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<br /> by, t}�e 5ecurity Instrurnent, whic}� �a��rs the real ar�d persorial property d�scribed in the Security Instrument
<br /> and.d.efined�herein as the"Property,"lacated at .
<br /> the real property described is Iocated in HA:LL CUUNTY,NE�RASKA and be�ng set far�h as follows:
<br /> In consideratio�� of the rtnutua� pro�mises and a�reenaet�ts exchanged, �he par�ies liereta agr�e as fallows
<br /> �notwithstanding anythin�to t��e contrary contained in�he Note or Security Znstrum�n�}:
<br /> 1. Barrower agrees that certain amounts owed wi11 r��t be capitalized, wai�ed, or addressed as par� of this
<br /> Agreement, and wi�� retnain owed unt.il paid. Tllese amau��ts owed are referenced i� t��e Caver Le�ter to
<br /> this Agreement, which is incorporated herein,and are to be paid with the return of�his�xecuted Agreement.
<br /> If these amounts owed are not paid with the re�urn of tl�is executed Agreement,then Lender may deem this
<br /> Agreement�oid.
<br /> 2. As of, .IULY 1, Z�1� the amount payable under the Note a.nd the Security Ins#rument �the "Unpaid
<br /> Principal B�lance"} is U.S. $93,793.74, consisting of�he amount(s} loaned �o Borrvwer by Lend�r, plus
<br /> capitalized i nterest in t��e amo u��t of U.S. $8,9g4,i G and �ther amaunts capital ized, vvhich is lim ited to
<br /> escrov�rs and aY�y legal fees and related forec�osure costs�hat may have be�n accrued for work completed.
<br /> 3. Barrawer pramises to pay �he Unpaid Prin�ipa� Balanc�, plus interest, to the ard�r of Lend�r Interest wi��
<br /> be �harged on the Unpaid Pri��cipal Balar�ce at the yearly rate of 3.75a�%, from JULY 1, 2�14. The
<br /> Bt�rrower promises to make month�y payments of pri��cipal and interes�of U.S. �434.37, beginning an t}�e
<br /> 1 ST day af AUGUST, 2014, and car�tinuing �hereaf�er on th� same day of each succeeding month until
<br /> principal and interest are paid in full. If on JULY �1, ��44 ��he "Maturity Date"}, �he Borrower sti�l tiwes
<br /> a.mounts under the Not� and the S�curity Instrtiment, as a�nended by this Agreement, B�rrower will pay
<br /> these amounts in full on the Maturity L�ate.
<br /> 4. If all or any part of the Proper�y ar any in�erest in it is sold or transferred �ar if a beneficial interest in the
<br /> B�rrawer is sold or transferred and the Bnrrovver is not a naturai person}without the L�nder's prior vvr��ten
<br /> conse�it,the Lender may require�mmediate payment in ful�of ali sums secur�d by�his Security Instrument.
<br /> if the Lender exercises this op�ian, the Lender sha�l give the Ba�rower notice of accelera�ion. Th� notice
<br /> sl�all pravide a period of nnt less than 3� days frvm the date the notice �s delivered or mailed withfn which
<br /> the B�rrower m��st pay all sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrume��t.If tl�e Borr�ower fails�o pay these sums
<br /> prior to tl�e expiratior� of tl�is period, the Lender may in��ke any remedies permi�ted by this Security
<br /> Instrument without further na�ice or demand on the Borrower.
<br /> 5. The Borrawer agrees ta make and execute such other documen�s or papers as tnay be necessary ar required
<br /> �o effeG�uate the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
<br /> G. The Borro�er also will comply �vith a1t other covenants, ag�re�ments, and req��irements af the Securi�y
<br /> Ins�rument, inGluding withou�limitation,the Borrawer's co�enants and agreem�nts to make all paym�nts af
<br /> taxes,�nsurance premiums,asse�smetlts, escrow i�ems, in�.p�unds,and all ather payments that the Barrawer
<br /> is abligated to make under the Security Instru�nent;ho�ve�er,the fol�owing�erms and pro�isians are fore�er �
<br /> cancelled,null and Woid,as of the date specified in Paragraph Na. l abo��:
<br /> Wel ls Far���Custom HUD Laan Mndification Agreement 7�g I��II������������I�(�I��I f��I���II��II��II�
<br /> �}31(l2�14 77 1 1 fll I
<br /> First American Mortgage Services Page 2
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