBA(NE}t1342}AD
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