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��14�454� <br /> ��. �orrov�er N o� �eIeased; Forbearance By L��d�r N ot a'I��iWer. Extensian Qf the t�me far payme�t or <br /> modi�f cat��n of am�rti�a.tion of the surn�s secured by this Securx�y Instrument gra:nted by Lender�o$orrawer <br /> or any Successar�n Interest of Borrow�r shall not operate to rel.ea.�e the�iability of Borro�ver or any <br /> Su�cessors ix�.Irxteres�of Borrovver. Lender sha�n�t be required ta commence proceedings agai.x�.s�any <br /> Successor in Int�r�st o�Borr�w�r or to ref�e to extend.time for�ayrmen.�or o�he�is�modzfy amort�zatxox� <br /> of�he sums secured by�his Security Instru�nent by reasfln�f any demand made by the or�:g�i.x�.a�Borrower or <br /> a�.y Successors ixa.In�erest�f Borrower. Any for�earance by Lender in exerc�.s�ng a�y r-ight or remedy <br /> includ�ng, �thaut�imitation, Ler�der'�acc�ptance of paymer��s from third pers�ns, ent�.t�es or Successors in <br /> Interest�f Borro�ver or in axn_ounts I:ess than�he amount then.due, shall not be a v�raiver�f or preclud��he <br /> e�ercise of any r�.ght Qr remedy. <br /> 'I 3. Joint and Se�eraI Liabi��ty; Ca-s�gners; Successars and Ass���s Bour�d. Barro-v�rer c�venants and <br /> agrees�hat Borrov�rer's ablig�.t�ons and��abzl.�:�y shal�be j�int and s�vera�. However, ar�y JBorr�tiver who <br /> co-signs this Secur�ty Instrument but does not execute the Note�a"co-s�gner"}: �a� �s co-sign�ng�his <br /> S�curxty Ins�x�xm.e�.t ox�ly�o mortgage, grant anc�convey-�he co-s�.gner's interest�the Prflperty under-�e <br /> terms of this Security I�trument; ���is n�t perso�ally�bligated.t�pay�he sums secured�y this Sec�rxty <br /> Instrument; and�c� agrees�hat Lender and any other�arrav�rer can agree to e�-tend, xnvd�.fy, for�ear or make <br /> any accammodat�a�.s v�r�th regard to t�ie te�ms of this Secur�.ty Instru�ent ar the Not�vvzthaut the ca-signer's <br /> ca�isent. <br /> Subj ec���t��provzs�on.s of Sec��.on 1 S, ar�.y Successor in Interest of Borrower who a�sumes Borr�vver's <br /> obligati.a�s ur�der�hi.s S�cur�.ty Instrument in wr�ting; ar�d�s appraved by Lender, shal.I.ob�a�n a�l of <br /> Borrower's ri.ghts an.d b ene�t�uxa.der�his S ecurity Instru�n��.t. Borr�wer sha11 not b e released from <br /> Borrawer°s abl�gations ar�d��.abxl�ty u�..der�his Secur�ty Instrument ux�less Lender agrees tn such re�e�e i.xa. <br /> writirig. The covenants arid agreements of this Security Ir�s�ruLn.en�sha��bind�except as prov�ded�n Sec�zon <br /> �0� and.�benef7t�he successars and assign�of JLendex. <br /> '[4. L�ar� Charges. Lexxder may cha�ge Bo�rower fees f�r sex�vi.ces pe�f�rmed in connection��h Borrower°s <br /> defaul.t, for the puxpo�e of protec�ing Lender°s�terest��.the Property and rzgh�s under this Security <br /> I-�.5trument, i�cludixxg, but no��i.mited�o, attorneysT fees, prop�x-�y in.spect�an and valuat�on fees. In regard to <br /> any other fees, �he absence of express autharity in�his Security Instrumerit t�charge a specif�c fee to <br /> Borrnwer sha1�.not b�cor�.strued as a prohibitio�Qn�he charg�:ng of such fee. Lender may not charge fee� <br /> are express�.y prahibited by�his Security I�xstrurnent or by Applicab�.e Law. <br /> If the Loan�s subj ect to a Ia�v which sets maximu�n loan charges, ax�:d�hat�aw is f�nal.�.�r xnterpreted so�ha� <br /> the�.nte�est ar other�oan charg;es collec�ed or to�e callect�d ir�cori�ect�on vvith�1ie Laax���ceed the <br /> permit�ed���xzits, �hen: [a} any such l.o�.ch�-ge sha���e reduced�by the amount r�ec�ssary tv�educe th� <br /> charge���.ie�ermit�ed limit; ar���b)any�um.s alreac�y collec�ed fram Bo�-r�wer�xrhich e�ceeded per�tted <br /> 1imi�s wil�be refunc�ed�o Borrower. Le�.der may cho�se�o ma�e�is refurid by reduc�.ng�he princ�pal�wed <br /> uxa:der�i.e l��te or�y making a direct payrnent ta Bo�rower. If a refund reduces principa�, the r�ductior�v��ll <br /> be�.reated as a par�ial prepayment w�.thout any prepa�men�charge�whether or r�ot�.prepayn�en�charge is <br /> pravided for under�he N�te). Borrovver's acceptance of any such refund mad�b�direct�ay�.nent to <br /> Barrower wil�c�ns��tute a waiver af any right of act���:Borrower migkt have ari.sing�ut of such overcharge. <br /> 'I�. �V�t[c�s. AII r�oti.ces g�.ven by Borrovver or Lender in�zon uri#.�i�s Security Instru�ent must be in. <br /> vv�ri:ting. Any r�otice to B�rro�rer in connection v�r�th�his S�cur�ty Instrument shal�be de�med�o have b�en <br /> given to Borrav�rer when ma��ed�by first class rmax.�.or u�hen actually del�ver�d�o Barrower's no�ce add�-ess�f <br /> sent by ather�neans. Not�ce ta�ny one Borr�we�-shal�.constitute notice�o all�arrowers�.�ss.A,.pp�icab�e <br /> Law e�pres�l�requ�res ather�visey The n�tice ac�dress sJh.a.l:�.b�the Proper�y Addres�unless�orrower has <br /> 2�Qa6s�a <br /> NEBRASKA-5��gle Family-�annie M a�lFre��ie M ac L!N[F4RM 1NSTR�]M EIVT Farm 3428�!�� <br /> VN[P fl VN[P6[NE}(�3�2} <br /> Vllolters�Cluw er Fir�aneia[Ser�i�es Page�� af 17 <br />