<br /> Appli�abie Law. As used in this Security �nstrumen�, �he �erm "Applicable Law" shall mean a�� �ontroll�ng
<br /> applicable federaT, s�a�e and local statu�es, regul�.�ions, ordinances and administra��ve rules and �rders ��hat hav�
<br /> �he effect af lav�}as w�l�as aIl applicab�e fna�,non-appealable�ud�cial ap�n�ons.
<br /> �harges; Liens. Bnrrower sha�l pay aIl taxes, assessmen�s, charges, fin�s and �mposit�ons attr�butable to �he
<br /> Property which may at�ain pr�ority a�er this Secur�ty Znstrumen�, and leasehold paymen�s �r ground rents, if any.
<br /> A�the request of L�nd�r,Bflrrovver shall promp��y furnish�o Lend�r r�ceipts evid�ncxng�he paymen�s.
<br /> Borrfl�er shall promp�ly discharge any I�en which has pr�ority over this Security �nstrumen�un��ss B�rravver: �a�
<br /> agrees in writing �o �he payment af the obligation secured b� the l�en in a manner accep�able �a Lender; �b}
<br /> ��n�es�s �n good faith the �ien by, or defends agains� enforcemen� of the l�en in, �egal proceedings wh�ch �n �he
<br /> Lender's opi.nion operate �o prevent �he enforc�ment �f�he lien; ar �c} secures from �he ho�der of�he lien an
<br /> agreement sat�sfactory�o Lender subord�nating the �ien to �his Securi�y �nstrumen�. �f Lender de�erm�nes tha�any
<br /> par� of the Propert� is subj ect�a a �ien wh�ch may atta�n priarity over th�s S�cur�ty �nstrumen�, Lender may give
<br /> Barrawer a no��ce iden�ifying�he 1ien. Borrower shall sa�zsfy�h� l�en flr�ake one or mor� af the actians set for�h
<br /> abav�within �D days of the g�ving of notic�.
<br /> Hazard or Prop�rty Insuran�e. Borrovv�r sha1l keep the �mprovemen�s naw exist�ng or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Froperty insured agaxns�loss by fire,hazards included with�rz the�erm"extended�o�erage"and any other ha�ards,
<br /> includi.n.g flaods ar flo�ding, for vvhich Lender requzres �nsuran�e. This insurance sha�1 be main�a�ned in the
<br /> amounts and far the per�ods that Lender requires. The insurance carr�er pro�iding th��nsurance sha11 be chasen by
<br /> Borrower subj ect �o Lender's approval whrch shall no� be ur�reasonably Wi�hheld. If BorraWer fails to mai.n�ain
<br /> co�erage describ�d above, Lender may, at Lender's op��an, o�tain coverage �o pratec� Lender's rights in the
<br /> Property i.n accordanc�with se��ion�itled Protec�ion af Lend�r's�tights in the Property.
<br /> All insuran�e po��cies and renev�als shall he accep�ab�e to Lender and shall inc�ude a standard m�r�gage clause.
<br /> Lender shall have the right to hold�he policies and renewa�s. �f Lender requires,]Borrower sha��promptly g�ve ta
<br /> Lender a�I r�ceipts of paid premiums and r�newal no��ces. �n the e�ent of Ioss, B�rr��ver shall give prampt no���e
<br /> to the insurance carrier anc�Lender.Lender may make p�oof af loss if not made prompt�y�y Borrower,
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrovver �thervvise agree in wr�ting, insuran�e proceeds sha�l be app��ed to restoration or
<br /> repair of�he Proper�y damaged, �f, in L�r�d�r's sale d�screti�n, the restora�ifln or repa�r is econamica�ly feasible
<br /> and L�nder's secur�ty is not lessened. �f, in Lender's sole d�scre��on, the restaratian or repa�r �s na� econflmically
<br /> feasib��or L�nd�r's s��ur�ty wou�d be lessened,�he insurance proceeds shall�e applied to the sums secured by this
<br /> Security �nstrum�n�, �whe�her or no� �hen due, wi�h any excess pa�d �o Borr�wer. �f Borrower aband�ns �he
<br /> Property, or does not answer w�th�n the num�er af days prescribed by Applicabl�Law as set for�h in a nat�ce from
<br /> Lender to Borrower that�he insurance �arrier has offer�d ta settle a c�aim,then Lend�r may collect�he xnsurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use �he proceeds to repair or res�ore the Pr�perty or�o pay sums secured by this Security
<br /> �ristrument,�hether�r na��hen due.The per�ad af time for Sorrow�r to answer as set farth in the not�ce w�l�begin
<br /> �hen�he notic�is given,
<br /> Unless L�nder and Bonrovver otherwise agree in�vriting, an�app�z�a�ion of pro�eeds�o principa� shall not ex�end
<br /> or postpone the due da�e of�he payments due under�he C�n�ra���r change the amount�f the paymen�s. If under
<br /> �he sec�ion titled Acce�eratian; Remedies, �h� Property is acquired by Len�er, Borrower's righ�to any insuran�e
<br /> po�ic�es azad praceeds resu��ing from damage t� �he Proper�y priflr ta the acquisi�ion sha11 pass to Lender to �he
<br /> ex�ent of the sums secured by th�s Securi�y�nstrumen�immed�a�ely prior�o�he acqu�sition.
<br /> Preser�ation, Ma�nt�nanc� and Prate��ion of the Property; �orrower'S Loan Applicati�n; Leaseho�ds.
<br /> Borrower shal�no�destroy, damage or impair�he Property, allo��he Pr�perty�a de�eriarate, or cammit vvas�� on
<br /> the Proper�y.Borrower sha�l be�n defau���f any forfe��ure action or prnceed�ng,whe�her civi�or criminal,rs begun
<br /> �hat �n Lender's good fa��h�udgment could resul� �n f�rfeiture of�he Propez-�y or o�herw�se materia�ly impair�he
<br /> ��en �rea�ed �by �his Security Instrument or Lender's securi�y int�rest. Borrovver may cure such a defaul� and
<br /> re�nsta�e, as pro�ided�n section t���ed B�rrower's Righ�to l�eins�ate, by causing�he actinn or proc�e��ng�o be
<br /> dzsm�ssed w�th a rul�rj.g that, �n Lender's good fai�h determinatian,prec�udes forfeitu.re of th�Borrower's in�eres�zn
<br /> �he Propezrty ar o�her material impair�ment of�he lien created by this Security �nstrument or Lender's securi�y
<br /> in�erest.Barrovwer shaTl aiso be in defaul�if Borr�wer,dur�ng the��an app�icat�on pracess,ga�e ma�er�ally false or
<br /> inaccura�e informat�on or sta�ements �o Lender �ar fa�led to prav�de Lender with any ma�erial znforma��on) �n
<br /> connec�ion wi�h�he Ioan evxd�nc�d�y�he Contract. 7f th�s Security xnstrument is on a leasehold, Borrower sha��
<br /> comply Wi�h aI��he provisions of the leas�. �f Borrower acqu�r�s fe��z��e ta the Prop�rty,�he Ieasehold and the f�e
<br /> title shall not merge unl�ss Lender agrees�a�he merger�n writ�ng.
<br /> Prote�tior� of Lender's RightS in the Property. Zf B�rrawer fai�s to perform �he c�venan�s and agreemen�s
<br /> cantained in this Security�nstrument, or th�re�s a lega�proceeding�ha�may significantly affec�Lender's rxghts xn
<br /> the Proper�y �such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, prol�ate, f�r condemna�ifln or forfeiture or tfl enforce �aws or
<br /> regula�ions}, then L�nder may do and pay for whatever is necessary �o pro�e�� the value of the Property and
<br /> Lender's righ�s in the Property. Lender's a��ions may�nc�ude paying any sums secured by a I�en which has pr�or��y
<br /> over�his Security�ns�rumen�, appearing in cou.r�,pay�ng reasonab�e at�orneys'f�es and enter�ng on�he FroperCy�o
<br /> ma.k�repa�rs.A1�hough Lender may take a��ion under this s�c��fln,Lend�r daes nfl�ha�e tfl da so.
<br /> � Any amounts disbursed by Lender under �his sect�on shal� b�Gome addit�ona� d�b� of Borrower secured by �h�s
<br /> Se�ur��y Ins�rumen�. Un�ess Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of paymen�, �hese amaun�s sha�l bear
<br /> �nterest fram the da�e of d�sbursement a� the same rate assessed on advances under �he �ontract and sha�l be
<br /> paya�b�e,v�i�h in�erest,upon nfl���e from Lender to Borr�wer reques�xng paymen�.
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