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��14�451� � <br /> a wa��er, and Borrower fazls to pa�the amount due far an Escrow I�em, Lender may exerc�se its rights <br /> under Se�ti�n 9 and pa�su�� amaun�and Bnrrawer shall then 1�e obligated under S��tion 9 to repay to <br /> Lender any such amount. �ender may re�oke rhe waiver as to any or a�l Escrow�tems at any time by a <br />-- notice g��en in accordance vvi�h Sectian 15 and, upon such re�oca�i�n, Borravver shall pay to Lender al� <br /> Funds, and in such amounts,tha�are then required under this �ec�i�n 3. <br /> Lender may, a�any tirn�, col�ect and hold Funds �r� an amoun��a} sufficient to permit Lend�r t�apply <br /> th� Fun�s at t�he tim�spec�fied under�ESPA, ar�d�b}nat�o e�c�ed t�e ma�irr��um arnaunt a l�nder can <br /> re�uire under RESPA. Lender shall estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of currer�t data and <br /> reasonable estimates of expenditures af fu�ure Escraw Items or otherwise in accordance with Applicable <br />� L aw. <br />� The Fun�s sha�l be he�d in an insti�ution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumental�ty, <br />; <br /> or entity�including Lender, if Lende� is an �nstituti�n�hase deposits are so�nsured�ar in a�y Fe�eral <br /> Home L�an Bank. Lend�r shal�apply the �unds to pay the Escrow It�ms no la��r than the time specrfied <br />! under RESPA.Lender shall not charge Borr�wer for ho�ding and app�ying the Funds,annuaIly analyzing <br /> i the escrow account, �r r�er�fying the Escr�w Items, untess Lender pays Borr�wer interest on the Funds <br />� and App�icable Law p�rmits Lender ta make such a�harge. Unless an agreement is made in writing or <br />, Appl�cab�e La�v re9uires interes�to be paid on the Funds, Lender shall n��be required ta pay Borrower <br /> any in�terest or earn ings on the Funds. �orrower and Lender�an agree �n writing,howe��r,that interest <br /> �hall be paid an the Funds. Lender sha��give to Borra�ver,w�th�ut�ha�rge, an annua� a��ountin�ofthe <br />� Funds as re9u�red by RESPA. <br />, If there �s a surpIus of Funds he�d in escrow,as def�ned under RESPA, Lender shal�acc�unt t�Bor�ower <br />, for the excess fur�ds in accordance vvYth RESPA. If there is a shartag�of Funds held in escraw,as defined <br /> under RESPA, Len�er shall n�tify Barrovver as required by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lender <br />� �he amount necessary ta make up the shortage�n accordance with R�SPA,but in n�more th�.n 1�monthly <br /> payrne��s. If there is a d�f�iency of Funds held in escrow, as defined under R�SPA, L�nder sha11 notify <br />� Borrower as required�y RESPA, and Barrower sha�� pay ta L�nd�r the amount necessary to make up <br /> ithe def iciency in accorc�ance�ith RES PA, but in no more�han 1�mor�th ly paymer�ts. <br /> i Up�n pa}�r�ent in f�.Ii af a�1 su�ms secured�y this Security Instrument, L�nd�r shall promptly refund to <br />' Borrower any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4.�hargQs; Li�ns, Borrower sha�l pay all ta�es,assessme�ts,charges,f�nes,and i�nposlt�ons attri�utable <br />� �o the Proper�y which Gan attain priority o�er this Security �ns�rument, leasehQ�d payments or ground <br /> I rents an the Property, if any, and�ommunity Assaciation Dues, F�es, and Assessments, if any. To the <br /> i �xtent tha�t these it�ms are Escr�v��tems, Barrower sha�l pay them in�he manr�er pravided�n Secti�n 3. <br />, <br /> i Borrav�er shall prflmptiy d�scharge an}� t�en wh�ch has pri�r�ty over�h�s Security Instrument unless <br /> Borrower:(a}agrees in�vritzng to the payment of the ob�iga�ion sec�red by the�xen in a manner acceptable <br />� to Lender,bu�on�y so long as Borrow�r is performing such agr�emen�;�b}contests the�ien in good faith <br />� by, or defends against�nforcemen�of�he lien in, legal proceedings which in Lender's opinion operate <br /> ta pre�ent the�nforc�ment�f the lien while thos�praceedi�gs are pending,b�t�nly ur�til su�h pra�eedin�s <br />� are cone�uded;or�c}secures fram the holder of the lien an agreement satisfac�ory to Lender subordinating <br />! the lien to this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Praperty is subject to a lien <br />� <br />� <br /> ��s�75�7�0 <br /> i NEBRASf�iA-Singfe�amily-Fannie 9ViaefFr�ddi�Mac�N1F�RM fNSTRUMENT F�rm 3028�101 <br />� VM PC�] � 02114 <br /> Walters Kiuwer Finan�ral 5ervi�es 2Q14�7234 1.1.25Z9-S20�3�Z2�Y fr�it� I Page 5�f'47 <br /> I *HLD1195755750�123* <br />