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��14�4��� <br /> B�RR�WER��VENANTS that B�rrow�r is Iawfu���seised af the es�ate here�y con�ey�d and has the righ��o <br /> grant and conve�the Praper�y and�ha��he Proper�y is unencumbered, excep�for�ncumbrances of record. <br /> Borr�wer warran�s and�vii� d�fend gen�rally th�ti�le to the Property agains�all c�a�ms and demands, subje�t tn <br /> any encumbrances of recard, <br /> TH�� SECURITY INSTRUMENT comb�nes uniform covenants for nat��na�use a�ad non�uniform co�ena��s w�th <br /> ��rn��ed variations by jur��d��ti�n to const��ute a un�form security ins�rument cavering real pr�per��. <br /> U nif arm �a�enants. Borr�wer and Lender c�v�nar�t and agr�e as fa��o�vs: <br /> �. Payment �f Pr�n�ipa�, �nterest, Escrvw �tems, Prepayment Charges, and Late �narges. Bnrrower <br /> sha�l pay�vhen due the pr�ncipa� of, an.d �n�eres�an, th�debt e�idenced by the Nate and any pr�payment <br /> charges and�a�e charges due u��er th�N��e. B�rr��vver sha�� also pa�funds for Escraw ��em�pursuant to <br /> ��ctian�. Payments due under the Nate and�h�s Se�uri�y �ns�rumen�shall be made in U.S. currency. <br /> Hnw�ver, if any check or ather�nstrument r����ved by Lender as payment under the Note�r this Security <br /> �nstrument is r�turned to Lender unpaid, Lender may require tha�an�r or a�� subsequent paymen�s due under <br /> �he N�t�and th�s Secur�ty Instrumen��e made in�ne or mor�of the fo��aw�ng farms, as selected b� Lender: <br /> �a} cash; �b}maney order; �c}cer�ifzed che�k, bank�heck, treasurer's ch�ck or cash�er's check, provided any <br /> such che�k is drawn upan an ins�itu��an whas�dep�sits are�nsur�d by a f�deral agency, ins�rumen�a�zt�r, or <br /> enti�y; or�d} E�ectron�c Funds Transfer. <br /> Payrnents are deemed received by L��d�r when rece�v�d at the Iacation designated in the Note or a� such <br /> ather��cation as may be designated by L�nd�r in accordance w��h the notiCe prov�sions �n�e�tian �5. <br /> Lender may return any payment ar partial payment i�f th�payment ar par�ial pa�ments are insufficien��� <br /> brxng the L�an curr�n�. L�nder may acc�pt any payment�r par��al payment�nsuff�cient to bring �he Loan <br /> current, vv��hout wa�ver of any righ�s h�r�under�r prejudice to�ts rights ta refuse such payment or par��al. <br /> payments in the futur�, but Lender is not ob�igated to a�ply such payments at th�t�me such payments are <br /> accepted. If each Periodic Payment is applied as of its sch�du�ed du�da��, then L�nder n��d nat pay in�erest <br /> on unapp�ied fi�.nds. Lender may ha�d such unapplied funds unt�� Borr�wer make�payments �o bring �h� <br /> �.aan curr�n�. If��rrn�vver�.�es not da sa�vith�n a reas�na�le period af��n1e, �Lender sha�� �i�h�r app�y suc�. <br /> funds or return them to Barr�vver. �f not app��ed�arlier, such funds vvil�be applied to�he ou��tand�ng <br /> principal ba�ance under the N�te�mm�dzate�y pr�ar�� foreclosure. No offse�ar claim which Borrawer m�ght <br /> ha�ve naw or�n�he fu�ure agains� Lender shall re��eve Borra�ver from mak�ng payments due under�h�Note <br /> and th�s �e�urity �nstrument or performing the c��enaxzts and agreemen�s secur�d by th�s Secur�ty <br /> �n��rument. <br /> �. Application �f Payments �r Rrvicee�s. Except as��herv�ise described�n this Sect�on 2, a�l payments <br /> accepted and app��ed�y Lender sha�l b�appli�d in th�fa�l�wing order af priorzty: �a} in�eres�due under the <br /> Note; �b}princzpa�due under the Note; �c} amounts due under S�ct��n 3. Su�h paymen�s sha11 be applied to <br /> each P�r�odic Paymen�in the order in vvh�ch �t b�came due. An�r rema�n�ng a�mounts sha��be applied f�rs�ta <br /> la�e charges, second to any o�her amounts du�und�r this Security�ns�rument, and�hen to reduce�he <br /> principal balanc��f th�N��e. <br /> If Lender rece��es a pa�men�froxn Borrower for a de��nquent Per��dic Payment tivhich�ncludes a suffici�nt <br /> am�unt�a pay any late charge du�, �he payment m.a�r be app��ed to the de�inquent pa�m�nt an�the late <br /> �harg�. If more�han�ne Period�c Pa�ment is�utstand�ng, Lender may app�y any payment rec�i�ed from <br /> Barrower to �he repa�ment af the Per��d��Payments if, and�o�he ex�en�tha�, ea�h payment can be paid�n <br /> fux�. T� �h��x�ent that any e�ces�e�zs�s aft�r�he paym�nt�s app��eci t�the fu��payment of one or more <br /> Per�od�c Payments, such�xcess n�ay be app�i�d to any late charges due. Va�un�ary prepayments sha�� be <br /> app���d�r��to any prepayment c�arges a.�ad then a� described�n the No�e. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN#F�RM INSTRUM�NT �arm 302$'�1�1 <br /> VMP(� VMPfitNE�{13�Zy <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial 5er�ices Page 4 of'�7 <br />