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Exhibit "A" <br />20110/R55 <br />The North Mit of ibe Northeast Quarter (1W2 NEW" *lag east Olga Illighsway Number 34 right-of-way as <br />&wired he Beet hastnenest Namber MAW% AR is &eats Thilipac (36),, Totrashigr Nieves (11) North, <br />Range Mae (9) West oldie 6tk P.M., Hen County, Nebraska, more particularly - as fellows: <br />Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter (MIA and Place of Beginnng; thence South <br />00°09'30" East (assented bearing) along the east litre of said Northeast Qoarter a distance of 1321.92 feet to the <br />south line of said North Half of the Nordwast gassier (PIV2 NEU* theme North 16°56'36" West along said <br />south rate a distance of 1229.53 feet to the east Nue of said U.S. way Nesuber 34 and begins* of a curve <br />concave to the northeast siateuded by a radio' s of 1909.86 feet; thence shag said curve the chord of which bears <br />North 18°56 West an arc distance 4112.60 kg* thence North 13 West along the east line of said <br />Highway 34 a (faience e(445.63 feet to the begins* of a curve concave to the sotritrwest subtended by a radius <br />of 1086.74 feet thence along said curve (and east hale of said Highway 34) the chord of which bears North <br />43°33'44' West an are distance of 113235 feet to the north line of said Northeast Qaarter (NE1/4); thence South <br />89°55'44" East along said north line a distance of 2113.57 feet to the Place of Beginning. <br />