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��14�4�9� <br /> Agre�m�nt. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Paragraph shall became an add�tiona� <br /> de�� of �3orrawer as pro�ided f�r in the Loan Agreement and shaf� be se�ured by #his Securi�y <br /> ins�rum�nt. <br /> �. �nspection. Lender ar its agent may �nter an, inspect ar mak� appraisals af the praperky in a <br /> reasanable manner and at r�as�nab�e ��mes provid�d tha� Lender sha!! gi�e the Borrower notice <br /> prior to any insp�c�ron or ap�raisal sp�cifying a purpose for the �nspection or apprais�! whi�h must <br /> be relat�d #o Lender's int�res# �n �he F'roperky, !f the Proper�y is vacant or abandaned or the loan is <br /> � in defau�t, Lender may take reasanabl� action to pra#ect and presenie su�h vacant or abandoned <br /> Property without no#i�e to the Borrower. <br /> 7. �ondernnat��n. The proceeds of any award or ciaim for damages, d�re�� ar consequential, in <br /> �annection with any condemnat�on, ar oth�r taking af any part�f the Property, ar for c�n�eyanc� in <br /> p�ace �f condemnation shal! be paid to Lender. The proceeds sha�l be ap�lied first to �he r�duc���n <br /> of any indebt�dness under a Second hlo#e and Se�ond S�curity �nstrument held �y the Secretary on <br /> the P�operty, and then ta the redu�tion af the indebtedness under the Nate and �h�s Secur�ty <br /> instrum�n�. Any e�ccess �roc�eds v�er an amoun# required to pay �li outstand�ng indebtedness <br /> under th�Nofie and th�s Security instrument sha1� �e pa�d to the ent�#y�egat�y entit��d thereto. <br /> 8. Fe+es. Lender may collect fees and charges au�hariz�d �y the Secretary. <br /> 9. �raunds for Acceleratian �f De�t. <br /> �a} �ue and Pa�ab�e. Lender may requir� immediate paymentW�n-ful� �f a�� sums secured by�his <br /> S�cu���y�nstr�men�if: <br /> {i� A SQrrov�er d�es a�d �he Pr�per���s nvt�he principa� r�siden�e of a�least�ne sun►i�ing <br /> : �orrower; or <br /> �i�} Ali af a Borrower's ti��e in the Property �or his or her b�n�f�ia! interest �n a trust owning <br /> a!I or par#of t�e Propert��is sold ar o#herwis��ransf�rred and na vther Borrower re#ains <br /> � title to �he Property in fee simple ar r�tains a leaseh�ld under a �ease f�r not less than <br /> 99 ye�rs which is �enew�b�e ar a �ease having a ���ain�r�� perivd of not less �han �� <br /> years beyond the dat� of the ���th �ir�hday of the youngest Borrower ar re�ains a life <br /> �s�ate, �or retai���g a �en�fi�ial�nte�es��n a trus�v�it�such ar� �n#eres�in the Pr+�perty�. <br /> 4b� Due anr� Pa�a�le w�th Sec�etar�A�prQ�al. �ender ma� requ�re imr�ed�ate paymen#-in-fu�f �f <br /> all sums secu�ed by this Secur��y �nstrument, upon appro�al of th�Secretary, �f: . <br /> �i� The Pr�perky c�ases t� be the �rincipal res�dence of a Borrawer f�r reasons other than <br /> ��ath and tt��Pra�e�#y�s no�the p�inc�paf resi�ence of at leas�or�e o��er Bar�ov�er; ��- <br /> �i�� F�r a per�o� o� Ionger #han �2 �a�secutiU� rr�onths, a 8arrower fails to occ��y t�e <br /> Property because of physical ar mental iliness and the Prop�rty is not #he p�ncipal <br /> res�der�c�of at lea�t on�oth�r 8orraw�r;ar <br /> �ii�} ►�n abliga#�an af the Borrower���er#�is Se�ur�ty�ns�rument is r�a�perfo�rr�ed. <br /> �c� �ot�ce t� ��nde�. 8arrower sha�� not�fy Len�er wh�n�v�r any �f th� e�ents listet� in t��s <br /> qo33zs � 45 � sao � 3300000ao : <br /> Accenture Mvrtgage Cadence Document Cen#er�]Q�28 �4 ot�Q) Ale�raska Deed of Trust HEGlU�FI�C�D RATE-M�RS <br /> v�i�4 <br />