<br /> In add�t�on, this Deed of Reconveyance sha11 be �ffe�t��e to release the lien�f a.ny assignment of
<br /> leases and rents andlor fixture filing executed �r made by Trustor in favor of Benefic�aries in
<br /> conjunction with th� Deed �f Trust and r�c�rded on the al�ove-r�ferenced real praperty together
<br /> with the Deed of Trust,
<br /> NotWithstanding the release af the lien of the abo�e refer�nced documents fr�m the Property as
<br /> more particularly set f�rth herein, the: �i} an Amended and Restated Promissory Note �Note A 1}
<br /> dated May 31, 2���, in the original principal a.mount of $1��,��0,���.�� made by Sp�rit SPE
<br /> Portfaiio Z���-1, LL�, a Delaware Iimited liability company�"ZD��-1"} and Spirit SPE P�r�folia
<br /> 2��5-2, LL�, a Delaware limited liabiiity campany ("2��6-Z77; and together with 2��5-1, are
<br /> lI]Ci1ViC}l1a.I�y aI1C� C����Ct1Ve�y, t�l� "Borraw�r"} lIl faV�r �f �1t1grOL1�7 �t�le "A1 Note"}, �11� �Il
<br /> Amended and Restated Promiss�ry Note �Note A2� dated May 31, 2���, in the original principal
<br /> amount of $���,���,���.�� made by Borro�wer in fa�or of Barclays �the "AZ Note"}, (iii} an
<br /> Amended and Restated Promissory Note �Note A3} dat�d May 31, 2�D5, �n the original principal
<br /> amount �f $8�,413,752.5� made by Borr�wer in fa�ar �f �itigr�up �the "A3 Note"}, �iv} a.n
<br /> Amended and Restated Promi ssory Note �Note A4} dated May 3�, ���, in the original principal
<br /> amour�t of $8�,413,752.5� made by Borrower in fa��r of Barclays �the "A4 Note"�, �v} an
<br /> Amended and Restated Pr�missory Note �Note A5} dated May 31, 2��6, in the or�g�nal principal
<br /> amount of $86,413,752.5� made hy Borrower in favar �f Citigroup �the "A5 Nnte"}, and (vi�
<br /> Amended and Restated Promissory Note �Note A6� dated May 31, 2��6, in the ariginal principal
<br /> amount of$86,413,752.5� made by B�rr�wer in favor af Barciays (the "A6 Note"; and t�gether
<br /> with the A 1 N�te, the A2 Note, th� A3 Note, the A4 Note, and the A5 Note are individua�ly and
<br /> colle�tive�y, the "Notes"�, which Notes have been securitized and shall remain in fu�l forc� and
<br /> effect and are not cancelled, and any indemnification obligations or other ob�igations under the
<br /> above-�referenced documents, wh�ch by their terms survive a release of the lien of the abo��-
<br /> referenced documents, sha11 also continue �n full farce ar�d effect and are not cancelled
<br /> [Signature Page Fo�lows]
<br /> .
<br /> 48252228.2
<br />