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��14�4�93 <br /> ��ii} 5ell the Property for�h� lesser of the balance or 95°/� of#h� appraised value and apply <br /> th� ne�prv�eeds of the sale toward�he�alan�e; or <br /> �ir�} Pro�ide�he Lender with a deed-�n-lieu of forec�asure. <br /> �d� Trusts. C�n�eyance of a Borrawer's interest in the Prope�ty to a �rust which meets the <br /> requ�rements of the 5e�retary, or �onveyance of a trust's �nterests in �he Prvp�rty to a <br /> Borrow�r, shali nvt �e considered a conveyance for purposes of this Paragraph 9. A #rust <br /> shai� not be considered an o�cupant ar �e considered as ha�ing a principal residenc� for <br /> purposes of this Paragraph 9. <br /> 1�. No Deficiency Jud�ments. Bvrrawer sha!! ha�e no personal fiabil�ty far payment of the debt <br /> secured by this Security �nstrument. Lender may enforce the debt anly through sale of�he Property. <br /> Lender shai� not be p�rm��ted #o obtain a def�fency �udgmenf against �3arrower if �he Securi�y <br /> Instrumen#�s forec�osed. <br /> 'i'�. R��nstatement. Barrower has a ri�ht to be reins#a�ed if �.ender has required immedia�� <br /> payment-in-full. This right applies e��n after foreclnsure proceedings are ins#i�u�ed. To reinstate this <br /> Security lnstrumenfi, Borrower sha�� correct �he condit�on whi�h resul#ed in the requirement for <br /> immed�ate payment-in-ful�. Foreclosure costs and reasona��e and customary attorney's fe�s and <br /> �xpenses p�oper�y associated with the foreclosure proceeding shail be add�d to the pr�ncipa� <br /> �alance. LJpon re�nstat�ment by Borraw�r, this S�curity Instrum�n# and the o�lig���vns that i� <br /> secures sha�� remain in effect as if Lender had not required immedia�e paymenf--in-full. Howe�er, <br /> Lender �s no� required to permi� reinsta�ement �f: ��} Lender has ac�epted reinstat�ment after the <br /> commen�ement of fvreclosure proceedings within two y�ars immedia�e�y pre�eding the <br /> commencement of a cur�en�fareclvsure �roceeding, �ii} reinstatement wil� prsciud� farec�osure on <br /> different grounds in �he fu�ure, or �i��} reins�atement will adverse�y aff��t#he pri�rity of th� Secur�ty <br /> lnstrumen�. <br /> '!2. Lien Status. <br /> �a� Modificat�on. B�rrow�r agrees �o extend this Security Instrumen# in accordance with #his <br /> Paragraph �2�a}. if Lender determines that the original i�en status of the 5e�urity �ns�rum�nt <br /> . �s jeopardized under state law �including bu� nat lim�ted tn si�uations where the amvunt <br /> secur�d by the S�cur�ty Instrument equals or exc�eds #he maximum princ�paf amount stat�d <br /> ar th� maximum period under which I�an advances retain the same lien privr�ty �n�tially <br /> granted to Ioan �dvan�es has exp�r�d} and sta�e law perm�t� the origina� lien status to be <br /> main#ained for future Ioan ad�ances �hraugh the executi�n and recorda#ion of one or more <br /> documents, then Lender shall abtain title e�idence a�Borr�w�r's expense. If the t�tle e�idence <br /> ind�cates �hat the property is not �ncumhered by any lien� �except the Firs� Security <br /> �nstrument descrihed rn Paragraph �3�a}, this Sec�nd S�curity Ins�rument and any <br /> sub�rdinate liens that #he Lender determ�nes w�E� aiso �e subordinate to any future I�an <br /> advanc�s}, Lend�r shail requ�s��he Borrawer ta�x�cu�e any do�umen�s nec�ssary�o protec# <br /> the l�en sta�us af future foan ad�ances. �orraw�r agrees to exe�ute su�h documen#s. �f state <br /> !aw does nat perm�t#he originai fien s#atus to be extended t� future loan ad�ances, Borror►ver <br /> wi!! be deemed ta ha�e failed�o ha�e performed an obligation und�r fhis SeGurity Ins�rum�n�. <br /> {b� Tax D�ferraf Programs. Barrower shal� n�t participate in a real�sta#e tax deferra� program, if <br /> q0332S1452881 '� 72000 � DO� e <br /> Accenture Mortgage�adence Dvcument Center a �5 of 9} Nebraska Secvnd Deed of Trust-HECM FIXE�RATE <br /> a�7s o�r�4 <br />