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<br /> In consideration of the mutual promises and agreem�nts ex�hanged, the par�ies hereto agree as
<br /> follows�no�vvithstanding anything to the contra�y contained in the Note ar Security Instrument}:
<br /> 1. As af, JA111UARY 1, 2414, the amount payabl� under the Note and the Security Instrument�the
<br /> "Unpaid Principal Balance"} is U.S. $82,289.13, consisting of the unpaid amount�s}loaned to
<br /> Borrower by Lender p�us any interest and other am�unts capitalized.
<br /> 2. Borrower prorn ises to pay th�Unpaid Principal Balance, plus interest, to the order of Len�er Interest
<br /> wil� be charged on the Unpaid Principal Balance at the yearly rate of 4.25U4°/o, fram�ANUARY 1,
<br /> ZU14. Borrower promises to make rnonthly payments of principal and interest of U.S. $ 444.81,
<br /> beginning on the 1 ST day of FEBRUARY,ZU�4, and continuing thereafter on the same day vf each
<br /> succeeding month until principal and interest are paid in fuil.The yearly rate of 4.250U°/o will remain
<br /> in effect until principal and interest are paid in fu�l. �f on JANUARY 1, 2444 �the"Maturity Date"},
<br /> Borrow�r st��l owes amounts under the Nate and the SeCurity Instrument, as amended by this
<br /> Agreement,Borrower will pay these amounts in full vn the Maturity Date.
<br /> 3. If ali or any part of the Property or any interest in the Property is sold or transferred�or if Borrower is
<br /> not a naturai persan and a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred}without Lender's prior
<br /> written consent, Lender may require �mmediate paymen� in full of all sums secured by th� Security
<br /> Instrument.
<br /> If Lender exercis�s this aption, Lend�r sha�l gi�e Borrow�r noti�e of acceleration. The noti�e shall
<br /> pro�ide a period of nvt less than 3� days from the date the natice is deli�ered or rnailed within which
<br /> Borrower mus�pay all sums secured by the Security Instrument. If Borrow�r fails to pay these �ums
<br /> priQr to the expiratian af this period, Lender may in�oke any remedies permitted by the Security
<br /> Instrum�nt wi#hout further natice or demand on Borrawer.
<br /> 4. Borrawer also wii� comply with ail other co�enants, agreements, and requiremen�s af the Security
<br /> Instrument, including without limi�atian,Borrower's ca�enants and agreements to make a11 payments
<br /> of taxes, insurance premiums, assessments, escraw it�ms, impounds, and all other payments that
<br /> Bvrrower is obligated #o make under the 5ecurity Ins�rument; hovve�er, the following terms and
<br /> pra�is�vns are fore�er canceled,null and�oid,a�of the date specified in paragraph No. 1 abo�e:
<br /> �a} all terms and pro�isions of the Nate and Se�urity Instrument �if any} pro�iding for,
<br /> irnplementing, ar relating to, any change or ad3ustment in the rate �f interest payable under the
<br /> Note, including, where applicable, the Time�y Payment Rewards rate reduction, as described in
<br /> paragraph 1 of the Timely Payment Rev�ards Addendum to Not� and paragraph A.1. of the
<br /> Timely Payment Rewards Rider. By executing this Agreement, Borrower wai�es any Time�y
<br /> Payment Rewards rate reduction to which Borrower may ha�e atherwise been entitled;and
<br /> (b} atl terms and pro�isions of any adjustable rate rider,or Timely Payment Reward5 Rider, where
<br /> applicable, �r ather ins�rument or document that is affixed to, whol�y or partially incarporated
<br /> into, or is part of, the Note or Secur�ty Instrument and that cantains any such terms and
<br /> pro�isions as�hose referred to in�a}abfl�e.
<br /> 5. If the Borrower has,since inception o�this loan�ut prior to this Agreement,recei�ed a di5charge
<br /> in a Chapter 7 bankrup�cy,�nd there ha�ing been no�alid rea#`f�rmation of the underlying deht,
<br /> by entering into this Agreement, the Lender is nnt attempting tn re-establish any personal
<br /> liability for the underlying debt.
<br /> FHAIVA HUD-HAMP Lvan Madificativn Agreement 1�242Q 13_111 WD1Z106.1 99�Z426192
<br /> First Amer�can Mortgage 5er�ices Page 2
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