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��14�491� <br /> B�RR��VER��VENANTS that Borrower�s lawfully seised�f the estate hereby�on�e�ed and has �he right�a <br /> �rant and convey the Proper�y and that�h� Proper�� �s unencun�bered, except far encumbrances of re�ord. <br /> Borrower warrants and will defend�enera��� the t�t�e to the Prop�rty against alI cia�ms and demands, sub�e�t to <br /> any en�un�brances of record. <br /> TH�S SECLjR��`Y INSTRUM�NT combines uniform�ovenants for na�ional use and nan-un�form ca��nants wi�h <br /> I�mited variations by juri�d�ct�on ta canstitute a unif�rm securit� instrumen��o�rerzng real pr�per�y. <br /> Unif�rm Cvvenants. B�rra�ver and L�nder Gnv�nant and agr��as fo����as: <br /> �. Payment vf Princ�pa�, Interest. Escrow Items, Prepaynnent �harges, ar�d Late Charges. Borrower <br /> sha�l pay wh�n due the princ�pa� af, and znter�st on, �h�debt e�iden��ti by the N�o�e and any prepay�nent <br /> charges and late charges due under�he Note. Barr�v��r shall a�s�pay funds far�scro�v �tems pursuant to <br /> Se�t�an 3. Payments due under the Not�and th�s Security �ns�rument shal� be made in U.S. �urrency. <br /> Howev�r, ��any check or�ther�nstrument rece�ved by Lender as paym�nt under the Not�nr th�s Securi�y <br /> Ins�rumen� is returned�a Lender unpaid, Lender may r��uire�hat any or ali subsequen�payments due under <br /> the Nate and th�s Secur�ty �nstrument be mad�in on�or more�f the follav��ng forms, as s�l�Gted by Lender: <br /> �a}�ash; �b} maney order; �c} cer�ified check, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier'�check, pra��ded any <br /> such check is drawn upon an institution whos�depfls��s are�nsured by a federal agency, in�trum�n�a�ity, or <br /> entity; or�d} Electronic Funds Transfer, <br /> Payments are deeme�i reGei�ed by Lender vvhen recei�ed a�th�l�cation designated in the Note or at su�h <br /> o�her�acat�on as n�ay be deszgnated by Lender in accordance with�he no��ce pro�isi�ns in S�Gt�an �5. <br /> Lender may r�turn any payment or par�ial pa�men� if�he paymen�or par�ial paymen�s are�nsuf���en��fl <br /> br�ng the Loan current. L�nder may accep�an�r paym.ent or partia�pa�men� �nsuff�c�ent ta br�ng the Laan <br /> current, withou�waiver of any r�gh�s hereunder or pre�udice�o its rights�o r�fuse su�h payment or partial <br /> paym�n�s �n the fu�ure, but Lend�r�s nat abl�gated to appiy such pa�men�s a�the time such paym�nts are <br /> accep�ed. �f each Per�od�� Paym�nt is appl�ed as af�ts schedu�ed due date, then L�nder need n�t pa� interes� <br /> �n unapp��ed funds. Lend�r ma�ho�d �u�h unappl�ed funds unt�� Borro�ver makes payments�a bring the <br /> Loan curren�. �f Borrawer does not do so w�th�n a reasanable period of time, Lender shall e�ther app�� such <br /> funds or r�turr�them��Barr�wer. �f n�t app�ied earl�er, such funds will be app��ed�o �he auts�an�ing <br /> principal balance under the No�e imumediately prior to foreclosure. N�� offse��r c�a�m which Borrower mxght <br /> ha�e n�w �r in th�fu�ur�again�t Lender shal� relie��Borrower from mak�ng payment�due under the Nn�e <br /> and�h�� Se�ur�ty�nstrument or perf�rming the covenants and agre�ments secured b�this Secur��y <br /> �nstrumen�. <br /> 2. Appl�cat�an vf Payments ar Prc�c��ds. Excep� as o�herwise described in this S�ctz�n�, all payme�ts <br /> ac�ep�ed and appized by L�nder shal�be applied in th�fo�low�ng order flf pr�arity; �a} intere�t due under�he <br /> Nat�; �b}pr�nc�pa� due under the Nate; �c} amoun��due und�r Section 3. Such pa�m�nts shall�e app��ed to <br /> each Per�od�c Payment in�he arder in v�hich �t became due. Any r�m�aining amoun�s shal�be app��ed�rst to <br /> �ate charges, second to an�other am�unts due und�r th�s S�curzty Instrumen�, and�hen tn reduce the <br /> principa�balance�f the Note. <br /> �f Lend�r rece�ves a payment from Borrower f�r a delinquent Per�od�c Paymen�which �nciudes a suff�c�ent <br /> amount t�pa�r any late char�e due, th�payment may�e app��ed to the deiinquen�paym�n� and the�ate <br /> charge. �f rnore�han an�P�riodic Payment�s outstandzng, L�nder may apply any payment rece�ved fram <br /> Barrower to the repayment of the Per�od�c Paym.ents if, and ta th��x�ent that, �ach payment can be paid in <br /> full. To th�extent that any e�cess ex�st� aft�r the paym�nt is appli�d�a�he fu�l payment af ane or more <br /> Per�odic Payments, such excess may be applied to any 1a���harges due. Voluntary pr�payments shal�be <br /> app�ied�irst to any prepa�rmen�charges and th�n as des�r�b�d �n�he Nate. <br /> N�BftASKA-Si�gfe�arr�ily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac�NiFDRM INSTR�MENT �Q���oza�io� <br /> VMP[� VMPfi�NEf�1302j <br /> WoIters Ktuw�r Finar�cial Ser�ices Pa�e 4 of�7 <br />
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