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��14�4SS� <br /> If the po�er�f sale is in�ak�d,Trustee s�all record a natice of d�fault in each County in which any <br /> part Q�the Froperty is lacated and shall�nail cop�es af such natxce in the manner prescr�bed by <br /> applicable law to B�rrawer�n�ta the�ther persons pre��ribed by�ppli�ab�e law.After the t�me <br /> required by appl��able�aw,Trustee shal�give pu�l��nat��e�f sale tv the persans and in the manner <br /> pres�.ribed by app�icable�.av�,�'r�stee,v�ith�ut den�.ant�vn Borrvv�er,s�all sell the propert��t public <br /> aucti�n to the highest bidder at the t�me and pla�e and under the t�rrns des�gnated in the notice of sale <br /> �n on�ar more parceis and�n an��rder Trustee determ�nes.Trustee may p�stpone sale of all or any <br /> parcel vf the Pr�perty by pub�ic announcemen�at the time and place af�ny previausly scheduled sale. <br /> Lender�r its des�gnee m$y purchase the Progerty at any sale. <br /> I#t�e Lender's�nterest in thi�Security��strurnent x�hel��y the Secretary and the Secretar�requires <br /> immediate payment in fu�l under Paragraph 9,t�e Se�retary may in��ke the nonjudicial p�wer of sale <br /> provided in the S�ngle Fam�ly Mnrtgage F�reclosure Act nf 1994 �"Act"��12 U.S.C. �751 et seq.} by <br /> request�ng a foreci��ure commi�sivner des�gn�ted under the A�#ta�ommence fore�lasure and tv sell <br /> the Pr4perty a�pr��ided in the Act.Nvthin��n the preceding sentence shall deprive the Secretary of <br /> any r�ght��therwise�v�ilable t�a Lend�r under this Paragr�ph 18 or app��cable�aw. <br /> Upan re�e�pt of payment of the price bid,Trustee shall�eliver t�the purchaser Truste�'s de�d <br /> �on�eying the Pr�perty,'Th�recita�s�n th�Trustee's deed shali be prima fa�ie evidence flf the truth of <br /> the statements made therein,Tru�tee shall apply the pro�eed�of the sal��n th�follaw�ing�r�er; [a}to <br /> a�l c�sts and expenses vf exer�is�ng the pQwer of sale,and the�ale,�ncluding th�paymenti of the <br /> Trustee's fees actuall�fncurred and reason�ble attorneys'fees as permitted by App��able Law; �b}ta <br /> all sum�s��ur��by#his�ecur�ty Instrument; and�C]any exeess ta th�person or persons legally <br /> entitled to it. <br /> �I�. F�ecor�v�yanc�.Upon payment of a11 sums secured by this Security Instrum�nt, L�nd�r sb.�1l request <br /> Trustee to re�onvey the Prop�rty and sha1l surrender th�s S�curity Instrument and a�l not�s evidencing debt <br /> secured by this Security Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall r�convey the Prop�rty without warranty and <br /> �ithau�cha�ge to�he person or persons�egall�entitle�ta it. �uch p�r�oa or p�rsons�hall pay any <br /> recordation costs. <br /> �D. SubstituteTrustee,Lender, at its vption., may from tim�to tirne remov�Trustee and appoint a successvr <br /> #rust�e to any Truste�appointed her�under by an instrument recard�d in the c�unty in which this Security <br /> Instn�m�nt is recorded. �Vithout convey�nce of th�Proper�y,the successor firuste�shall succ�ed to a�l the <br /> titl�,p�wer an.d duti�s cvn�erred upon Trus�e�h.erein applicabl�law. <br /> ��. Requestfor Notic�s.Borrovv�r requ�sts that copie��f the not�ces of d�fault and sale be sent t�Borra�ver's <br /> address�vhiGh�s the Propexty Addr�ss. <br /> Z�. Ri ders to th�s Secu r�ty I nstru ment.If 4ne�r more r�ders are ex�cuted by�orrawer and re�ord�d <br /> tog�ther with th�.s�ecurity Instr�ument,the cov�nan�s of�ach such rider sha1�b��n�arporated inta and�ha11 <br /> amenc�aaad sup��ement th�covenants and a�xeem�nts of this Securit�Inst�umen�as if�he rider(s}�uere a part <br /> af this Security Instrum�nt, ��heck applicable box(�s}]. <br /> ��n.dam�.nium Rider ❑ �"rr�wing Equity Rider � Qther specify <br /> P�anned Unit Uevel�pm�nt Rider � �"rrat�uated Payment R�der �.��a� At a C�� <br /> FHA Mortgag�WITH MERS-NE R�avis�d 419� <br /> VMP� VMP4N[NEj�93fl2).44 <br /> 1�to#t�rs 4�uwer Finaneial S�nri�s P�g�8 af 1 U <br /> qD33 4141�4 OZ 4ll 48 <br />