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��14�4543 <br /> Inspectian. Lender �r its agent may make reasanable en�r�es upon and znspections �f�he Prapez�ty. Lender sha�� <br /> gxve Barrower n��i�e a��he�ime of or prior to an in.spect�on spe�ifyuag reasonable cause for the znspection. <br /> Candernnat�on. The prnceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct�r consequen�ia�, �n conn�ct�on wi�h any <br /> condemnation or other taking of any par��f the Prop�rry, or f�r canveyance rn ��eu af coridemnation, are hereby <br /> assigned and shal�be pa�d to Lender. <br /> �n the even� of a�otia� tak�ng of the Property, �he prQceeds shall be app�xed to the sums secured by this Secur�ty <br /> �nstrumen�, whe�her ar nat �h�n due, vvi�h any excess paid �o Borrovwer. In the even� af a par�ial ta.king of the <br /> Praperry in wh��h the fa�r market�alue af the Property �mmedia�ely bef�re �he �ak�ng is equal�a or greater�han <br /> the amaun� of�he sums secured b}� this Security Instrumen� immed�a�e�y before �he �aking, un�ess Barrower and <br /> Lender otherwzse agree in writing,�he sums secured by th�s Secur�ty�nstrumen�shal�b�reduced by�he amount of <br /> �he proceeds multzplied by�he fo�lovving frac�ian: �a��he totaX amaun�of the surns secured immed�a�ely before�he <br /> tak�ng, divided by �b} the fair mark�t value �f the Property immedxate�y b�fore the ta�ing. Any balance sha�l �� <br /> paid�o Borrower. In the event of a par�ial �aking �f�he Praper�y �n wh�ch the fair marke� value of�he Property <br /> zmmed�ate�y b�fore �he �aking is less �han the amoun� of�he sums secured i�nmedia�ely before the taking, un�ess <br /> Borr�v�er and Lend�r atherwise agre� �n v�r���xa.g ar un��ss Appl�cable Law otherwise pr�vides, the proceeds sha1l <br /> be appl�ed�o the sums secured by this Securxty�nstrumen�whether�r no��he sums are then due. <br /> �f the Proper�y �s abandoned by Borrow�r, or zf, after notzce by L�nder tn B�rrow�r�hat the condemnflr offers to <br /> mai�e an award or settle a claim for damages, Barrower fails�o respond to Lender within the minimum number of <br /> days established by Appl�cable Law after�he da�e�he natzce is given,Lender is authorized to ca��ec�and app�y�he <br /> pr�ceeds, a� i�s aptzan, e��her to res�oratzon or repair af��.e Proper�y or to �he sums secured by �h�s S��uri�y <br /> �ns�rumen�,whe�her ar n�t�h�n due. <br /> Unless Lender and Barrower o�herwise agree in wr��ing, any application of proceeds to pr�ncipai sha1l no�ex�end <br /> or postp�ne the due date af the paymen�s due under�he�ontrac�or change the amount�f su�h paymen�s. <br /> Borrower Not Re�eased; Farbearance By L�nder Not a �Va��er. Ext�ns�on af the time for payment or <br /> mod�fz�at��n of amor��za��on of�he sums secured by thzs Securz�y �nstrument gran�ed hy Lender �o B�rravWer or <br /> any successor in �nt�rest �f BorrovWer shail not �perate to re�eas� the l�ability af the ariginal B�rravver or <br /> Borrower's success�rs in in�eres�. L�nder sha��not be requ�red�a commence proc�edzngs agaxns�any successor in <br /> �nteres�ar refuse�o extend tiime for paym�nt ar o�herwise madify am�r��.�a��an of�he sums secured by�his Security <br /> Instrumen� by r�as�n of any demand made by �he origina� Borrower or Barrow�r's successors in interest. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender �n exercis�ng any r�gh�or remedy shal�no�be a waiver of or pre�lude �he exerczse nf any <br /> right nr remedy. <br /> Successors and Assigns Bound; Jo�nt and Several L�ab���ty; Accommodation S�gners. The co�enants and <br /> agreements of�hzs Secur�ty Instrument sha�l bind and benef��he suc�essors and ass�gns of Lender and Barrovs�er, <br /> subjec� to the prov�s�ons of secti�n ti��ed Transfer af the Property or a Bene��ial Interest �n Borrower. <br /> Borrovv�rrs cavenan�s and agreements sha��be join�and several. Any person v�ho cowsigns�his Secur��y�nstrument <br /> bu� has no persona� Iiabili�y under �he �ontract �"Accommoda�ion Signer"}: (a} zs co-s�gn�ng �his 5ecurity <br /> Instrumen� only �o mor�gage, gran� and convey �ha� Accommadat�on S�gner's interest �n the Froper�y under the <br /> terms �f #he Securi�y Instrum�n�; �b} is n�� pers�na��y ab��ga�ed �o pay the sum.s se�ured by �his Secur�ty <br /> �nstrument; and�c}agrees�hat Lender and any other Borrower may agree�� ex�end,mad�fy, farbear or mak� any <br /> accommodat�ons w��h regard to�he�erms of this Security�nstrument or�he C�ntrac�w��hou��ha�Accammodat�an <br /> Sibner's conserit. <br /> Laan Charges. Zf the laan s�cur�d by this Security �nst�umen� is sub�ect to a lav� wh�ch s�ts maximum Ioan <br /> charges, and tha��aw xs fnal�y in�erpre�ed s��ha��he interes�or o�her Ioan charges col�ec�ed ar to be collected in <br /> cannection vv�th the Ioan exceed the perm�tted Iim��s, �hen: �a} any such �oan charge shal� �e redu�ed by the <br /> amount nece�sary�o reduce�he charg��o the permitted limi�s and�b} any sums already�ol�ec�ed fram Borr�vver <br /> wh�ch e�ceeded perm�tted �imit� wx�� be refunded �o B�rrower. Lender may choose �o make �his refund by <br /> reducing�he pr�nc�pal owed under�he Can�ra�t or by making a direc�payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces <br /> principa�,the reduc�ion w���be�rea�ed as a par�ia�pr�paymen�under�he�vntra�t. <br /> Notices. Any no�ice �o Borrower provided far xn �his Securx�y Zns�rumen� sha�� b� gi�en by delxvering i� or by <br /> mailzng�t by f rst class ma�l un�ess App��cable Lav�r�quires use of another me�hod. The notzce shal�be di.rec��d to <br /> �he Proper�y Address or any other address Bflrrower designates by no��ce �o Lender. Borrower agrees �o provide <br /> L�nder w��h Borrawer's mos� current mailing address, as �t may change from�ime-�a-��m�. Any no��ce �o Lender <br /> sha��be gz�en by f�rs�c�ass mai�ta Lender's address s�ated herein ar any o�her address Lender designa�es by no�zce <br /> �o B�rrow�r. Any na�ice prav�ded for in�his Secur��y Instrumen�shall be d�emed ta have b�en given�o BarrovWer <br /> or Lender when given as pro�ided in th�s paragraph. <br /> Govern�ng Law; Severability.Th�s Security�nstrument sha��be ga�erned by federal lav�r and the laws af�he state <br /> of Nebraska. �n the e�ent �ha� an� pro�is��n or clause of this Secur��y �nstrument ar �he Con�ract canflic�s w��h <br /> Applicab�e Law, such ��nflict sha�� not affect o�her prov�s��ns of this Securi�y �ns�rument or the �antrac�wh�ch <br /> can be given eff�c�withaut�he confl�c��ng provis�on. To th�s end th�pra�isions af th�s Securi�y�nstrument and the <br /> Contrac�are declared to be severable. <br /> Borrow�r's�opy.Borr�wer shall be gx�en one copy of�his Se�ur��y�nstrumen�. <br /> Transf�r of the Property or a �enef�cial Interest in Borr�wer. �f a��or any par�af the Proper�y or any xn�eres� <br /> in it �s sald or transferred �or zf a benef�c�a1 in�er�s� xn Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is nat a <br /> na�ural persan� ,with�u� Lenderts prior wr��ten cansen�, Lender may, a� i�s o�t��n, requ�re immed�ate payment in <br /> C�2Q�4-2413 Compliar�ce Systems,in�.9F9d-SA4A-2�13L2.0.7�1 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Se�urity Instrument DL243fi Page 3 af 5 www.camptiancesystems.corn <br />