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��14�454� <br /> in the Pr��erty and r�ghts ur�der thi.��ecurity Ins�rur��xx�; ar�d�d}�akes such act�on a.�Lender may <br /> r�asonably requ�re to that Lender's intere�t�r��he Proper�y and rights�.�er�his Secur�ty rnstrur�ent, <br /> a:nd Barrower's ob��gatiQ��o pa�the sum.s secured by�us Security In,strument, sha�.l con�inue�changed. <br /> Lender�nay r�quire�hat Borrower pay sueh reinstatem�nt sums and�e�p�nses�n one or more of�e fal�auri�g <br /> forms, as selected by Lender: �a} cash; ���mo�ey orc��r; �c� certif�.ed checl�, ba�k check, �reasurer's ch�ck�r <br /> cashier�s check, prov�ded any such check�s dra�wx�upon an��st�tut�on v�rhose depasi�s a�-e�r�sured by a <br /> federa�agency, �stru.mental�ty ar ent�ty; ar�d�E�ee�ronic FundS Transfer. Upo�re�nstatement by�orrower, <br /> �his Security Instrum.en�and obligat��ns�ecured hereby shall rema�n fu1�:y effective as�f no acce�era��an had <br /> occurred. Hov�ever, �s right��reinstate shal.�x�ot apply ix�.�.he case of accelerati�n und�r Sec�ian 1 S. <br /> �a. Sal� of N�t�; Cha�ge of Loan Servi�er; IV o��ce of �r�e�ance. The N�te or a par�ial xnterest in�he <br /> No�e�together��h th�.s Secur�ty Ins�rument} can be so�.�one or m�re�imes wz�h:out prior not�ce to <br /> Borra�rer. A sa1�m�.ght�esu.�t�n a in�e en�ty[krlflvvn as�h:e "�oan�e�vicer"}�ia�co�lects Pe�iodic <br /> Pay�ments due�der the N�te and�his Security Inst�ument and perfarm�ot.�ier mortgage loan s�rvicing <br /> o�bligatior�s urxder�a.e Note, tliis Secur�.ty Iristrurrien�, a.�d A�plicable I�aw. There als�xnigh��e one�r mor� <br /> c�anges of the�Loan Servicer unrel.a�ed to a sa�.�of�he Nate. If there�s�.chang�of�he Loan Servicer, <br /> Borrower W�1�be given wr�.�ten notice of�he change vv��state the name and.address of�he new Loan <br /> Sexv�.cer, �he address to wh�ch payments sh�u�.�be rnade and ar�y other�nformat�an RESFA re�u�res in <br /> connect��n w�.th a natice of�-ansfer of serv�cing. If the Not��s s��d and thereafter�ie Laa-�.is serviced by a <br /> Loan Servicer other than.the purchaser of the N�te, the mortgage�oan s�rvic�ng�b�.�.gation�t�B�rrower�i.�� <br /> rema�n the Laan Servicer or be transferred to a su�cess�r L�an S�rv7.cer aud are not a�sumed by t�e <br /> Note purchaser unl.ess othertiv�se provzded by�he Na��purchaser. <br /> Ne�ther Bor�awe��or Lea�der may cammence,j�in, �r�e j oined to any�ud�cial act�on��s�i� an <br /> ir�.div�d;�.J.Iitigan�or�he membe�of a c�ass��hat ar�ses�r�m t.�.e other�a.rty's ac��ans�ursu.ant to�his <br /> Security I�st�aexa.t�r�hat alleges�at�e�th�r�arty has brea�hed any provisio��f, or a:�y duty o�ved�by <br /> reasan�f, t�is Security Ix�strument, until such g3orrower�r Lender�ias noti��ied the other pa.rty(��h suc� <br /> not�ce given�n camp�xance ur��the requirements af Seet�on �5� of such alleged b�-e�.ch and affarded th� <br /> other party here�o a reasor�able per�Qd after�he giving of such not�ce�a�ake corre��ve action. If A.pplicable <br /> Law provides a time per�od�rhich must elapse before cex�ain actioz�can be taken, �hat t�me per�od vvi��be <br /> deemed�o�e reasonable for purpose� of�ii�paxagraph. The not�c�of acce].erat�on�,nd opportunity ta cure <br /> g�.ver��o Borro;wer pursuax�.t to Sect�on�2 and the notice of acc�Ieration g�.ven to Borrower pursua�t�fl <br /> Sect�on 1 S shall l�e de�m�d to sati�fy the�o�xce and opportunxty�a take corrective ac�xon prov�sio�s of�h2s <br /> Sectian 2fl. <br /> 2'I. Hazardous Su�astanees. A�used��.�s Sectiori��: �a} "�Iazardous S'ubs�ances"�re th��e sub�tances <br /> def�ned as�ox�c ox hazardous substances, po�lu�:nts, or wastes by Envzranmental LaW and�he <br /> substar�ces:�ine, �erosene, at�ier f���.e ar�oxic pe�ra�eum pr�ducts, �a�c pesticides and herb�cides, <br /> volatile so�.ven�s, xn�.terials cor�ta�ning asbestos or forma.�.dehyde, az�d radinactive ma��r�:a1s; [i�� <br /> "�nviYon�ental�avv"means federa�1a�tx�s and Iaws of the jur�sdic�an where the Property xs�.ocated th�.t <br /> relate�o health, safe�y or env�ronmenta�prot�ct�.on; �c} "Envi�onmental�`lean��"includes any respons� <br /> act�on, remedial acti�n, or remava.�ac�ian, as defined zn Environmental Lativ; and�d} an "�nvironm�nt�xl <br /> �on a�i�c o�"mea�.s a co�dition that can caus e, contribu�e to, or atherwise trigger an Env�rax�.ental C�eanu�. <br /> �3orra�ver�ha11�ot cause or permi�the presence, use, dxsjposal, storage, ar re�ease of a�.y�Iazard��a.s <br /> Substa-�ces, or threa�en�a re�ease any Hazardaus Substances, a�or in the Property. �rrower shall not do, <br /> nor a�.I.ow any�xie else�o do, anything affeet�ng�he Praperty�a��ha�is in vxo�.atian of any Er�viro�menta�. <br /> Law, �b��r�.ch crea�es an Er�v�ron�e��a��ond�t�.arx, or�c�urhich, due to�he presence, use, or re�ea�e of a <br /> Hazardous Subs�a�.ice, creates a conditior�t�at ac�versel.y affect��he value of the Prop�rty. The precedin.g�vo <br /> Z40Q6654 <br /> NEPRASKA-5ingf�Famiiy-Far�nie M aelFreddie M ac�N1FQF21111 iNSTRIlM ENT F�rm 30�8 11�1 <br /> 1!M P p VM P6{NE}(�3D2� <br /> Vlralters fC[Uw er Fir�ancial Services Page�3 of�7 <br />