<br /> DEED �F TRL]�T
<br /> Loan No: '1 D'12777�7 �Continued} Page 3
<br /> RemovaE vf�mpro�emen�s. Trustor shall nat demo[ish o�-rema�e any Impro�ements from the Real Prvperty wi�hou�
<br /> Lender's prior wrifiten consenfi. As a conditi�n ta the rema�al of any lmprv��men�s, Lender may require Trustar to
<br /> make arrangements sa�isfactory �❑ Lender to replace such ImprvWements w�th Impro�emen�s af at leas� equal
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Righ��o Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and representati�es may en�er upon �he Real Property a� al�
<br /> reasonah�e �imes �o at�end to Lender's in�eres�s and to inspec� �he Real Proper�y �o� purpvses of Trustor's
<br /> cvm��ian�e with the terms and conditions�f this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Cvmpliance wi�h GoWernmentaE Requ�rements, Trus�ar shal[ prompt�y comply with all laws, ❑rdinances, and
<br /> regula�ions, naw or hereafter in ef�ect, ❑� all go�ernmental authori�ies applicahle �o the use or ❑ccupancy of �the
<br /> Property, including with�ut iimitation, the Americans Wi�th Disabilities Act. Trustor may contest in govd fiai�h any
<br /> such law, ardinan�e, or regulatian and wi�hhold compliance during any proceeding, including apprapria�e appeals,
<br /> sv �ang as Trus�or has notified Lender in writing privr to d�ing s❑ and so long as, in Lender's sole opinion, Lender's
<br /> in�eres�s �n �he Property are not jeapardized. Lender rnay require Trustor �o post adequate securifiy or a sure�y
<br /> band, reasvnably satisfac�ory to Lender, t❑ pro�ect Lender's in�erest.
<br /> Du�y to Prote�t. Trustor agrees neither to abandon ❑r lea�e una��ended �he Prvperty. Trus�ar shall do all ❑�her
<br /> acts, in addition t❑those acts set forth abo�e in this sec�ian, which from �he character and use of the Property are
<br /> reasonably necessary fi❑ protect and preser�e�he Property.
<br /> DUE�N SALE-CaNSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, afi Lender's ❑ptian, dec�are immediately due and payalale all sums
<br /> secured by�his ❑eed vf Trust upan�he sale a�trans�er, wi�hout L�nder's prior written cansen�, of all or any part of�he
<br /> Real Praperty, ar any in�eres� in the Real Praperty. A "sale vr transfer" means fihe con�eyance of Real Property or any
<br /> right, �i�le ❑r in�eres� in the Real Prvperty; whe�her legal, beneficial or equi�able; whe�her �o�untary ❑r in�vluntary;
<br /> whe�kher by ❑utright sa[e, deed, installment sale contrac�t, land contract, con�ract for deed, leasehald interest wi�h a
<br /> term greafier fihan three �3} years, lease-op�ian con�rac�, ❑r by sale, assignmen�, or trans�er vf any beneficial in�eres� �n
<br /> or�a any land trus� holding �ifil� �a fihe Real Property, or by any v�her method ofi c�nWeyance of an inter�st in the Real
<br /> Prvper�y. lf any Trusfior is a cvrp�ratian, partnership or �imited liabijity company, transfer also inc�udes any change in
<br /> ownership af mvre than twenty-fi�e percent �25°/0} ❑f the�oting sta�k, par�nership interes�s ❑r limited liability company
<br /> infieres�s, as th� case may 1ae, af such Trusfior. HoweWer, fihis vpti�n shall not be exercised by Lender i�such exercise
<br /> is prohibi�ed by federal law vr 1ay Nebraska faw.
<br /> TA�CES AND L[ENS. The foll�wing proWisivns relating t❑ the �axes and �iens vn �he Property are part vf this ❑eed of
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Trus�or shall pay when due �and in all events prior�o delinquency� alI taxes, special taxes, assessments,
<br /> charges �including wa�er and sewer}, fines and impositians levied against ❑r ❑n account af the Property, and shall
<br /> pay when due all claims ��r work d�ne on ❑r for ser�i�es rendered or ma�erial furnished to �he Praperty. Trustor
<br /> shall main�ain the Praperty fr�e o�all [iens ha�ing privrifiy❑�er or equal to the interest�f Lender under this ❑eed o�F
<br /> Trus�, except �or the lien vf taxes and assessments not due and ex�ept as ❑therwise pro�ided in �his ❑eed vf
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> Right�o Contest. Trustar may withhvld payment of any�ax, assessmen�, vr claim in connection with a gvvd faith
<br /> dispute v�er the obliga�ion to pay, s❑ long as Lender's interest in�he Pr�perty is not jeopardized. l�a fien arises or
<br /> is filed as a result af nanpayment, Trustor shall wi�hin ���teen �15} days afte�- �h� lien arises or, if a [ien is filed,
<br /> wi�hin fEfteen ��5� days after Trust�r has notice ❑f the filing, secure the d�scharg� of the lien, or if requested by
<br /> Lender, deposit wi�h Lender cash or a sufficient corpora�e surety bc�nd or o�her security sa�isfactory tv Lender in an
<br /> amoun�sufficient�o discharge�he lien plus any cos�s and attarneys` fees, or o�her�harges that could accrue as a
<br /> resul�o�a foreclasure or sale under the lien. In any contest, Trustor shall de�end itse��and Lender and shaEf satis�y
<br /> any adverse judgment be�Fvre enfor�ement against�he Property. Trustor shall name Lender as an addi�ional ob[igee
<br /> under any surety band furnished in�he con�est praceedings.
<br /> EWidence of Payment. Trustor shal� upon demand �Furnish �v Lender satisfactory e�idence a� paymen� o��the taxes
<br /> ar assessments and shall auth�rize the apprvpriate go�ernmental o��icial fio deli�er t� Lender at any t�me a written
<br /> s�a�emen�of�khe taxes and assessmen�s against�he Prvper�y.
<br /> Nofiice o�Cons�ruc�ion. Trus�vr shall nvtify Lender at leas�fif-�een �15y days hefare any wark �s �ommenced, any
<br /> ser�ices are furnished, or any ma�erials are supplied t❑ the Praperty, if any mechanic's lien, ma�erialmen's lien, or
<br /> ❑�her lien could be asserted ❑n accounfi of the work, ser�iGes, �r ma�erials. Trustor will upon request of Lender
<br /> furnish tv Lender ad�ance assurances satisfactory to Lender �ha� Trustor can and will pay the �ost af such
<br /> impro�ements.
<br /> PRaPERTY DAMAGE 1NSURAN�E. The following prv�isivns relating �o insuring �he Property are a par�of this Deed at
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> Ma�ntenance of lnsurance. Trustvr shall prvcure and main�ain palicies ❑f fire insuran�e with standard extended
<br /> co�erage endorsements ❑n a fair Walue basis far the fu�� insurab)e value co�ering al� lmpra�emen�s on the Real
<br /> Property in an amvunt su��Ficient t❑ a�oid applica�ion af any c�insurance clause, and wi�h a standard martgagee
<br /> clause in fa�or o�Lender. Trustar shall also prvcure and main�ain comprehensi�e general liabfIity insurance in such
<br /> co�erage amounfis as Lender may request with Trus�ee and Lend�r being named as additional insureds in su�h
<br /> liability insurance policies. Additivnally, Trustar shall main�ain su�h other insurance, including but no� limited �o
<br />