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��14�454� <br /> ��} "Lender" is EQU I TAB LE BAN K <br /> Lender is a Sa�r�ngs Ban k <br /> �rgaaaized and ex�.s-��ng under the�.a-�rs of T H E S T A T E fl F N E B RA S kA � . <br /> Lender's address is 1l3 N L�CUST ST PD BDX 15� �RAND ISLAND NE 688Q�-�164 <br /> Lend�r xs the beneficiary u�.der�h�s SeGu�xty� <br /> {D} "l"rustee" �s EQU ITAB LE BAN K <br /> �E} '�N ot e" me��he promissory no�e�ed by Borrawer ar�d dated A u g u 5 t Q 1, 2 Q 14 . The Note <br /> states that Baxrower owes Lenc�er F I F T Y T H�U 5 A N D A N D �Q I 1�� <br /> Dollars�v.S. $a�,o 0 0.0 Q }p�us inferes�. �3arra�ver has prornised��pay this debt in regu�ar <br /> P eriod�.c Payments a�d t�pay�he debt in full not�ater thax� S e p t e m b e 1^ �, �Q�9 . <br /> �F} "Proper�y" meaxa.s�he proper�y�hat�.s descr�be�below ur�der t�ie heading"T�ansfer of Rights�n�ie <br /> Proper�y.►' <br /> ��} !'Loan�� means th�debt evideneed by the 1�Tote, plus interest, arny prepaymex�:�charges an.d�a�e chaxges due <br /> und�r�.he Note, and a�l sums due under this Secuar�ty Instrunzent, plus inte�-est. <br /> �H} "!�d��'s" mea.ns a1].Riders to this Security Instrumen��hat are executed by Borrower. The fa��otivir�g R�iders <br /> are�o be e�ecu�ed by Barrower jchec�box as applicable�: <br /> �Adj ustabl.e l�ate Rider � CQndominium Rider 0 S�cnnd Hame l�ider <br /> 0 Ba�.o�n Ride�- 0]P�.axaned Ur�t I3 eveloprnen�Rider � 1-4 F am�� Rider <br /> Y <br /> 0 VA Rider �Biweekly Payment l�ider � �t�ier�s} [s�e��fy] <br /> ��� "l�p��ic�b le L.��v" mear�.s a��controlling appli�able federa:�, �tate and�.aca1 statutes, regulations, o�rc�nances <br /> and administratxve rules and orders(that have the effect of�aW}as well as a��app��c�.bl.e f�na1, nor�appealab�e <br /> �ud.icia.l o�ini:ans: <br /> �J} "C�mn�u�i�y�►ssaciat�a� ❑ues, Fees, ar�d Assessments°' m.ean:s a1I dues, fees, a�sess�x�.ex�ts and other <br /> charges that a�e ixr�p�sed on Bo�-rourer or�ie Propea�.y by�.condam�nium a,ssoc�a��or�, home�vvne�s <br /> a.ssocxation o�s��i�ar�rgani2at�.on. <br /> ��} "Ei e ct r�a n ic F u�d s T ra ra sf e r" mea�.s aa�y�ra.nsfer of fu�a.ds, other-than a transaction�riginated�y che��, <br /> draf�, or simi�ar paper�n�strument, v�r�hich�s i�tiated thrQugh a�e�.ect.ran�c termir�al, te�ephonic instru�.�n.ent, <br /> computer, �r magne�i.c�ape s�as to�rder, �ns�ruc�, or au�horize a��ancial inst�tr��ion tn deb�t or credi�an <br /> acc�unt_ Such�erm inc�udes, but�.s no��imited�o, poirit af-sale transfers, autamated te�.�.er ma�hine <br /> transactions, �ransfers init�ate�by�e�.ephone, w�re�ra�.sfers, arid automa�ed clearinghouse tra.n.sfers. <br /> �L� "Es�ro�v I�err�s" means those items tha�are described in Sec�i�n 3. <br /> �l�� "M�scella�eous �r�c�eds" means any com�aer�satxon, set��enie�t, award of damages, or proceed�pa�id�by <br /> an:y th�ird�arty�ather�h�a�insuran��proceed.s pa�d under�he cnverages described in Secti.fln S� for: �i� <br /> damage tQ, �r de��ruction af, �ie�'rtiperty; �i.x� �oridemr�at�on or other takirig of�1 or ariy part of the <br /> P�-oper�y; �iii� conveyanc��n�ieu of conci�mria�ion; �r��:v�misrepresentatxons of, or or�i.ssians as to, the <br /> value anc�,I or conc�itian of�h.e Pr�p er�y. <br /> 24aa�s�a <br /> NEgRASKA-5ingle Fam ily-�annie N!aelFreddie M ac�NEF�RM 1NSTRL]1VI ENT Form 3a28 1 t�'f <br /> VMP Q VMPG4NE}��342} <br /> W vE#ers Kl�w�r Fir�ar�cia[Services Page 2 af 17 <br />