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��14�4��� <br /> tii} The Property is not ac�upied by the purchaser ar gran�ee as his ar her princ�pax residence, or�.e <br /> purchaser or gran.�ee does so occupy the Proper�r, but hxs ar her cred�t has no� b�en approv�d �n <br /> accordance with�.ie requirements of�he SeCretary. <br /> (c} No�Va�.�er. If circurnstances ocCur f:ha.�wou�d pernu�Lender�o require irr�med�iate payment in full, <br /> bu�Lender does�.o�require such paym�nts, L�n.der doe.s not�rai�re��s r�ghts wi�th r�spec�to subs�quen�even�s. <br /> [d) Regu�ations�f HiTD Secretar�. In many circurns�ances regu�.a#ions rssued by�he Secretary will�imtit <br /> Lender�s rxghts, in the case of paymen�defau��s, to requi,re imxnedia�e payrnen�in full and foreclose if no� <br /> paid. T�us Securi�y Ins�rumen�does�.o�au�horize acceleratian or foreciosure if not perm�.t�ed by regula�ians <br /> af the Secre�ary. <br /> {e} Mortgage Not Insured. Borra�ver agrees that if this Securxty Ixas�rumen� and the Na�e are no� <br /> determin,ed�o be eiigib�e for in.surance under�h,e Na��on.a�Housi.�g Act wx�u.n �o DAYS <br /> from the da�e hereof, Lender xnay, at its option, requaare imrned�ate payrnent in fu11 of all sums secured b� <br /> this Secur�ty Ins�rurn.ent. A writ�en sta.�ement of any authorized age�.�af the Secrei;a.�y dated sub�equent�o <br /> 6 o DAYS fram fihe da.te hereof,�o xnsure�hi.�Securxty In��nen�and <br /> the Na�e, sha��be deemed conclus��re praof of ineligibil�ty. Not�r��hstand�.x�.g the faregaing, this optivn <br /> may nox be exercised by Lender whe�.the una�ailabiiity af in.sura�n.ce�s sa�e�y due to Lender's fa��ure ta remit <br /> a mor�gage ir�surance premium�a�he Secrexa.ry. <br /> 1 D. Reinstatemen� Borrower bas a right to be rein.sta.ted xf Lender has required im�nediate payYnent in full <br /> because of Barrower's failure�to pay an amoun.�due under the Note ar�:v.s Secur�ty Ins�ment. This right app�ies <br /> even after forec�osure proceedings are ins�xtuxed. To reins�a�e�he �ecuri�y Ins�ru.ment, Borrawer shall tender in a <br /> lump sum a��amoun.ts required to bring�rrovveri s accoun.t current in�lud�ng, �a�he extent they are ob��gat�ons of <br /> Barrower under Secur�ity Instru.ment, forec�osure cos�s and reasonab�e and cus�omary attorneys' fees an.d expenses <br /> proper�y associated v�ri�h�he forec�osure proceeding. Upo�rei.nsta.tement by Borrou�er,this Secwrifiy Instruna.ent and <br /> �he o�ligations that it secures shaxx renaain in effec� as if Lender had �.at irnmedia�e paymenti in fu�1. <br /> Hawever, I�ender �s not requYred to permit reuzstatemen� if: ��� Lender has accepted reinstatement af�er �he <br /> commencemen�of forec�osure proceeding�vc�.t�un�o years i.mmed.ia�e�y fi.�.e corn�nencement of a current <br /> fareclosure praceedi�.g, �i�} reins�ateme�.� w�ll preclude fareclosure on d�fferent grounds i� the future, or (���} <br /> reinsta�emen�wi.��ad�ersely affec��he pr�arity of the��en created by this S�curit�Ins�ru.m�nt. <br /> 11. Borrower Not Reieased; Forbearance by Lender Not a 'Wai.�er. Ex�ensian of the time of paym,e�.t or <br /> m�f cation�f amor�ization af�he sums se�cured by th�.s Security Ins�ru�aa�.�nt gran�ed by Lender to any successar in <br /> interes�of Borrower shali nvt vperate to release the xxabix�ty of�.he origina�B�rrower ar Borra�ver's successors in <br /> ua�erest. Lender sha�.l not be requ�red�a comr�nn.enc�praceed�ngs agai.n.s�any su�cessar i�.in�erest or refuse ta exte�d <br /> tirr�e far paym.ent ar othe�ise mod�fy amor��za�io�.of the sums secured by�us Securi�I�s�ment by reason af any <br /> demanc�made by the original Bflrro�rer or Borrower's suc�essors in in�erest. Any forbearance by Lender in.exerc�sing <br /> an�righ�or r�medy shall nQ�be a waiver of ar prec�ude t.�a.e exercise af any right or rernedy. <br /> 12. Successors and Assigns Bound;Joxnt and Several LiabYlit�; Co-Signers. The cov�nants and agreemen#� <br /> of fihi� Secur��Ins�rum.ent sha�I bind a.n.d be�.ef t�he successors and ass�gns of Lender a.nd Borrower, subjec��o the <br /> provisions of paragraph 9�b}. B�rrower's covexa.ants and agreernents sha��be j o�a.t and se�reral. Any Borrower wha <br /> co-szgns thais 5ecuri�r�n.stx�n.en�but dae5 not execute fihe Note: [a} is co-signin.g �hi.s Secur�fiy Instrunaent an�y to <br /> mortgage, graa�.t and can�rey Borrov�rer's in��rest in�he Property under the�erms of this Secur��y Ins�ru.m.e�.t; �b} <br /> is not personally obligated to pay�he surns secured by f.his Security; axid�c�agrees#ha�Lender and a�.y <br /> ather Borro�rer may agree�v extend., modify, forbear or make any ac�arnmod.a.�.ons with regar�.t��he�erms of this <br /> Security Insi�.m,ent or�he Na�e�vifihou� Borrower�s conse�.t. . <br /> 13. Not�ces. Any not�ce ta Bonower pro���ied for in�s Security Ins�rument sha���e g'�ven by de�i�rer�ng xt or <br /> by ma���ng ��by�rst�lass xna��unless appl�cab�e�a�v requrres use of ar�.ather method. The no�ice sha1l be directed <br /> to the Property Address or an�r other address Borrnv�rer desi�na�es by no�ice�o Le�der. Any no�.ce�o Lender shall <br /> be gi.�en by fust c�ass mail�a Lenderr s address s�a�ed herein or any address Lender des�gn.ates by no�.ce to Barro�rer. <br /> An�r noxice provideci fnr in this Securit�In.stru.ment shall be dee�med.�o h.a�e b�en gi�en�o Borrower or Lender when <br /> given as provided in this paragraph. <br /> FHA NEBRASKA DEEQ�F TRUST - MERS ����� <br /> N EDaTZ.FHA D?1�311� Pag e 5 of 9 �ww.r�ocrrragic.corr� <br /> � r � <br /> � . . � <br />
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