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<br /> V1�'HEN REC�RaE[3 N1A[L T�:
<br /> Five Points Bank
<br /> 5 outh Branch
<br /> 3'I'I'i W. Stolley Pk. Rd.
<br /> Grand Island NE 688�'I F�R REC�RDER'S U5E�NLY
<br /> �fl������D0�01�77787�34��7�5���4�
<br /> TH1S �3EED DF TRUST is dated July 25, ��'14, amvng '[2�4, LL�; A NEBRASKA LlflI11TED
<br /> L1AB�LlTY C�ill1 PANY {'rTrustor"}; Firre Pvints Bank, ►nrhose address is South Branch, 3'l'1'l �I�l.
<br /> 5toiley Pk. Rd., Grand Island, NE 6���'[ {referred to belvw sometimes as "Lender" and
<br /> sometimes a� "Benefi�iary"}; and Firr� Pvints Bank, v►►h�se address is P.D Bvx '1547, Grand
<br /> Island, NE �gSD�-'15�7 �referred tn b�Ivw as "Trustee"}.
<br /> C�NVEYAN�E AND GRANT. For valuable considerativn, Trustor cvn►r�ys#a Trusfiee in trust, W[TH P�WER �F SALE,
<br /> for the ben�fit o� Lender as Bene�iciary, all vf T�-ustor's righ�, title, and in�e�rest in and to the following described real
<br /> proper�y, toge�her wifih a[[ existing or subsequent�y erected or affixed buildings, impro�ements and fixtures; all
<br /> easements, rights vf wayr and appurtenances; al� water, water righ�s and ditch rights �including s�ock in u�ili�ies wi�h
<br /> ditch ❑r irrigation rights�; and all other rights, royal�ies, and pro�its rela�ing �v the r�al praperty, including without
<br /> limitation all minerals, oil, gas, geo�hermal and similar matters, {the "Rea� Prvperty�'� lacated in HALL
<br /> County, State vf Nebraska:
<br /> The Rea[ Prvperty or �ts address is cvmmonly kna►nrn as '1��4 �11! �ST, �RAND ISLAND, NE
<br /> �8�a 1.
<br /> CRD55-�DLLATERALI�AT[aN. 3n addifiion to the No�e, this Deed of Trust secures all vbliga�ions, debts and liahilities,
<br /> plus inter�sfi therean, ❑� either Trustvr �r Borrower to Lende�, or any one vr mvre of �hem, as well as all claims by
<br /> Lender aga�nst Bvrrower and Trus�vr or any ❑ne ❑r more o� them, whether now existing ❑r hereafter arising, whe�her
<br /> rela�ed vr unrela�ed to �he purp�se a�F the Note, whether voluntary or ofherwise, whether due or not due, direct or
<br /> indirec�, de�ermined or undetermined, absolufie vr cantingent, Iiquida�ed or unliquidated, whether 6orrower ar Trus�or
<br /> may �e lia�le indi�idually vr jointly wi�h ❑thers, whefiher ob�igated as guarantor, sur�ty, accommodation party or
<br /> ❑�herwise, and whether reca�ery upon such amvunts may be vr hereafker may become barred by any sta�ute of
<br /> limi�atians, and whether the ahligation to repay such amaun�s may be or hereaf�er may become otherwise
<br /> unenforceabie. I�the Lender is required t❑ gi�e natice of the right to cance� under Tru�h in Lending in connection with
<br /> any additianal loans, ex�ensians ❑�credit and o�her liahilities or obligations ❑f Trus�or t❑ Lender, then this ❑eed v�Trus�
<br /> shall not secure additional loans or❑bliga�ions unIess and until such notice is gi�en.
<br />