<br /> In the even�of a ta�a.I�a.ki.ng, destruc�ion, or�oss zn va�ue flf the Property, the Mzsce�laneous Proceeds shal�be
<br /> appl�ed to �he sums secured by th�s Security Instru�ment, whether ar no�th�n due, vv�.�h the e�cess, if any, paid�o
<br /> B�rrawer.
<br /> In the even�of a par�ial�ak�ng, destruction, ar lo�s in value of the Property�n wh�ch the fa�r marke�value flf
<br /> the Property�mmedxately before th�partia��ak�ng, de�truc�inn, ar�oss in va�ue�s equa�to or greater than the amaunt
<br /> �f the sums secured by th�s Security Instrum�nt�mmediateiy befare the par�xa�ta.k�ng, destruc�ion, or Ioss�n value,
<br /> un�ess Borrower and Lender ath�rwise agr�e�n wr%ting,the sums secured by thi.s Secur�ty Instrument shal�be reduced
<br /> by�he amount of the M�sc���aneous Proceeds mult�plied by the fn��o�v�ng fract�on: �a}the tota.l amaunt of the sums
<br /> secured immediate�y before the part�a���ng, d�structian, ar ioss�n va�u�d�v�c�ed by�b}�he fair marke�value of�he
<br /> Prop�rty immecliately befare the par�ial�aking, des�ructian, or Ioss in va�ue. Any ba�ance shal�be pa�d ta Borrawer.
<br /> In th�event af a par�ral taking, destruc�ion, or�ass �n va�ue af the Property in wh�.ch the fai.r market va�ue�f
<br /> the Pr�per��mm�dzately before�he par��al taking, destruc�zan, or�oss�n value is less than the arnount of the sums
<br /> secured�mmediately bef�re the�partia��ing, destructzan, or loss �n value, unless Borrawer and Lender otherw�se
<br /> agree�n wrxting, the M�sce��aneous Proceeds sha��be appl�.�d to the sums secured by�h�s Securi�y Ins�rumen�whether
<br /> or not the sums are then due.
<br /> Ifthe Praperty�s aband�ned by Borrower,or if, after notic�hy Lender�a Borrovver tha�the�ppas�n�Par�y�as
<br /> defined �n�he next sentence} offers ta mak�an a�vard to sett�e a c�a�m for damages, Borrower fa.�ls to respond ta
<br /> Lend�r v�ith�n 34 days after�he da�e�he notice�s g�ven, Lender is autharized to coi�ect and app�y the M�scel�aneous
<br /> Proceeds ei�her to restoratian or repair af the Property or ta�he sums secured by�s Secur��y Ins�rument, whether
<br /> or no�then due. "�ppos�ng Party" means the third par�y that owes Barrawer Miscellaneaus Pr��eeds ar the party
<br /> aba�ns�wham Borrower has a right af ac�ion�n re�ard�a M�scellaneous Proc�eds.
<br /> Barrnwer�ha�l�e zn defau�t i.f any ac��on or proceed�n�, whether c�vil or crimina�, �s bebun tha�, in Lender's
<br /> �ud�rnent, could resu���n forfeiture of the Property or other material impairmen�af Lender's interes�in�he Praperty
<br /> or r�ghts under this Securi�y Ins�ru�nen�. Borrower can�ure such a defaul�and, if accelerat�an has o�curred,re�ns�a.te
<br /> as prav�ded in Sec�ion 1$, by causing �he ac�ion or �roceecling to be clisrn�ssed with a ru�ing that, �n Lender's
<br /> judgment, precludes forfeiture of the Praperty�r other ma�eria�zmpai.rment of Lender's inter�s��n the Praperty or
<br /> ri�hts under�h�s �ecur�ty Znstrument. The proceeds�f any av�ard or claxm f�r dan�.ages�hat are attributable t�the
<br /> �mpairmen�of Lender's�nterest�r�.the Property are hereby ass�gned and shal�be paid to Lender. �
<br /> A1.I�Vlzsce��aneaus Praceeds that are not appl�ed�o restoration or repair of the Property sha�l be app�ied in the
<br /> arder provided far�n Sect�on 2.
<br /> 11. I3�rrower�T�t Re�eased; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time far payment ar
<br /> madif cation af amortiza�ifln af�he sums secured by fihis Securi�y Ins�rumen�gran�ed by Lender to Barrower or any
<br /> Successar�n Intere�t of�3orrower sha�l na�aperate to re�ease the l�a�i�i�.y of Borrower or any Successors in Int�res�
<br /> af Barrower. Lender shall not be required to commence procee�lings against any Successor�n In�erest of Borrawer
<br /> or to refuse to extend time far paymen� or atherw�se modify amort�zation of the sums secured by �hi�s Security
<br /> Instrument�y reasan of any demand made by the or�ginal Borrower or any Su�cessors in In�eres�of BorroWer. Any
<br /> farbearance by Lender in exercising any ribht or remedy �ncluding, without �im�ta.t�on, Lender's accep�ance �f
<br /> payments from thi.rd persoxa.s, ent�t�es or Succ�ssars i.n Int�res�of Barrower or in amounts Iess than the amount�hen
<br /> due, �ha�I na�be a waiver of or pr�c�ude the exerc�se af any right or remedy.
<br /> 1Z. Jo�nt and Se�eraZ L�abi��ty; �a-s�gner�;Succe�sors and A.���gns Bound. Borrov�er cavenan�s and agree�
<br /> that Forrower's ob�igat�ons and Iiabili�y�hal�be j oint and several. H�wever,any Borrovver vvha co-s��n.s this Securi�y
<br /> Instrument bu�does not e���ute the Note�a"caws�gner"}: �a��s co--s��.�ng this Secur�ty Instrument an�y t�mortgage,
<br /> grant and convey the co-s�gner's �n�erest in the Property under �he �erms of th�s Security Instrument; �b} �s na� �
<br /> persona�ly obligated�o pay the sums secured by�his Secur��y Instrument; and�c} agrees that L�nder and any o�her
<br /> Borrower can agree ta extend, modi.fy, farbear or ma�e any accammada�ians with regard to�ie terms of thi.s 5ecurity �
<br /> Instrument ar the h�ote withou�the co-51�Er�S CDI�SEII�.
<br /> Su��ec� to the provis�ans of Section �7, any Successflr �n Interest of Borrower Who assu�mes Borrower's
<br /> obligat�ons under this Security Ins�rument�n wr�t�ng, and�s approved by Lender, sha��abta.in aI�af Borrawer's righ�s
<br /> and benefx�s under thzs Se�urz�y Instrument. Borrawer sha�I not�be released from Borrower's ab�zgat�ans and�iabi�i�y
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sing�e Family--�UNIF�RM �NSTRUMENT �o�a��� �
<br /> M�D�FI ED F�R DEPARTMENT �F V ETERANS AFFA�RS www_do�r�agie,cvm
<br /> �REV. �1��} . Page 8 of �4
<br />