<br /> DEEC3 �F TRUST
<br /> Laan Nv: ����777g7 �C�ntinued} Pag� $
<br /> each sha�l be cumufa�i�e and shall be in addition to ��ery o�her remedy gi�en in this Deed flf Trust or now or
<br /> hereafter existing at law or in equity❑r by statute. E�ery power❑r rem�dy gi�en 1ay the No�e or any of the Related
<br /> D��uments to Trustee or Lender or to which ei�h�r ❑f fihem may �e ofiherwise enfiifiled, may 1ae exercised,
<br /> concurren��y ar independently, fram time t❑ fiime and as ❑ften as may be deemed expedient by Trustee or Lender,
<br /> and either of �hem may pursue inconsistent remedies. Nothing in this Deed a� Trust shall be cons�rued as
<br /> pr�hibiting Lender frvm seeking a de�iciency judgment against the Trustor to the exfient such actian is permi�ted by
<br /> law. Elec�ian by Lender ta pursue any remedy shall not ex�lude pursuit �� any �ther remedy, and an elec�ivn tv
<br /> make expendifiures or fio take action �a perform an ❑bligation o�Trustor under this Deed of Trust, after Trus�or's
<br /> �affure to perf�rm, shall not aftect Lender's right�to declare a default and exercise i�s remedies.
<br /> Reques��vr Nvtice. Trustor, on behalf of Trusto�- and Lender, hereby requests that a cvpy vf any Nvtice a�De�ault
<br /> and a copy of any Na�ice o�f 5ale under�his ❑eed of Trus� be mailed �❑ �hem at the addresses set forth in�khe firs�
<br /> paragraph of this ❑eed of Trust.
<br /> Attvrneys' Fees; Expenses. I# Lender �nstitutes any suit vr a�tivn to enf�rce any a� the �erms vf �this Deed vf
<br /> Trust, Lender shall be enfii�l�d t❑ reco�er such sum as �he court may adjudge reasonabie as attorneys' fees at�rial
<br /> and upon any appeal. Vllhe�her ❑r nat any court ac�ian is in�ol�ed, and to the ex�en� no� prohibited by law, all
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's opinian are ne�essary at any time �or the pratection o�f its
<br /> interest ❑r the en�orcemen�o�F i�s rights shall be�ome a part of the lndebtedness payable ❑n demand and shall hear
<br /> interes�at�he Note rate fram the date vf the expendi�ure until repaid. Expenses ca�ered by this paragraph include,
<br /> lrvithaut limitativn, howe�er sub�ect�❑ any limits under applicable �aw, Lender's at�arneys' fees and Lender's legal
<br /> expenses, whe�her ar nvt there is a lawsuit, including attorneys' f��s and expenses far bankruptcy proce�dings
<br /> �including effar�s ta modify❑r�aca�ke any automatic stay or injunctivn}, appeals, and any anti�ipated pvst--judgment
<br /> collec�ion ser�ices, the �vst vf sear�hing records, o��aining ti�le reports {including foreclosure reports}, sur�eyvrs'
<br /> repor�s, and appraisal fees, title insuran�e, and �ees far the Trustee, to the extenfi permitted by applicaf�le law.
<br /> Trustor also wil� pay any�ourt cvsfis, in addition to all ather sums pro�ided by law.
<br /> Rights v�Trustee. Trus�ee shall ha�e all of the rights and du�ies of Lender as set forth in this sectian.
<br /> P�VIJERS AND DBLIGATl�NS DF TRUSTEE. The follvwing prvWisions relating t❑the powers and vbligations ofi Trustee
<br /> are part❑fi fihis Deed v�Trusfi:
<br /> Pvwers of Trusfee. ln addit�on�o all pvwers o�F Trustee arising as a matter ot law, Trus�ee shall ha�e the pawer to
<br /> take �he �ollawing actions wi�h �respect�v the Property upon �he wri�ten r�quest❑f Lender and Trusto�: {a} jv�n in
<br /> preparing and �iling a map vr p�afi v� the Reaf Property, including the dedication ❑� stree�s or other rights to the
<br /> pub�ic; �b} join in granting any easement vr creating any restriction on �he Rea[ Prap�rty; and �c} jvin �n any
<br /> subvrdinat�on or vther agreemen�affecting�his �eed ❑f T�ust or�he in�eres�❑f Lender under�his Deed ❑f Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee sha�j meet all qualifications �-equired �for Trus�ee under appli�ab�e law. ln addi�ion to the r�ghts
<br /> and remedies se� forth ahv�e, with respect �o aI[ or any part vf the Property, the Trustee shall ha�e the right �❑
<br /> fareclvse by nati�e and sa�e, and Lender shall ha�e �he right �o fvreclose by judic€a[ foreclosure, in ei�her �ase in
<br /> accordance with and tv the�ul�extent pro�ided by applica��e law.
<br /> 5uccessvr Trustee. Lender, a�Lender's op�ion, may from fiime ta time appoint a successar Trustee ta any Trus�ee
<br /> appainted under this Deed ❑f Trus� by an instrument executed and acknawledged by Lender and recorded in the
<br /> office of �he recorder ❑fi HALL County, State af Nebraska. The instrument shall cantain, in addition to all other
<br /> ma��ers required by state law, �he names vf the original Lsnder, Trustee, and Trustor, the �ook and page �or
<br /> compu�er sys�em referen�e} where this Deed of Trusfi is recorded, and the name and address ofi fihe successvr
<br /> �rus�ee, and the instrum�nt shall 1ae exe�uted and acknowledged by all�he beneficiaries under this ❑eed ❑�f Trust or
<br /> th�ir successors in interes�. The successor trustee, withvut conWeyance vf the Praper�y, sha[[ suc�eed tv all the
<br /> title, power, and duties con-�erred upvn the Trustee in this ❑eed vf Trust and by applicable law. This procedure�or
<br /> substitution of Trustee shall go�ern to the exclusian❑f ai�other pra�isions far substitution.
<br /> N�TECES. Any notice required �o be giW�n under this Deed o�Trust, including withou� lim�ta�ian any na�ice ❑f defaul�
<br /> and any no�ice of sale shall be gi�en in writing, and shall be e��ec�i�e when a��ually de���ered, when actua�[y recei�ed
<br /> hy tele�acsim��e �un�ess otherwise required by law}, wh�n deposited with a na�kionally re�ognized o�ernight courier, or, if
<br /> mailed, when deposited in the L]nit�d States mail, as first c�ass, cerfiified or registered maii posfiage prepaid, direc�ed �v
<br /> the addresses shown near�he beginning of this Deed af Trust. A(� copies of notices ❑f forec�osure from �he ho�der of
<br /> any lien whi�h has priority ❑�er this Deed ❑f Trus� sha�l be sent to Lender's address, as shown n�ar the beginning ❑f
<br /> �his Deed of Trust. Any party may chan�e i�s address �For notices und�r this }�eed ❑f Trust 1ay gi�ing farma� writ�en
<br /> notice to the �ther parties, spe�ifying that the purpvse o� the nofiice is to �hange the party's address. For nvtice
<br /> purposes, Trustor a�rees �� keep Lender infarmed at a�� �imes of Trustar's current address. Un�ess ❑therwise proWided
<br /> or r�quired by law, if there is mvre than vne Trustor, any na�ic� gi�en by Lender to any Trustor is d��med to he not�ce
<br /> gi�en to all Trustors.
<br /> MISCELLANE�US PROVISI�NS. Th�follawing miscellaneous pro�isions are a part v�this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Amendmen�s. This ❑eed ❑f Trust, together with any Rela�ted Dv�uments, cvnsfiitutes the entire understanding and
<br /> agreement vf the par�ies as t❑ �he matters se�for�th in �his Deed of Trus�. Nv alteration o� ❑r amendmen��❑ this
<br /> Deed of Trus�shall be effeGti�e unless gi�en in wrifiing and signed by�he party ❑r parties sough�to be �harged ar
<br /> b�und by the alteration or amendment.
<br />