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<br /> In consid�ratian af the mutual promises and agreements exchanged, the pa.rties hereto agree as
<br /> follows�notwithstanding anything to the eontrary contained�n the Note or S�curity Instrument}:
<br /> �, As of, APRIL 1, ZU14,the amount payable under the Note and the Security Ins�rument�the "Unpaid
<br /> Prineipal Balanc�"} is U.S. $62,114.71, consisting af the unpaid amnunt�s}loaned to Barrawer by
<br /> Lender plus any interest and other amounts capitalized.
<br /> 2. Borrawer promises to pay the Unpaid Principal Balanc�, plus interest,to the order of L�nder Interest
<br /> will be charged on the Unpaid Principal Balance a�the yearly rate of 4.3754%,from APRIL 1,ZU14.
<br /> Borrower pramises to make monthly payments of principal and interest of U.S. $ 31�.13, beginning
<br /> on the 1�T day of MAY,�414, and continuing�hereafter an the same day of each succeeding month
<br /> until principal and int�rest are paid in fui1. The year�y rate �f 4,37�U°/o wiil remain in eff�ct until
<br /> principal and interest are paid rn full.If on APRIL 1,2U44�th�"Maturity I]ate"},Barrower still owes
<br /> am�unts under the Na�e and th� Security Instrument, as amended by this Agreement, Borrovr�er will
<br /> pay these amounts in full on the Maturity Date.
<br /> 3. If al�or any part of the Pr�perty or any interest in the Property is sold ar transferred(or if Borrflwer is
<br /> not a natural person and a beneficiai interest in Bvrrower is sold or�ransferred}without Lender's prior
<br /> written consent, Lender may require immediate payment in fuii af a11 sums secured by the 5ecuri�y
<br /> Ins�rument.
<br /> If Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give Barrower notice of acceleration, The notice shall
<br /> provide a period of nat less than 3U days from the date the noti�e is deiivered or mailed within which
<br /> Borrower must pay a11 surns secured by the Security Instrument. if Borrower fails t�pay th�se sums
<br /> prior to the expiration of this periad, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by the Security
<br /> Instrument with�ut fur�her notice or demand vn Borrower.
<br /> 4. Borrower alsa will camply with all �ther co�enants, agreements, and r�quirements of�he Security
<br /> �nstrument, including without Iimitation,B�rr�wer's co�enants and agreements to make a11 payments
<br /> of taxes, insurance premiums, assessments, escrow items, impaunds, and all other payments tha�
<br /> Borrower is obl�gated to make under the S�curi�y �ns�rument; however, the follovving terms and
<br /> pro�isions are fare�er cancel�d,null and�oid,as of the date�pecified in paragraph Na. 1 above:
<br /> �a} all terms and pr�visions �f the Note and Security Instrument �if any} pro�iding for,
<br /> implementing, ar relating to, any change or adj ustrrient in the rate of interest payable under the
<br /> Note, including, where appliGahle, the Timely Payrnent Rewards rate reduction, as described in
<br /> paragraph � of the Timely Payment Rewards Addendum to Note and paragraph A.1. of the
<br /> Timely Paymen� Rewards Rider. By executing this Agreement, Bnrrawer vvaives any Timely
<br /> Payment Rewards rate reduction to which Borrow�r may have a�herwise been�ntitl�d;and
<br /> �b} all terms and pr��isions of any adjustable rate rider,or Tirnely Payment R�wards Rider,where
<br /> applicable, or other instrument or dacument that is affixed to, wholly or par�iaily incorporated
<br /> into, or is part of, the Note or Security Instrument and that contains any such terms and
<br /> pro�isions as those referred to in(a}abov�.
<br /> I
<br /> 5. If the BorrQwer has,since inception of this loan but prior to this Agreement,recei�ed a discharge ;
<br /> in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy,and there ha�ing been na�alid reaffirmation of the underlying debt,
<br /> ,
<br /> by entering inta this Agreement, the Lender is not attempting ta re-estab�ish any persanal
<br /> FHANA HUD-HAMP Loan Modi�cation Agreement�Z 192�14_111 WD�Z�06.1 990Z421U44
<br /> First American Mortgage Services Page Z
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