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��14�4�9� <br /> 19. Assignment �f Rents. Borrower unconditiana��y assigns and transfers to Lender a!! the r�nts and <br /> re�enues of fihe Property. Barrow�r authorizes L�nder or L�nder"s agents to collecf �he ren�s and <br /> re��nues and hereby direc�s each tenant �f th� Property �a pay #he rents #a Lender or L�nd�r's <br /> agents. However, prior to Lender's nvt��e to Borrower of Borrar►ver's breach of any co��nant ar <br /> agreemen# in the Security Ins#rument, Borrower sha�l callect and re�ei�e ail ren�s and revenues of <br /> the F�ro�erky as trustee for the benefit�f Lender and Borrower. T�is assignment of rents cons�i�utes <br /> an absvlute assignment and na#an assignment for addit�onal se�urity only. <br /> � If Lender gi�es notice of br�ach to Sorr�wer: �a} alf rents reeeived �y Borrower sha�ll be held �y <br /> � �arr�wer as trustee for ��nefit of Lender only, tv be applied to the sums se�ured �y this Securi�y <br /> Instrument; ��} Lender shall be entitled ta coi�ect and r�cei�e all of�he ren#s of�he Property; and �c} <br /> each tenant of the Proper�y shafi pay all ren�s due and unpaid to Lender ar Lend�r's agent on , <br /> Lender's writ�en d�mand to the#enant. <br /> Borrower has no� ex�cuted any prior ass�gnment af�he ren�s and has not and wi�l nvfi perFvrm any <br /> act tha#wvuld pre�ent Lender from exercis�ng �ts rEgh�s under th�s Paragraph 19. <br /> Lender shall no� be re�uired to enter upon, take contral vf or maintain the Property befare or after <br /> giving nvt�ce of brea�h fio Borrnwer. H�we�er, Lend�r�r a jud�cially appoint�d recei�er may do sa a� <br /> any tim� th�re �s a breach. Any application of�ents shaif no#�ure or wai�e any defaul�or in�a�idate <br /> any o�h�r right ar remedy of Lender. This assignment vf rents af#h� Property shall terminate when <br /> the deht s�cured by#h�s Security �nstrument is paid in fuil. <br /> ��. Foreclosure Pr��edure. If Lender requires �mmediate payment in full under Paragraph 9, <br /> Lender at its opt�on ma� requ�re imme�iate payment in full �f al� sums s��ured by this <br /> Security �nstrument w�thout further demand and may in�oke the power of sale and any ather <br /> remediQs pr�au�d�d b�a�p�icable lavv. Lender shall be ent�tled#a col�ect al� expenses incurred <br /> in pursuing the remedies pro�ided in this Paragraph �4, including, but n�t lim�ted to, <br /> � reasQ�ab�e attorne�s'fees an�costs Qf title ev���n�e. <br /> !f the paw�r �f sa�� �s �nvoked, Truste� sF�a�l rec�rd a natic� of c�efau�t �� eac� caunty �n <br /> �which any �art of the Property is ��cated and �hat1 mai� cvpies �f such notice �n the manner <br /> presc�ib�d by Applica�l� Law to �arrower an�l to the other persons prescril�ed by App�ica�ls <br /> Law.After the time required by Applicable Law,Truste�shall gi�� public n�tice vf sal�to#he <br /> �ersons and �n t�e manner prescribed �y �4,ppl�ca��e Law. Trust�e, w�t��ut d�mand on <br /> Barr��nrer, shai[ se�l the Property at pub�ic auct��n t�the hi�hest �idder at the time ar�d p��ce <br /> and uncfer the f�rms designafe� in the n�tice �f sa�e in one or more parce�s and in any ara[er� <br /> Trustee determines. Trustee may p�stpone sale of al� ar any parcel of the Prvperty by pu�lic <br /> annauncement at the ti�e and place +af any pre►►ious�y schedu�ed sale. Lender or its <br /> design�e may purchas�the Property at any sa�e. <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Truste� shall deli�er to the purchaser Trustee's <br /> ��ed con�eying the Pr�perty.The recitals in the Trustee's deed shal� be prima fac�e e�idence <br /> of the truth of the statements made therein. Trustee shall apply �he proceeds af the sale in <br /> the fal�owing vrder: �a� t�r a11 c�sts and expenses �f ex�rc�sing the p�wer �f safe, and the <br /> �sa��, inclu�ing the paym�nt�f the Trustee's fees a�tually incurred and reasona�le at#vrneys' <br /> , fe�s as permitted by Appli�able Law; 4b�ta all sums secured by this Security�nstrument; and <br /> ���ar�y exces�to the person �r pers�ns legal�y�nt�t��d#�it. <br /> qD3328 '� 45 2880233q00 � Ofl0 : <br /> ►Rcacenture M��tgage�adence Doctrr�e�rt�enter fl Q2�$ {S at�a} �leb�aska Qeed of 7r�st H�CNI Fl�ED RATE-�1►fERS <br /> o�i�4 <br />