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� ��14�4553 <br /> ' Barravver shall not par�icipate in a real estat�tax deferral program, if any Iiens created by the <br /> � tax deferra� are na�subordinate ta this Secur�ty Instrument. <br /> o - <br /> � �c}Pr�or L�ens. � � <br /> � B�rrov�er sha]1 promptly discharge any lien whzch has priority over this Security Instrument <br /> � unl�ss Borrower: �a�agrees xn wr�ting�a�he payment af the ab�igatzon secured by the�ien in a <br /> � �nanner accep�able ta Lender;�b�contests in gQod faith the�ien by,�r defends against <br /> enforc�Ynent of the]ien in, �ega�praceedin�s which in the Lender's apinion operate to pre�ent <br /> the enforceYnent�f the li�n or f�rfeitur�of any par�of the Property; or�c�s�cures from the <br /> holder ofthe�i�n an a�reement satisfactary ta Lender subard'znating the I�en to aI�amounts <br /> secured by th�s Security�nstrument. If Lender determ�nes that any part of th�Proper��s <br /> � subje�t to a�ien v�h�cl�may atta�n priority aver this �ecurity xnstrument,Lender ma�giv� . <br /> � Barrower a natice identifying the�ien.Borrower shal�satisfy the 1i�n ar take one ar more of � <br /> � the actio�s set for�h above W�thin ��days af the giving of notice. <br /> 13.�elationsh�p to F�rst Security Instrument. , <br /> (a} Se�ond Security Ynstrument.In�rder�o se�ure paymen�s which the Se�retary may make <br /> on b�haif of.Borrower pursuant to Section 255�i��1��A�of the National Housing Act an�the Loan <br /> A�reement,t��e S ecre�ary has required B arr�wer to e�ecute a S econd Note and this S ec�nd � . <br /> � Security�nstrument.Barr�wer a�so has executed a FYrst Nate and First Security rns�rument. � <br /> [b}Re�atzanshxp of F�rst and Second Se�ur�ty Instruments.Paymen.ts made�y the Secreta.ry <br /> � sha�1 not be included in the d�bt under the FYrst Note un�ess: <br /> �z}T�le First Security Instrument is assigned ta the Secretary; or . <br /> . �i��The Secretary accepts reimbursemen�by the halder af the First Note for a�l payments znade <br /> by the Secretary. � � � <br /> If the c�rcums�an�es descr�bed xn[i}4r�ii�accur,then a�l pa�ments hy the 5ecretary, including <br /> interest on the payments but�xclud7ng Iate charges paid by the Secr��ary,sha�1 be�ncluded�n <br /> the debt under the F�rst N�te. <br /> (�}Effect on Borrower. Where there�s no ass�gnment or rexmbursement as described ir��b�(���r <br /> ���� and the Se�re�ary mak�s paymen�s to B�rro�rer,t�len Barrower shall nat: � <br /> � ���B�required to pay amounts�wed under the First Nate,or pay any rents and r�venues of the <br /> Proper�y under Paragraph 19�o�h�holder of the First Note or a receiver of t��e Property, until <br /> , the S�cretary has required payment-in�fu�I�f all outstandxng pr�ncipa�and accrued interest <br /> � under tY�e Second Note;or <br /> ����Be�b���ated to pa� �nter�st or shared apprecxat�on under the First Note at any txme, <br /> vWhether a�crued b�f�r�or after the payments by t�a.e Secretary, and whether ar not accrued <br /> interest has been inc�uded in the princxpal ba�an�e under the First Note. <br /> . �d}Nu Duty of the Secretary. T11e Secretary I�as no duty ta the holder of the First Note to enfnrce <br /> covenants.of the Sec�nd S ecurity Znstrument or ta take actxons to preserve th�va�ue of t11e <br /> . Property,even thou�h tYie holder af'the First Note may�be unable to co�Iect amounts ovved under <br /> . � P�ge 6 0�1 i HECM 5�cond Deed 4f Trust <br />