<br /> fu�� of all sums secur�d by �h�s Secur��y �nstrumen�. However, �his opt�on sha�� no� be exercxsed by Lender if
<br /> exer��se is prohibited by fed�ral ia,vtl as of th�da�e of this Security Instrument.
<br /> If Lender exercises this op�ion, Lender shall gi�e Borro�ver notice of a��eleration. The notice shall pro�id� a
<br /> periad of na� less �han the m�nrmum num�er of days establ�shed by Applicable La� from the date the not�ce is
<br /> dei�vere� or ma�l�d wi�h�n wh�ch Borro�er �nust pay all sums se�ured by thrs Se�urity �nstrumen�. �f B�rrower
<br /> fails ta pay these sums prior ta the expira��on of�hxs p�r�od, Lender may invake an� remed�es perm��ted by �his
<br /> Security Instrumen�wi�hflu�further n�t��e ar d��n.and on�orr�v�er.
<br /> B�rrower's Righ� to Re�nsta�e. If Borraw�r me��s cer�ain cor�d����ns, Borrower sha�� have �he r�ght �o ha�e
<br /> enfarcement of�his Secur�ty zns�rument discont�nued a� any��m�prior�o the earlier of: �a� 5 days �or such o�her
<br /> periad a�Applicable Lav�may spec�fy far r�ins�atement�before sale of�he Proper�y�ursuant to an�p��uer of sa�e
<br /> can�ained in this Secur�ty �ns�rumen�; or ��� ent�y of a judgn�en� �nforc�ng �h�s Secur��y �nstrument. Th�se
<br /> cand��ians are tha� B�rr�wer: �a� pays Lender a�l sums �vhich th�n urould be due under �h�s Securxty �nstrumen�
<br /> and�he Contrac�as�f no ac�elera�inn had occ�rred; �b�cures any defau��of any n�h�r covenants or agreements;�c�
<br /> pays aI�expenses �ncurred�n enforcing fh�s 5ecur��y�ns�rument, including,but not 17m�t�d�o,r�as�nab�e at�orne�s'
<br /> fees to�he ex�ent permitted by lav�; and �d}takes such acti�n as Lender may r�asonably require�o assure that the
<br /> �ien of�his Securi�y�nstrument, Lender's r�gh�s in the Properry and Borrower's oblzga�ion to pay the sums secured
<br /> by th�s Securi�y �nstrumen� shail con��.r�ue unchanged. Upon rein�tatemen�by Barrower, this Se�ur�ty Instr�ument
<br /> and the ob�iga��flns secured hereby sha�� remain ful�y effec�ive as if no accel�rat�on had occurred. Hawev�r, �his
<br /> righ��o re�ns�a�e shall not apply xn�he case of accei�ra�xon und�r the s�ction�i�led Transfer of�h�Praper�y or a
<br /> B�neficial In�ere5t in Borrow�r. �
<br /> � Hazard�us Substan�es. Borra�ver sha��not cause or permi�th�p�esence,use, disposa�, storage, or releas�of any
<br /> Hazardous Substan�es on ar in the ProperCy.Borrower shall no�dc�,�ar allo�v any�ne else tfl do,anything affec��ng
<br /> �he Pr�perCy tha� zs in v���a��on of any Enviranrnen�al Law. Th� pre�ed�ng two sentences sha�� not apply �o �he
<br /> presence,use,or s�nrage on�he Propez�ty of srnall quan�r��es of Ha;�ardous Substan.ces that are genera���r�eagnized
<br /> to be appropr�ate to norxnal residen�ial uses a�d�o main��nance of�he Pr�perry.
<br /> Borrower shall prompt�y give Lender�vrit�en�a�i�e of any inves��ga�ion,c�aim, demand, lawsuit or ather ac�i�n by
<br /> any go�ernmental or regu�atory agency or pr�vate party �nvo�v�n� �h� Praperty and any Hazardous Substance ar
<br /> Env�ronmental La� af which Borr�wer has a�tual knov�ledge. �f Barrow�r �earn.s, or rs no�if ed �by any
<br /> go�ernmental or reguiatary authority,tha�any remo�a� ar o�her rer:ned�at�on�f any Ha�ardnus Substance affec�ing
<br /> the Property �s necessary, Borrower shall �romptly take a�� n�ec�ssary remed�al ac�ions i.r�. a�cardance with
<br /> Env�ronm�n�al Law.
<br /> As used �n this paragraph, "Hazardous Substa.nces" are those su�stances defined as t�x�c ar hazardous subs�ances
<br /> by Environmen�a� Lav� and �he fallow�ng substances: gasoline, kerosene, �ther flammable or �ox�c pe�ro�eum
<br /> produ��s, taxic pesticides and her�icides, vola���e salvents, ma��ria�s con�a�n�ng asbes�os or formaldehyde, and
<br /> radiaacti�e ma�erials.As used in this paragraph, "Environme�.�a�Lav�"means federa� �aws and Iaws af�he sta�e of
<br /> Nebras�a that rela�e to health,safety or env�ronm�n�al pro�ection.
<br /> Ac�e�era�i�n; Remedie5. Lender shall g��e no�ice to B�rrower prior to acceler�.tion f�liowing Bvrrovver�s
<br /> breach of any co�enant or agre�ment�n thi5 Se�urity InStrum�nt or the�antra�t under which ac�e�eration
<br /> �s permi��ed �bu� not prior to acceleration under the section tit�ed Transfer of the Proper�y vr a Benefieia�
<br /> In�eres� �n Borrvwer, unless Appl�cab�e L�w pr�vf des otherwise}, The notice sha�l �pec�fy; �a� the defau�t;
<br /> �b) the �cti�n required to cure #he defaul�; �c} a date, n�t less than the minimum number af days
<br /> es�a�lished by Appl�cab�e Law from �he date the n�tice is g�v�n to Bflrr�wer, by wh�ch the default must be
<br /> cured; and €d� that fa�Iure tQ cure �he default on ar before �! e date specif�ed in the noti�e may resu�t in
<br /> a�ce�eration of the 5ums seeured by this Securi�y Instrumemt and sa�e of the Property. Ta the ex�ent
<br /> perm�tted by law, the nfltice shall fur�her inform Borrow�r o#'the right to re�n�tate af�er acce�eration and
<br /> �he right�o bring a cvur�action�o asser�the non-existence of a defaul��r any other defense of Borrower to
<br /> a��elera�ion and sale. If the default is n�t cured or� or befvr� �he date specified in �he noticQ, Lender at �ts
<br /> option may requ�re immediate payrnen� in fu�� of aI� sums s�ecured by this Secur�ty Ins�rument w�thou�
<br /> fur�h�r demand and may invoke the power �f sa�e and amy o�hQr remedies permi�t�d by App��cable Law.
<br /> To �he extent permi��ed by law, Lender shal� be en�itled �o calleCt all expenses incurred in pursu�ng the
<br /> remedies pro�id�d in thrs Section, �nclud�ng, but n�� �imi��d ta, reasonab�e attorneys' fees and costs of title
<br /> e�idenceo
<br /> If the power of�ale is invaked,Trust�e shall re��rd a no�ice o�defau�t in each c�un��in which any part flf
<br /> �h�Prop�rty is loca�ed and sha�� maxI copies of su�h noti�e in �he manner pre5�r�bed �y Appli�able Law to
<br /> Bvrrower and to the other persons prescribed by Applicab�e Law, After the time required by Applicab�e
<br /> Law, Trustee shal� g�ve publ�c not�ce vf 5ale to �h� persons and in the manner prescribed by Applicable
<br /> Law. TruStee,w�thou�dernand on B�rrow�r,sha�I sel�the Pr�perty at publ�c auc��on #o the highe5� bidder
<br /> at the t�me and piace and under�he terms designated in the no�ice of sale in on�flr mare par�e�s and in any
<br /> order Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone sale of a�� �r an� parce� of the Prop�rty by pub�ic
<br /> announc�ment a�the�ime and pla�e of any pre�xously sch�dui�d sa�e.Lender or�ts designee may purchase
<br /> �he Prop�rty at any sa��.
<br /> i�pon receipt of payment of the pri�e b�d, Trustee shaZl del�ve;r to the purchaser Trus�ee's d�ed convey�ng
<br /> the Prap�r��. The recitals xn the Trus�e��s deed shall be prima fac�e evidence�f the truth of the statements
<br /> made therein. TruS�ee shall apply the prflceeds of the sale in �he follovv�ng �rder; �a� to aIl costs and
<br /> expens�s of ex�r�ising the power of sale, and the saxe, inc�uding the payment af the Trusteets fees actua��y
<br /> �2�a4-2a 13 C�m�Iiance Systems,inc.�F9G-53 C5-2D 13L2.�.721
<br /> Cvnsura-ier Reai lEstate-Security Instnament DL2035 Page 4 af 5 www,complian�esystems.com
<br />