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ATTACHMENT TO FSA -2319, AGREEMENT WITH PRIOR LIENHOLDER <br />201 404643 <br />The South Half of the Southwest Quarter (S1 /2SW1 /4) of Section Thirty (30), Township Eleven <br />(11) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska EXCEPT a tract <br />more particularly described in Deed recorded in the Register of Deeds Office in Book 78, Page <br />304 and EXCEPT a tract more particularly described in Warranty Deed recorded in the Register <br />of Deeds Office in Book 118, Page 551 and EXCEPT A tract of land comprising a part of the <br />South Half of the Southwest Quarter (S1/2SW1/4) of Section Thirty (30), Township Eleven (11) <br />North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly <br />described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of said South Half of the Southwest <br />Quarter (S1 /2SW1 /4), said point being Four Hundred Fifteen (415.0) feet east of the southwest <br />comer of said South Half of the Southwest Quarter (S1/2SW1/4); thence running easterly, along <br />and upon the south line of said South Half of the Southwest Quarter (S1/2SW1/4), a distance of <br />Three Hundred (300.0) feet; thence deflecting left 90° 00' 00" and running northerly, a distance <br />of Three Hundred Fifty (350.0) feet; thence deflecting left 90° 00' 00" and running westerly, <br />parallel with said South Half of the Southwest Quarter (S1/2SW1/4), a distance of Three <br />Hundred (300.0) feet; thence deflecting left 90° 00' 00" and running southerly, a distance of <br />Three Hundred Fifty (350.0) feet to the point of beginning. <br />