<br /> in�he Property and r�gh�s under th�s S�cur�ty Ins�rument; and �d} takes such act�on as Lender may
<br /> r�asonab�y requir�t�assure tha�Lender's interes��n the Property and righ�s under�h�s S�curi�y Instrumen�y
<br /> and Borrawer's ob��gat�on�o pay the sums secured by th�s Secur��y�nstrumen�, shalx continue un�hanged.
<br /> Lender may require�hat Borravv�r pay such reins�a��ment sums and expenses in one or mare af th�fo�lovv�ng
<br /> forms, as seiec�ed�y Lend�r: �a��ash; th} mone�or�er; �c} cert��ed che�k, bank check, �reasurer's ch�ck or
<br /> cashier's check, pr��ided any such check is drav�n upon an inst�tu�.�on vWhose depos��s ar�insured by a
<br /> federai agency, ins�rumen�a�ity or entit�; �r�d} E�ec�ronic Funds Trar�sfer. Upon re�nstatement by B�rrawer,
<br /> th�s Security Instrurnen�and obl�ga�ions secured hereby shall remain full�effecti��as if no acc��era�ion had
<br /> oecurred. However, �h�s r�gh�to reinstate shall n�t apply in the case of acce��ra�xon und�r Sec��an I8.
<br /> ��. Sale af N�te; Change af Loan Ser�icer; Natice of Grierrance. Th� Note or a par�ial inter�st in the
<br /> Nate ttoge�her wi�h this Se�urity �ns�rumen�} �an be sald�ne or m.are times�v��hout priar no��ce�o
<br /> Barrower. A sale might r�su���n a change in the entity �known as�he "�oar� S�rvicer"} tha�colle��s P�r�od��
<br /> Pa�m�nts due under th�Note and th�s Security Instrumen�and p�rf�rms other mor�gage loan servic�ng
<br /> ob��gatxons under th�No�e, this Securxty �nstrument, and App��cable Law. There aisa might b�one or xnore
<br /> �hanges af the Loan Servi�er unrela�ed�o a sa�e of the Note. �f there�s a chang�af the L�an Ser��cer,
<br /> Barrov�er wi��be given v�rx�t�n notice of�he change wh�ch w�ll s�ate th�name and address of�he ne�r Loan
<br /> Ser��c�r, the address ta w�.ich pa�men�s should be made and any other inforrnat�on RESPA requires�n
<br /> connection v�ith a no�tic�of�ransfer of ser�icing. If the N�te�s so�d and thereafter�he Loan�s serv�ced b�r a
<br /> Laan Servicer nther�han�he purchaser of the Note, �he mortgage l�an ser��c�ng a�l�gations�o Borrower will
<br /> remain with�he Laan 5er�icer�r be transferred to a successar Lflan Serv�cer and are no�assumed by�he
<br /> Note purchaser unless otherwise provided b�the No�e purchaser.
<br /> Ne��her B�rrower nor Lender may commence,jo�n, or be jo�ned�o an��ud�c�al act�on�as either an
<br /> �ndi�idua� l�txga�at or�he member of a class}�hat arises fram the o�her par��r's actions pursuant to th�s
<br /> Security Ins�rumen�or that aXXeges�hat the other par��r has breached an�provis�on of, or an�duty�wed by
<br /> reason of, �his Securi�y Instrun�ent, un�i1 such Borr��ver or Lender has no�ifi�d�he o��.er party �vv�th such
<br /> no��ce given xn complianc�wi�h the re�uirements of Section 15}of such a�Xeg�d breach and afforded the
<br /> a�her par��r here�o a reasanabie per�od after the g��r�ng of such not�ce to�ake�orrective action. If Applicabl�
<br /> Law provides a time period wh�c�naus�e�apse bef�r�cer�ain ac�ian�an�e taken, that time periad w�l�be
<br /> d�emed t�be reas�nabie for purpases of th�s paragraph. The notice of acceiera�i�n and oppor�un��y tn cure
<br /> giv�n t�B�rrower pursuant�o Se�tion 2�and�h�notice of acce��ration gi�en to B�rrower pursuant�o
<br /> Sec��on 1$ sha�l be deemed to satisfy�he notice and opportuni��r to�ake correc�ive action pro��sions of this
<br /> Sect�on 2D.
<br /> �'i. Hazardous Substances. As us�d in this Sect�on 2�: �a} "H�,�ardous Subs�ances" are thase substances
<br /> de�ned as t�xic or hazardou� su�s�ances, pollutants, or was��s by En�iranmen�al La� and�he fall�wing
<br /> substances: gasal�ne, kerosene, �ther flammable or�o�.�c petr�leum products, �ox�c pesti�id�s and herbiGides,
<br /> �olati�e s��vents, materza�s Gonta�n�n� asb�stos or form.aldeh�de, and radioac�ive mater�a�s; �b}
<br /> "Environn�ental L�w"means f�deral laws and Iaws af the jurisd�ction where the Propert� is��ca�ed�hat
<br /> re�a�e�o health, safety or environmenta� pro�ec�ion; �c} "Enviran��rental CrQanup" �ncludes any respanse
<br /> action, remed�a� actxon, ar remova� ac�ion, as def�n�d �n Environmenta� Law; and �d} an "Environrrtentar
<br /> �`anditinn"means a condit�on�hat can cause, con�r�bu�e t�, ar oth�rwise�r�g�er an En�ironmental C�eanup.
<br /> Borrav�rer shall not cause ar permi��he presence, use, d�spflsal, s�orage, or releas�of any Hazardous
<br /> Subs�anc�s, or threa�en to r��ease an� �azardous Subs�ances, �n ar in th� Proper��. Borr�urer sha�I nat do,
<br /> nor a��ow anyan��lse to da, an�rth�ng affec��ng the Proper�y (a}�ha�is �n�vi�la�ion of an� E��ironmenta�
<br /> Law, ��}whxch cr�ates an En�ir�nmen�a� Condition, or�c}wh��h, due t� the presence, use, �r re�ease of a
<br /> �3azardaus Su�stance, creat�s a conditi�n tha�ad�versely affec�s the va�ue of the Proper�y. The preceding two
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sir�gle Fam�ty-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNI��RM INSTRUM�NT �arrr►3�28'�1�1
<br /> VMP Q VMPa�e 1�3�of�i 7
<br /> Wolters K�uwer Financia�Ser�ic�s 9
<br />