<br /> �EED �F T'F�U�T'
<br /> Lo�n �V�: 7�����7� {����ir�uea� P�ge �
<br /> an, under, abou� or from the Property by any prior ovvners or �ccupan�s a� the Property, or {c� any ac�ual or
<br /> threat�ned [itiga�ion ar claims vf any kind by any persan re[ating to such matters; and {3} Except as previously
<br /> disc�osed to and acknovvledged hy Lender�n wri�ing, �a� neither Trus�vr nvr any�enant, cvntractor, agen�ar other
<br /> authorized user af the Prvper-ry shall use, generate, manu#acture� store, treat, d�spose a�or re[ease any Hazardous
<br /> Substance on, under, about or from the Praperty; and 4h} any such acti�i�y sha[f be Gonducted in compliance w��th
<br /> �[l applica�l� federal, state, and [oca� laws; regulafiions and ordinan.ces, rncluding v�rithvut lirn�tati.on all
<br /> En�irvnmenta� La�nrs. Trustvr aufhorizes Lender and its agen-�s ta en�er upan the Property to make such
<br /> inspec�ions and tes�s, a� Trustvr's expens�, as Lende-r may deem appr�p�ia�e to determine �vmpiiance vf the
<br /> Property w.ith �his sectEon o�f�rhe Deed of Trust. Any inspec�ions or tests made by Lender shall t�e for Lender`s
<br /> purposes only and shall not be cans�rued to crea�e any responsibi[ity or [iability on the part ofi Lender-to Trustar or
<br /> fio any other person. The representations and warran-�ies conta"rned herein are based on T�us�or's due diligence in
<br /> investigating the Proper�y �or Hazardous Subs�ances. Trusfior hereby ��} releases and wa��es any�utu.re c[aims
<br /> against Lender #flr �ndemnity or con�ribution in the e�ent Trustor becames 1iab�e for cteanup vr other costs under
<br /> any sueh laws; and ��} ag���s to Endemnify, defend, and ho�d harm[ess Lender a-gainst any and all Gla�ms, [o:sses,
<br /> �ia;biCi-�ies, darnages, penaf�ies. and expenses which Lender m:ay direct[y or indirectly sustain or su�fer resu�t�ng��om
<br /> a breach o��his section of the ❑��d a�Trust or as a cansequence o� any us�, generation, manufiacture, s��rage,
<br /> ciispvsal, re�eas�ar threatened release occurring prior to Trustvr's�wnership o.r interest in the Properfiy, v�rhether ar
<br /> no� the same was or shau[d have ��e,n known t� Trus�or. The provisions of this section of �he Deed o� Trus�,
<br /> including the ab[iga�ion�o indemn��y and defend, sha[[sur�ive the paymenfi o�r the lnde��edness and�he satisfaction
<br /> and recoriveyance of the [ien o�th�s D�ed nfi Trust and sha�� no�be affected by Lender's acquisition o�any in#eres�
<br /> in the Praperty, vvhether by�orec[osure�r o�herwise.
<br /> Nu�sar�ce. VNas�e. Trustar shall not cause, conduc� or permit any nuisance nor commit, permi�, or suffer any
<br /> s�r�pping o� or waste on or to the Properfiy or any portion af the Property. 11Vithout limi�ing th� genera[ity of the
<br /> �aregain�, Trustor wi�� not remo�e, or grant ta any other party the right to remo�e, any timber; minerals {inc�ucling
<br /> oi� and gas}, �oal, c�ay, scoria,soi[, gra�el or rock prvducts w�thnut Lender's prior�nrrirtten consent.
<br /> ��mova�vf Im�prv�rerr�en�s. Trustor sha[I not d�mfll�sh �r remo�e any lmpro�em�n�s fram the Real Properry wi�hou�
<br /> Lender`s privr v�ritten consent. As a conditifln to the remo�a� af any lmpro�ements. Lender may requi�e T�-ustor to
<br /> make arrangements s:atis�actory to Lender t� replace such �mprv�ernents Uvith .lmpro�emenfis .o� a� least equa!
<br /> �a[ue.
<br /> L�nder`s Right�v Enter, Lender and Lender's agents and representa�i�es may enter upon the Rea� Fr�perty at all
<br /> reasonable �imes t� attend t� Lender`s interes�s and t� inspe�t �he f�eal Prvperty for purpases o� Trustor's
<br /> eompliance with�he terms and condEfiions o�this Deed o�F Trust. �
<br /> C[sr�piiance wi�h Gav�rnr�enta� Requirer�en�ts. Trus�or shal� promptly comp�y wi�h al� ��ws, ordinances, and
<br /> regulati�ns, now or her�after in e���c�, of al! gvvern.mental authoriti�s app�icab[e to �he use or occupancy o� �he
<br /> Property. Trustor may contest in good fai�h any sueh law, ordinance, or regulation and v��thho[d comp�iance duri:ng
<br /> any proceeding, including app�opriate appea€s, sa long as Trus�tor has nvtified Lender in vvriting prior �o doing so
<br /> and sa [ong as, in Lender's sale opinion, LenderFs interests in�he Property are nvt jeopardized. Lender may require
<br /> T�ustor ta post adequate securi�y or a surefiy band, reas�nab�y satis�actvey to Lender,to protec�Lender's in�eres�.
<br /> Duty to Pro�e�t. Trustor agrees neither to abandon ar �.eave unatkended �he Property. frustor shal� do aI[ ather
<br /> acts, in additivn�o those aets s�t forth abo�e �n this section, which from the charae�er and use v�th� Property are
<br /> reasonably n�cessary�v pro�ect and p�ese�-�e the P�-aperty.
<br /> DUE �N SALE-��NSENT BV LENI]lEl�. Lender may, at Lender's vption, decfa-re 'rmmediateiy due and paya�[e all sums
<br /> secured by�his Deed of Trust upan the sa�e or�ranster, without Lender's prior w�ritten cansent, of afl or any part of�he
<br /> R�a[ Pr�perty, or any interest in the Real P�Qper�ty. A "sa[e vr transf�r� means th�eonveyance o� Rea[ Proper�y or any
<br /> �-�gh�, �i#le or in�kerest in �he Rea[ Property; whether leg�l, beneficial or equitab�e; whether volun�ary or invvluntary;
<br /> whether by outr3ght sale, deed, insta[lmen� sale contrac�, fand can�rac�, contract €ar deed, [easehold interes� with a
<br /> term greater than three {3} years, lease-op�ion cantract, or by sa�e, assignment, or firansfer a�any beneficia� in�erest in
<br /> or to any [and trus� holding titfe to �he Real Property, or by any other method �� con�eyancs o# an in�erest in the Rea1
<br /> Proper'�y. However, this optian sha�! nflt be exercised by Lender i� such exercise is proh=ibited by �edera➢ Ia� ar by
<br /> Nebraska �aw.
<br /> TA]�ES AN�] LiEfVS. �he following pro�isions relating t� �he taxes and Jiens on �he Proper�y are par� of�h�s Deed �f
<br /> `�rus�:
<br /> Pa�iment. Tr.us�o.�shall pay when due �and in al[ eWents prior to delinquency} all taxes, special taxes, assessments,
<br /> charges 4including wat�r and s�w�r}; fines and impasi�ions levi�d agains� ar on accvunt a�the Property, and sha[I
<br /> pay when due a�� claims�Qr work dane vn o�'€vr serviees rende�'ed vr materia[ furnished �o �he Property. Trustor
<br /> sha[[ main�ain the Property free of al� liens having prior€ty oWer or equal tv the interest of Le.nder uncIer�his Deed ofi
<br /> Trus�, except �or the Iien o� taxes and assessments no� due, except for �he Exfsting lndeb�ednes.s re-��rred ��
<br /> be[o�rv, and except as atherwis�pro�ided in this Deed af Trust.
<br /> Right#o G�ntes�. Trustor may withho�d payment of any ta�, asses�sment, �r claim in connectian wirth a goo:d �aith
<br /> dispute o�e��he ob[iga�ion ta pay. so lang as Lender's inferes�in the Proper-�y�s not jeopardized. l�a [ien arises ar
<br /> is f�led as a result o� nanpayment, Trustor sh.a[[ v�rithin �i�tee� ��5� days af-�er the ��en arises or, if a lier� is �iledE
<br /> vvithin �ifteen ��5} days afte�Trus�or has notice of the �iling, secure �he discharge of the �ien, �r if r�ques�ed by
<br /> L�nder, �eposit wi�h Lender cash ar a su�ficien-�cvrpvra�e surety bond or other securi�y satis�actory�o Le�der in an
<br /> �moun.�suffi-cien��o di�charge the lien plus any c�s�s and a�o�neys° �ees, �r other�harges�hat c�ufd aecrue as a
<br /> � result o�a�oreciosure or sa�e under the [ien. In any c�ntest, Trustor shaii defend itse��and Lender and shall sat�s�y
<br /> any adverse�udgment before en€orc�ment a�ainst�he P�aperty. Trus�or sha�� name Lender as an addi�tional obligee
<br /> under a�ny sure�y bond furnished in the cor�test praceedings. .
<br /> Eviden.�e o#Payment. T�-ust�r shall upon demand �Furnish fia Lender satisfactary e�idence �fi paymen�o�the ta�ces
<br /> or assessments and sha�� authorize the appropriate governm�ntal o��icia��o de[i�er�o Lender at any time a v►rri�ten
<br /> sta�ement of the ta�€es and�ssessmen-�s agains�the Prvperty.
<br /> N��ice of Cvnst�ucfNon. T�ustor sha[[ n�tify Lender a�Ieas��if�een �15} days before any v+rork rs commenced, any
<br /> ser�ices are fu�n�shed, ar any materia[s are supp�ied �o�he Proper�y, if any mech�nic's lien, materia[men's lien, or
<br /> other [ier� could be asserred on account of�he w�rl�, services, ❑� materia�s. Trustor will upon request of Lender
<br /> furnish �o Lender ad�an�e assurances sa�is�actory �a Lender tha� Trustor can and will pay �he cos� ofi such
<br /> impro�emen�s. .
<br /> PRQPERT� DANlA�E INSU�A11iCE� Th��al��wing �rovisivns �elatina�o insuring�he Proper�y are a part o�th`is Deed �f
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> �Vlain�en�nce of Insu�an��, Trus�vr sha�! procure and mainfiai.n policies of fire insurance wi�h standard extended
<br /> co�erage endarsements on a �eplacemen� basis tor the ful� insurable va.[ue coWerfng a!! lmpro�emen�ts on the Real
<br /> Property in an amount suffic�en� �o a�oid applicat�an a� any coinsurance c[ause, and with a standard mortgagee
<br /> clause in favor of Lender,t�gether with such other hazard and liab�[Ety insurance as Lender may r�asonably require.
<br /> Pol�cies shall be w�-itken �n farm, amounts, cn�erages and bas�s reasonably acceptab�e to Lender and issued by a
<br /> cvmpany o� companies reasanab�y acc�prtabfe �o Lender. Trustor, upon reques� ofi Lender, will delive��o Lender
<br /> �rom �ime to time the policies or certificafies ofi insuranc�in �vrm satisfa.c�tary to Lender, inciuding s�i.pu[a�ions that
<br />