<br /> Pa�ment of Principa�and Int�rest; �ther�harges. Borrower sha��promptly pay wh�n due�he pr�ncipa�of and
<br /> interes�on��.e de�bt�w�d under�he Can�ract and late char�es or any o�her fees and charges d�e under the Contrac�.
<br /> Applicab�e Law. As us�d in �his Security �nstrument, �the �erm "App��cable La�v" shal� mean all contro�ling
<br /> applicable federal, s�a�e and �ocal sta�utes, regu�ati�ns, ord�nances and adminxs�rat�ve ru�es and �rders �tha�hav�
<br /> the effec�❑f la�v�as well as alI applicab�e f na�,x�on-appealable judicial opinions.
<br /> Ch�rge�; Liens. Borrov�er shall pay ali �axes, assessmen�s, charges, fines and �mposxtions attributabl� �o �h�
<br /> Property which may a�tain pri�rity oWer this Securi�y Instrumen�, and leaseho�d payments flr grflund ren�s, if any.
<br /> At�he requ�s�of Lender,B�rr�v�er shall promp�ly furnish t�L�nder receip�s�videncing the payments.
<br /> Borrav�er shall promp�ly discharge any Iien vwh��h has pr�ority o�er this 5ecur��y Instrument unless Borrower: �a}
<br /> agr�es in v�rit�ng �o ��e paym�nt of the fl�Iigation secured �y the �ien in a mar�ner accep�ab�e �o L�nder; �b�
<br /> contes�s in gaod faith the lien by, or defends abains� enforcement of�he I��n in, legal prace�d�ngs which �n �he
<br /> Lender's op�.n.zan aperate �a preven� the enforc�ment �f the Iien; or �c� secures from the ho�der flf the �ien an
<br /> agreement satisfactory to Lender su��rd�na��ng�h� lxen�o �his Security �nstrument. �f Lender de�erm�nes�hat any
<br /> par�of the Prop�r�y xs su�ject to a Iien vvh�ch�nay a�tain priority fl�er this Se�urity �ns�rument, Lender may giWe
<br /> B�rrov��r a na�ic� �dentify�ng�he Iien. B orrower shal� sa�isfy the lien�r tal�� one ar more �f�he acti�ns set f�r�h
<br /> ab�ve vv�th�n I D days of�he giving of noti�e.
<br /> Ha�ard or Prop�r�y Insurance. Borro�ver shall keep�h� impro�ements no��xisting or her�after erec�ed on the
<br /> Property insured aga�nst loss by f re,hazards includ�d w��hin the term"e��ended coverage" and any o�her hazardss
<br /> inc�uding fl�o�s or flflading, for �hxch Lender requir�s insurance. Th�s insurance sha1� be main�a.ined zrz �he
<br /> amounts and far�he p�r�ads�ha�Lend�r requires. The �tasurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by
<br /> Barrawer sub�ec� �o Lender's approvai which shall n�t be unreasonab�y vvithhe�d. If Borrower fails �� mai.ntain
<br /> co�erabe described ab��e, Lender may, a� Lex�der's aptifln, ob�a�n cav�rage �o pro�ect Lender's ribhts in �h�
<br /> Property in accordance with section�it�ed Prote�tion of Lender�s Rights in the Property.
<br /> A�� insurance policies and renewals sha�l be acceptable �a Lender and shali in��ude a standard mflr�gage c�ause.
<br /> Ler�der shal�have the�ight�o hold the po���ies and renewals. If Lender requires, B�rr�w�r sha�l promp�Iy gi�e tQ
<br /> Lender al�rece�p�s of paid premiums and renewa�notices. In the event of 1oss, Borrower sha11 gi�e promp�notice
<br /> to�h�insurance carri�r and Lender.Lender may make pr�of of�oss if no�made prompt�y by Borr�wer.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree �n v�ri�ing, insurance proceeds sha�I �e appli�d �o res�orat�on or
<br /> repair of�he Proper�y damaged, if, in Lender's sale d�screti�n, the res�oratian or repair is econom�cally feasxble
<br /> and Lender's secur��y is not Iessened. If, in Lender's sole d�s�retion, �he r�storatian or repai.r �s na� economica��y
<br /> feasible ar L�nder's seGurity�vould be lessened,the�nsurance pro��eds sha�1 be appl�ed ta�he sums se�ured by�his
<br /> Secur��y �nstrument, wh�ther ar not then due, �ith any exc�ss paid �o Borraw�r. �f Borrower abandons �he
<br /> Froper�y,�r d�es not ansvc�er within the number of days prescr�bed by Appl��able Lavv as se�for�h�n a no��ce from
<br /> Lender�a B�rrower that the insurance carrier has affered to s�t��e a claim, then Lender may co��e���he �nsurance
<br /> pro��eds. Lender may use�he proce�ds to repa�r flr res�or� �he Properry or t�pay sums secured by�his Security
<br /> Instrumen�,�hether or not�hen due. The period of�ime for S�rrawer�o answer as set farth in�h�not��e�ill��g�n
<br /> when the no�i�e is gi�en.
<br /> Ilnless L�nder and Boxrawer otherwzse agree Yn wr�ting, any applica�ion nf praceeds�o princ�pal sha��no�ex�end
<br /> flr pastpone the due d��e of the payments due ur�der the Contract or change�he amaun�of�h�paym�n�s. �f under
<br /> �h� section�i��ed Ac�e�era��on; Remedies, �he Properfiy �s acqu�r�d by Lender, Borrower's right�a a.ny insurance
<br /> po�ic�es and proceeds resu�ting from damage �o the Property priar �o the acqu�si��on shall pass to Lender�o �he
<br /> ext�n�of�he sums s�cured�y this Security rnstrument�m�mediate�y pr�or�o�he acqu�sition.
<br /> Preserva��on, Maintenance and Protec�ion �f the Property; Borrower'� Loan App��cation; Leasehmids.
<br /> Borrower sha�l no�des�roy, damage ar impair�h�Property, allov�the Praper�y to deteriora�e, or commi��aste an
<br /> the Proper�.Barro�ver shall be in default if any forfeiture ac�ion ar pro�eed�n�,whe�her c��ri�ar cr�m�na1,is begun
<br /> fihat in Lender's goad fa��h judgme�.� couid result in forfeitu.re of�he Proper�y �r o�herwise materially impair the
<br /> lien crea�ed by this S�cur�ty �nstrumen� or L�n.der's secur�ty in�erest. Borr�wer may cure such a �efau�� and
<br /> r�ins�a�e, as provided rn sec�i�n����ed Borrower'� Right t� Rein�tate, by�aus�ng th� action or praceeding�o be
<br /> dism�ssed w��h a ruling that, in Lender's good faith de�erm�nation,precludes forfe�ture of the Borrower's�n�erest�n
<br /> the Pr�p�rty ar o�her ma��r�a� impairment of the lien crea�ed b� �h�s 5ecur�ty Instrument or Lender's securi�y
<br /> interes�.Bor�rower shall also be�n defau�t if Borro�ver, during�he Ioan appl�cation process,ga�e ma��rially fa�se ar
<br /> �na�curate �nformat�on or stat�men�s �o Lender t�r failed to pr�vzde Lend�r with any mater�al inf�rma�ion} in
<br /> connec�ion wx�h�he Ioan evxden�ed by the �ontra��. If�his Security�nstru.men� is an a leaseh��d, Borrawer shal�
<br /> comp�y���h aIl�he pr��isions of�he�ease. .�f Borrovver acquires f���itle�o the Property,the l�aseha�d and the fee
<br /> ��t�e sha��no�merge un�ess L�nder agrees to the merger in v�ri�zn.g.
<br /> Pro�ection flf LQnder's Right� in th� Proper�y. �f�orrovver fails ta perfarm the covenan�s and agreements
<br /> contained�n this Secur�ty�ns�rumen�, or there is a�egal proceeding that may sign�fcan�ly affect L�nder's righ�s in
<br /> the Property �such as � proceeding �n �ankruptcy, proba�e, for c�ndemnation �r forfei�ure or to enfnrce laws or
<br /> regu�ations}, then L�nder may do and pay for �vha�e�rer is necessary �o pratec� �he �a�ue of the Property and
<br /> L�nder's righ�s in�he Praperty. �.ender's actians may in�lude pay�ng any sums secured by a l�en whi�h has prior��y,
<br /> over th�s Security�nstrument, appearing in court,pay�ng reasonable at�orneys'fees and en�er�r�g on the Properry�o
<br /> mak�repa�rs.Al�haugh Lender may take ac��on u.nder th�s sec�ion,Lender does not have to d�so.
<br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under �his se�tion shall become additional deb� �f Borrower secured by th�s
<br /> Security rnstru.men�. tJn�ess Borrow�r and Lender agr�e �o o�her terms of payment, �hese amoun�s shal� bear
<br /> 0 20�4-�413 Cvmpliance Systems,Inc,9Fgb-55B2-2413L2.4.721
<br /> Cansurr�er ReaI Estate-Security Iz�struinerzt 13L2436 Page 2 vf 5 www,compiiancesyster�s.com
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