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rn <br /> m IV �� � <br /> rnm � �� rn <br /> � <br /> o �� � � zrn � rn <br /> � �o rn , � �� � o <br /> � �z � C �� � � <br /> �, _�, � � �z � cn <br /> w G�7� � � =rn � z <br /> �� � �� � <br /> rn� r� C� � <br /> Rl� p � r C�1] W C <br /> �° � � � <br /> �� � � <br /> �� � .�.� z <br /> o� � � � <br /> � � z <br /> 0 <br /> Af�er Re�ording Re#urn 1"0: Prepared By: <br /> �ne Re�erse Mortgage, LLC �ne Re►►erse Mortgage, LL� <br /> Attn: Capture 992� Pacific Heights �3i��, Ste 35� <br /> �231Noodward A�enue San aiegv, CA 9�'!�'I <br /> Detr�it, �III 45��� <br /> �Space A�ove Th�s Line Far Recardin�Data� <br /> State of Nebraska FHA Case Number: 32'I-3323��5-9G'! <br /> �j � Loan N urr�b�r: 3328145�88 <br /> � � �I � _ � <br /> M!N. ���3'I 9v 33Z8145258 � <br /> F�xE�a �ATE � <br /> H�ME EC�UITY ��NVERS��N SEG�IVL� DE�� �F TRL�ST <br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST �"Securi�y Instrumen�" or "Second SecurE�y Instrum�nt"} is made on Ju�y 2'I, <br /> �fl�4 �"Date"�. The trus#or �s Ralph Mead and Gladys M�ad, husband and wife, as joint tenants and <br /> not as tenants �n cammon v►►hose address is �2�2 N�rth INheefer Ave, Grand Island, NE fi88�'! <br /> �"Bvrrower"}. The tru�tee �s Senior�ffi�iai w�th responsibility for Single Famiiy IV�ortgage In�urance <br /> Programs in the �epartment �f Housing and Llrban D��e�opment Field �ffice with jurisdiction <br /> �v�r t�� pr�p�rty d�scribed be1Qv�, ar a designee of that �ff�cia! �"Trustee"�. The ben�ficiary is the <br /> S�cr�tary of Hous�n� and Urban Development, wh�se addr�ss is 45� Seventh Street, SVII, Washingfon, <br /> C3� 244�Q �"Ler�de�" or "Se��eta�y"�. �flrrawer �as a�r�ed to repay �o L�nder amounts which Lender is <br /> ab�iga�ed to ad�ance, inc�uding fu�ure ad�ances, under the terms of a Hom� Equi�y �onversian Loan <br /> A�reement dat�d the same d�te as th�s S�curity lns�rurnen�€"L�an Agr��ment"}. The agreement to repay <br /> �s e�iden�ed �y Barrower's Note dated the same da#e as this S�curity instrumen� �"5e�and No#e"}. This <br /> Se�uri�y �r�s�rument �ecu�es to Lend�r: �a} the repayrr�ent of #he deb# �viden��d by the Second Na�e, <br /> with int�rest,and al� renewals, ex�ensions and mod�fica#ions vf the Second No�e, up to a maximum <br /> �r�r�ci�al amoun# a�TIIUQ HU�QR�Q F�RTY THQ�SA�ID AND N�!'I Q� [�ollars �U.S. $�4�,�fl�.��}; {�} <br /> t[�� payment of a�l other sums, with �n�erest, advanced under Paragra�h 5 to pratec# th� security of�hi� <br /> Secur�it�Ir�str�ment ar o#he�rvvis�due un�er��e#err�ns of tn�s 5�c�rity Inst�umen#; and ���th�performan�e <br /> of �orraw�r's co�enants and agr�em�nts under this 5�curity Instrumen� and the 5��ond No��. The ful! <br /> debt, inc�ud��g am���t� des�r���d i� �a}, �b}, and �c} abo�e, �t r�a# paid earlier, �s due ar�� pa}�ab�e vn <br /> February '1'!, ��8�. Far this purpase, �orrawer �rre�o�abiy �rants and can�eys fio Trus�ee, in �rust, wi#h <br /> � a33 � a � 45zaa � � � z0000000e <br /> Acc�ent�re Ma�tgage Cadence aocumen#Ger�ter fl (�vf 9} Nebraska Second Deed af Trust-HECM FI�CED RATE <br /> o�7so�i�4 <br />