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��14�454� <br /> 2 3. Reconv�yance. Upon payment of aIi sums secured by�his Secur�ty Instrument, Lender shall r�que5t <br /> Truste�to reconvey the Property and shall surrend�r th.�.s Security Ins�rument and a1�notes ev�denc�.z�g c��bt <br /> secured by�s Security Instrum�nt to Trustee. Trustee sha1�reconvey�ie Proper�y wxth�ut warra�ty to the <br /> person�r persox�.s�.ega�.�y en.tit�ed to it. Such person or persons sha:�.I:pay a:�y�ec�rdation cflsts. Lender�nay <br /> charge such pers�n or persQxLs a fee fQr recanvey�.ng�h�Prap�rty, �ut ar�y�f the fee is pa�d�a a�.h�:rd party <br /> �such as the Trustee} for serv�ces rendered and�e cha�ging af the f�e is permitted ur� Applicable La�xr. <br /> �4. �u�st�t ute Trustee. Lender, at���option, may fr�m tune to t�e remov�Trustee a�.d app�i�t a successor <br /> �rustee�a any Trustee appo�nted hereunder by an�nstrument rec�rded in the county i�..�vhich this Secur�ty <br /> Instrument�s recarded. Vl��.thout conveyanee of�he Property, the successor trustee shal�.sueceed t� a��the <br /> ti�t�.e, power and duties conferr�d upon Tru:stee herein and by Applicable Law. <br /> �a. Reques� f vr N otices. �3orro�v�r reques�s th�.t c�p�.es af�he not�ce of default and sal�b�sen��o B�rrower's <br /> address whi�h is the Praperty Address. <br /> 244�Gfi�4 <br /> NEgRASKA-5ing€e Farnily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac LiNLFQRM f�tSTF�LfM ENT Forrn 3D28�1�� <br /> VM�� VN[Pfi[NE}��3��} <br /> Wolters Kluw er Financia[Services Page 9 5 0��7 <br />