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��14�4��1 <br /> ����.�W��. �`�V�I�TAI�T� th����rrnw�r�� ��wfi�l���P��P� n���P P����P����hy�n��Py�� ��� ��� �hP ri�h�tn <br /> grant and�on�rey the Property and that�he Pr�perty is u�encumber�d, except for encumbrances of record. <br /> Borrow�r warrants and wil� defend general�y the t�tle to �h�Property a�a�nst a�� c�a�ms and demands, subject �o <br /> any. encumbrances of rec�rd. <br /> TH�� SE�UR�TY �NSTRUMENT combines unif�rm covenants for national use and non-un�form covenants vvith <br /> ���nited variati�ns by�urisdiction to cons�itu�e a unif�rm se�urity instrument�o�ering real proper�y. <br /> Unifarm Covenants. Borro�ver and Len�.�r c��enant and agree as fol�ows: <br /> �. Payment �f Pr�ncipai, inte�est, Es�rvw Items, Prepayment Charges, and Lat� �harges. Barrower <br /> sha�l pay wh�n due the principal af, and �n��res�on, the debt evid�nced by the Not�and any pr�payment <br /> charges and late charges du�under the No�e. Borrawer sha�l alsa pay funds for Escrow Items pursuar���o <br /> �ecti�n 3. Pa�ments du�untier the Note and�h�s Secur��y �nstrument shall be made in U.S, curren�y. <br /> Ho�vever, if any check or other ins�rurnent r��e���d by Lender as payment under the No�e nr�h�s Secur���r <br /> �nstrumen�is returned t�Lender unpa��i, Lender�nay requzre�ha�any or a�� subs�quent pa�men�s du�under <br /> the N��e and thi� Security �ns�rument b�made�n one or more of�he fo��ow�ng farms, as se�ec�ed by Lend�r: <br /> �a} cash; �b�m�n�y order; �c} cer��f�ed che�k, bank check, tr�asurer's check or cash�er's check, pravid�d an�r <br /> such chec�zs drawn upon an inst��u��on vvhos�d�posits are insured by a federal a�enc�r, �nstrum�n�a�ity, or <br /> enti�y; or�d} E�ectronic Fund�Transfer. <br /> Payments are d�em�d r�cei�e�by Lender�vhen rece�ved at the loca�ion designated in the N�te nr a�such <br /> other�ocat�on as may be des�gnat�d b� Lender in acc�rdance w�th the n�tice pr�visions in Sec��on �5. <br /> Lender may return any paymen�or partia�pa�rx�ent if the pa�rment or part�a�paym�nts are insuf��c�ent ta <br /> bring�he Loan current. Lender rnay accept an�payment or par��a� paymen� �nsuf�c�en��o�r�ng the Loan <br /> curren�, w��haut waiver of any r�ghts hereunder�r pre�udice t� i�s righ�s t� r�fuse such payment or par�ial <br /> paymen�s in the future, �ut Lender is na��b��ga��d t�apply su�h paym�nts a��he time such payments are <br /> a�cep��d. �f�ach Periodic Payment is applied as of��s scheduled due dat�, �hen Lend�r ne�d no�pay �n�er�st <br /> a��a�a�ppl��� funds, L�nder may hold su�h unapp��ed funds unt�� Borrower makes payments�a br�n�th� <br /> Loan curre�t. If Borrow�r does not da so within a reasanable period of t�me, Lender sha��either app�y such <br /> funds or return them to Borr�w�r. �f not applied ear�ier, such funds wi��be applied�a th�outstanding <br /> principal ba�an�e under the Not�immed�ate�y pr�or t� forecl�sure, No offs���r claim wh�ch Borrovver migh� <br /> ha�e now or in the fu�ur�aga�ns�Ler�der sha�� re�zeve Borra�er from mak�ng paym�nts due und�r the N�t� <br /> and�h�s S�curity Instrumen�ar perfarming the c�venants and agre�xnents secured by thxs Security <br /> �nstrumen�. <br /> �. Applicatian of Payments a� Proceeds. Except as�therwise described in this S��tion 2, all pa�men�s <br /> accep�ed and app��ed by Lender shal�be app��ed zn�he fol�owing�r��r of priority: �a} int�rest due under�he <br /> l�ote; �b}principa�due und�r the N��e; �c} amounts du�under Sect�on 3. Such paym�n�s sha��b�appl�ed to <br /> ea�h Perindic Paymen�in the arder in whi�h it became due. An�r r�maining amounts sha�� be app��ed f�rs�to <br /> �ate charges, sec�nd to any flther amounts�.ue ur�d�r this Securi�y Instrument, and�hen�o reduce the <br /> princ�pa�ba�ance of�he Note. <br /> If Lender r�ce�ves a payment fram Barrower for a delinquen�Periadi�Payment which inc�udes a suff�c��nt <br /> amaunt�o pay any late charge du�, the payment may be applied ta the delinquent payment and the late <br /> charge. If more�han�ne Peri�dic Payment zs outstanding, Lend�r may apply any payment receiv�d fr�m <br /> Barr�u�er to�he r�payment�f the P�r�Qd�c Pa�rments if, and to th�ext�nt that, each payment can be pai� in <br /> full. To �he e�ten�tha�a.r�y excess ex�sts after�he payment is applied to th�full payment of one or rnore <br /> Periodic Payments, such ex��ss may be app��ed to any Iate charges due. Valuntary prepaymen�s sha�l b� <br /> applied firs�to any prepayment charges and then as described in the N�te. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famiiy-�annie MaelFreddie Ma�UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT Fvrm 3q28 11�i <br /> VMP Q VMP6SN�Z{13DZf <br /> Wvlt�rs Kluw�r�inan�ia!5er�ices Page 4 of 17 <br />