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��14�4SS� <br /> Security Ins�rument.A written stat�ment of any authori�ed ag�nt of�he S�cretary dated subsequent ta <br /> 6�days fram the date hereof,declini�g�o insure this Security Instx�ument and the Not�, shai�b� <br /> deerned conclusive prQaf of such inel�gibility.Notwiths#�a.nding the foregoin�,this option may nat be <br /> exercised�y Lender when the una�ail�.bility of in�urance is solely due ta Lender's failur�to remit a <br /> mortgage�nsurance prem�um ta the Secretary, <br /> 1�. Reinst�tsment.Borr�wer has a right to Ue reinstated if Lender has required immedia�e p�yment in full <br /> because�f Borrower's failure to pay aa am�unt due under the Note or this Security Instrument.'This right <br /> app�ies even�.fter foreclosure proceedings are�n.�tituted. To reinstate the Security Instrum�nt,Borrower shal� <br /> tender in a lump sum a11 a�n�unts required to br�ng Borrower's account current including,to t}�e�xt�nt they <br /> are obligati�a�s af Borrow�r under this�ecurity Ins�ti�timent,forec�osur�cost�and r�asonable and cu�tomary <br /> attQrneys'fees and expenses prc�perly asso�iated with�he for�closure proceed�ng.Up�n reinsta.tement by <br /> Borrower,this Security Instrument and the ob��gati�ns�hat�t secures shall r�ma�.n in effe�t as if Lend�r had <br /> not r�quued immediate payment in fu11. How�ver,Lender is not required to permit reinsta�ement if: (i} � <br /> Lender has a�cepted reinstatement af�er the c�rnmenc�ment of foreclosure pr�c��dings w�th�n two years <br /> immediately preceding the commencement�f a current fore�losure proceedin$,(ii}rei.nstatement�vi11 <br /> preclu�e foreclosure on d�ff�rent gr�unds i.n�he future,or(i�i)reinstatement wil�adversely affect the <br /> priority of fihe lien�reat�d b�r thi�Security Instrum�nt. <br /> 'I't. Sorr�vwer 1Vot Rel�as�d;Fo��aranc:e�3y L�nderNvt�Wai�er.Extens�on of the tim�af payment or <br /> modification of amortizat�an of the�ums secur�d by this Se�urit�Instrument grant�d by L�nder to any <br /> succ�ssor�n inter�st of Borrow�r�ha�l not op�rate to r�lease the�iability of the origi.nal Borrower or <br /> Borro�ver's successor in interest.L�nder sha11 n�t b�r�quired to commence praceedings aga�nst any <br /> successor in interest�r refuse to extend t�me for paym�nt or otherwis�modify amor�ization of the sums <br /> secur�d by this S�curity Instrument by reasor�of any demand mad�by the ori�inat Borrower or Borrotiver's <br /> succ�ssor�in inter�st.Any forbearance by Lend�r�n e�.ercisin.g any right or remedy sha1�not be a waiver of <br /> ar preclude th�exercise of any righ�or r�rr�edy. <br /> 1�. Suc�essorsand As�i�ns�3�u�nd;Jaint�nd Severa��.i�bi�ity;�o-Signers.'�he cavena�ts an�i <br /> agreements af this Security Instrument shal�bin�and benefit the successars and ass��ns of Lender and <br /> Borrow�r, subject ta the pro�isions of paragraph 9(b}. Borrower's ca�ena.nts and a�reements sha11 be joint <br /> and se�eral.Any B�rrow�r who ca-signs this�ecurity Ins�rum�nt but daes not�xecute�he Not�: (a�is <br /> ca-sig7aing this Security Instrum�nt vnly to m�r��a�e,grant aad convey that B�rrow�r`s�ntereSt in t,h� <br /> Froperty under th�tern�.s of this�ecurity Ins�rument; (b)is not personal�y obligated tv pay the sums s�cured <br /> by thi�Secur�.ty Inst;rument;and(c}agr��s that Lend�r and any other�orro��r may agre�tQ extend,modify, <br /> farbear or make any accommodati�ns with�ega,rd ta the terms�f th�s�ecurity�nstrument or tb��Note <br /> withau�that Borrow�r's consent. <br /> '13. Not�ces.Any not�ce to Bonawer prav�ded for�n�his �ecurity Instcument sha11 b��iven b�r d�li�cring it or <br /> by mailin�it by first class mail un1��s applicable 1aw r�quir�s use of another m�th�d. The nat�ce shal��c <br /> �uected to th�Propex�y Addr�ss or any Qther address Borro�ver desi�nat�s by notice to Lendex. Any nvtice <br /> tv Lender�ha11 b�gi�en by fust class mail to Lender's �d�ress stated herein or any address Lend�r <br /> designates by nat�ce to�3orro�ver.Any natice pro��d�d for in th�s Security In�txum�nt sha�l be deemed t� <br /> ha�e been given ta Borrower or Lender when pravided in this paragraph. <br /> 14. Gvv�rnin�Law; �ev�Fa�i��t�►.This S�curity Ins�rument shall be gov�med by Feder�l law and the Iaw of <br /> the juri��ic�ion in which the Praperty�s lacate�..In the e�ent that an�pr�visivn�r c�ause of this Security <br /> Instrum�nt�r the Not�conflicts with applica.ble Iavv, such confli�t sha�l not affect�ther provisi�ns of this ' <br /> Se�uri.ty Instrument or the Nate which can be given e�`fect without the c�nflicting prnvision. 'T�this end the � <br /> pro�isions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to b�severab�e. <br /> FNA Mortgage WITH MERS-NE Re�i�d 4l9� <br /> VMP C+� VMP4N�NE}(1342}.� <br /> l�olters I{iuw�r Fin�nci�1 Servi�s P�ge�af 14 <br /> q 3 4141�4 � 411 0 1� <br />